Chapter 130
"Aren't you going to take me to play? What are you doing here?" Yao Yi looked at the building in front of him and asked Shan Yisheng curiously.

"You'll know when you get up." Shan Yisheng didn't answer much, and took Yao Yiyi's hand to take the elevator.

Although Yao Yiyi was curious, seeing Shan Yisheng not in a hurry to explain, he didn't ask any more questions, and just followed him.

There were not many people in the building, and there were no other people inside when taking the elevator. Yao Yi stared absently at the slowly rising number, and she was obviously a little nervous in the closed space where there were only two people.

Shan Yisheng was in a good mood, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his evil eyes seemed to be able to attract people in.

"Yiyi, why don't you dare to look at me, eh?" There was a slight teasing in the voice, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, feeling his voice was right next to his ears, and his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

"I... I just hope to get to the top of the building quickly. When you speak, please speak carefully, and don't get so close!" Yao Yiyi stuttered a little, and Yao Yiyi felt that he was too disappointing.

Hearing these words, the corners of Shan Yisheng's mouth curled up even more, but he really didn't move.

Only after reaching the top floor did Yao Yiyi know why Shan Yisheng brought her here. The top floor of the building is a place for public sightseeing, because the building is built very high, and the top floor can overlook the entire Singapore city, which is very beautiful. .

Yao Yiyi was not what he was before, and he casually glanced through the binoculars before discovering the mystery, because the top floor is surrounded by glass, so it is very convenient to see from any side.

"How is it? Does it look good?" Shan Yisheng hugged Yao Yiyi from behind, as if he didn't care that there were other people around. Fortunately, there are not many people around now. The hand on the waist was too tight, so I gave up.

Singapore is actually not that big, it's just a small island, but if you can see all the scenery from the highest point at a glance, you can imagine how beautiful it will be.

The two returned to the hotel until very late, Yao Yiyi was worried about how to explain to Chu Cheng, and walked upstairs absent-mindedly, only to find that Shan Yisheng had been following behind him when he reached the floor where his room was located. .

"What have you been following me for?"

Shan Yisheng gave her a strange look, his brows curled up: "Yi Yi, I just want to go back to my room, so I'm following you."

After speaking, he wiped his hands in his pockets and walked slowly forward. Yao Yi followed behind him half-believingly, seemingly unbelievable.

If you go further inside, you will be in her room.

Yao Yiyi frowned, saw Shan Yisheng stop in front of his room, then turned around and smiled at her: "Yiyi, good night." After speaking, he turned right and entered the room on the right.

Yao Yiyi looked at him in disbelief, nodded dumbly, took out his room card and went into the room opposite Shan Yisheng.

Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

Chu Cheng looked at the time and frowned very closely. It's already this time. Could it be that she hasn't come back yet?

What the hell did he go out with Shan Yisheng? He actually went out for a day. Fortunately, he made an appointment with the person in charge of the acquisition company tomorrow. If it were today, everything would be over.

He didn't go out all day today, thinking that she would come back until noon at most, but this time, he waited until evening.

During this period, he made several phone calls, but what was ridiculous was that her mobile phone was turned off all the time.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, Chu Cheng stood up and decided to go to her room to have a look, maybe she had already returned.

Yao Yiyi was lying on the bed tired and motionless, when he heard someone knock on the door, he struggled to get up.

"Chu Cheng?" The person outside the door had a bad expression on his face. Yao Yiyi guessed that he was angry with him because of what happened in the morning. Looking for me?"

"I haven't seen you all day, and I was worried that something might happen to you, so I came here to see you. It's good to see that you're okay now." After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Yao Yiyi was stunned at the door. After closing the door, he asked her with a gloomy face, "Where's your cell phone?"

"Ah?" It seemed that the topic changed too quickly, and she didn't change it. After a long time, she belatedly pointed to the bag in her room, "Where is my handbag, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just asking, you obviously brought your mobile phone, why doesn't your mobile phone turn on?"

Yao Yiyi felt that Chu Cheng was very strange today, not at all as gentle and polite as usual, but she still explained: "My mobile phone is always on, otherwise why would I put it in my bag." After speaking, she turned around Holding his mobile phone, Chu Cheng's eyes sank, and he followed her footsteps.

Yao Yiyi took out his mobile phone, and found that the mobile phone was turned off as Chu Cheng said. He felt puzzled, could it be that there was no battery?Now, it seems that no matter how you explain it, you can't explain it clearly.

"I... I don't know why it shut down, maybe I accidentally pressed the power off button." Yao Yiyi, who was still kept in the dark, didn't know that it was all done by someone.

"En." Chu Cheng replied briefly, but his face seemed to be even worse, "Have you eaten yet, shall I take you to eat?"

"You haven't eaten yet?" Yao Yiyi looked at him in surprise, it's not too early now, it's past time for dinner.

"Have you already eaten?" Chu Cheng's eyes dimmed slightly, and then he raised his eyes to look at her, "You can accompany me to eat something, I haven't eaten today."

Yao Yiyi lowered his eyes and hesitated for a moment, she was indeed a little tired after playing all day today, but he said that he didn't eat well today, it must be because he was worried about himself.

"Okay, wait for me for a while, I'll change clothes." Yao Yiyi took out a slightly thicker coat from the suitcase and changed it casually, "Okay, let's go."

Chu Cheng stood at the door of the hotel and looked around: "Where do you want to go?" He is actually not familiar with Singapore, but since he is here, he must have fun.

Pointing to the opposite side, Yao Yiyi asked puzzledly, "Why don't you eat in the hotel?" The same goes for breakfast, obviously you are staying in a hotel, but you have to go all the way to get a meal.

Chu Cheng didn't speak, but just turned his head to look at her. Her skin is very good, and her appearance is also gentle and beautiful. When looking at people with those eyes, it is easy to make others fascinated.

She is not a girl who can surprise people at first glance, but she is very attractive.

Chu Cheng swallowed with some difficulty, looked down at the little hand on her leg, and slowly stretched it out.

Luo Jiawei ruthlessly threw the document in his hand on Luo Minghao's body, with an uncontrollable anger on his face: "Tell me what's going on with you recently? Huh? You're so close to that daughter of the Yao family, how can you still be so close?" Buy him some expensive things every once in a while, you are still very rich recently!" Luo Jiawei's face was very pale with obvious sarcasm mixed in his tone.

"Dad, don't worry about it so much, I'll know what I'm doing, so don't worry about it so much?"

The impatience on his face angered Luo Jiawei even more. He was so angry that he couldn't speak, and pointed at Luo Minghao with trembling fingers: "You know what you are doing? Luo Minghao, let me tell you, don't think that I don't know your things. Where did the money come from, the company's accounts will be clearly recorded, and you are not afraid of being discovered again!"

Sitting behind the desk, Luo Jiawei looked at Luo Minghao with hatred. At first, he thought that he had some kind of relationship with Yao's daughter Lin Mowan walking so close, so he just turned a blind eye. I just didn't say anything, I didn't expect it to turn out like this in the end.

"Dad, what are you in a hurry for? Don't you know how much weaker our consortium is compared to Yao's? I will spend the money I spend now and get it back bit by bit in the future. If Lin Mowan likes clothes, I will give them to her." Clothes, if you like jewelry, I will give her jewelry, and when the two of us get married in the future, Yao's is not mine yet, I can't catch a wolf with this one, so don't worry about it too much."

When Luo Minghao said these words, his confidence was obviously lacking. In fact, he was a little hesitant long ago. He didn't give Lin Mowan those limited clothes, limited jewelry, and national limited designer bags, but for the sake of the future, he is now Must endure.

Although Lin Mowan doesn't have much ability, he will be good at that time. The things he likes are either limited to the world or limited to the whole country. The prices are all high. The status of the consortium in the business world is not high. Sharing the profits, so after buying Lin Mowan a few times, he didn't have much money, so he hit the company's idea.

Anyway, there is a dad in the company covering me!
He is unscrupulous with such a mentality.

Luo Jiawei supported his head and didn't want to look at him: "You prodigal son, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, if you don't make up the money, you will definitely be discovered, Minghao, haven't you thought about what you will do if you are discovered?"

Luo Minghao didn't speak, Luo Jiawei sighed helplessly: "Okay, you go out first, I'll help you find a solution for this matter."

The only way now is to fill this vacancy with his own money, Luo Minghao knows, but this is the only way at present, otherwise, if he finds out that he embezzled public funds privately, there will be no good results.

"Dad, I'll go out first then."

Luo Jiawei waved his hands without looking at him, and suddenly stopped him as if he had thought of something, "Minghao, I don't know what you're planning in the Yao family, Dad hopes you can take your heart back as soon as possible, He Qing's appetite is very good Big, I guess if you didn't manage to eat a little bit of meat, you would be chewed up by Yao Shi to the bone and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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