Chapter 140 Useless Stuff!
Mo Ziyan smiled softly, didn't take his question seriously at all, and didn't intend to answer it, she still looked at Yao Yiyi: "Let's take a look first, if you have any questions, you can directly ask them. "

Yao Yi nodded, glanced at Chu Cheng, and lowered his head to look at the documents.

Mo Ziyan smiled at the corner of her mouth, looking at Yao Yiyi who was looking at the document with her head lowered in front of her. It seemed that she didn't know that Shan Yisheng's acquisition was offered to her by both hands.

Chu Cheng frowned and went to look at Mo Ziyan, but he didn't find anything wrong, so he leaned his head to look at the documents.

Yao Yiyi read it carefully, and found that the requirements and items written on it were normal, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"There is no problem, Ms. Mo. It seems that we can happily sign this contract." The successful acquisition of this company in Singapore will undoubtedly bring more objective benefits to Yao.

After signing the contract, Yao Yiyi and Chu Cheng stood up and prepared to leave. For some reason, she missed Shan Yisheng and wanted to see him.


"Wait a minute." Mo Ziyan handed the document to the assistant beside her, and turned her head to look at Chu Cheng, "You can ask Shan Yisheng about the question that the gentleman asked just now, I think he will answer your questions. " After finishing speaking, Emi ignored them, nodded to the people around him and walked away, Yao Yiyi couldn't help frowning when she saw her back, and turned to look at Chu Cheng suspiciously, the latter just shrugged, Said that he did not know.

Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi returning to the car restlessly, thinking that there was something wrong with signing the contract, he couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Yi Yi, what's the matter, your complexion is not very good, did you encounter any problems signing the contract? "

Hearing the sound, Yao Yiyi looked up at Shan Yisheng. She didn't know what Mo Ziyan meant, but it was obvious that this matter had something to do with him.

Thinking of what happened between the two of them this morning, Yao Yiyi's heart became even more complicated. She hated the doubts in her heart, and also hated things that Mo Ziyan and Shan Yisheng both knew, but she didn't. It's like being excluded by the two of them.

Shan Yisheng briefly kept silent and didn't ask any more questions. Qin Meihui drove directly to the hotel she had booked before.

The car drove halfway and slowly stopped, Shan Yisheng looked at Chu Cheng who was sitting safely on the passenger seat with no expression on his face: "Mr. Chu, you can get out of the car now."

There was no emotion in the tone, it was obvious that he was trying to drive people away.

Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly raised the corners of his mouth, mockingly: "What do you mean?"

"You should understand." Shan Yisheng was not in the mood to chat with him, he helped He Qing deal with herself, one by one, and if possible, he would definitely teach him a lesson.

"Okay, I'll get out of the car." Chu Cheng replied indifferently, opened the car door and turned to look at Yao Yiyi, with an intimate and gentle expression on his face, "Yi Yi, get out of the car, I'll take you to dinner."

Yao Yiyi looked at her dully. Originally, she was absent-minded and thinking about something, but now she was puzzled when someone called her, and she didn't know what the other party said.

Shan Yisheng lowered his eyes to look at Yao Yiyi, covered Yao Yiyi's small hand with his big hand, and said in an undeniable tone: "I don't want you to worry about Yiyi, Mr. Chu go away."

Chu Cheng ignored Shan Yisheng, turned to look at Yao Yiyi, seeing that the latter had no intention of going with him at all, secretly clenched his fists, and got out of the car.

Before the man could turn around, the car drove away quickly, Chu Cheng smiled viciously, since you forced me to do anything, don't blame me for anything!

Soon after arriving at the reserved restaurant, Yao Yiyi followed behind Shan Yisheng, hesitating how he should ask.

Qin Meihui looked at the back of the two leaving, and sighed softly, just being together so well, isn't it good?
Yao Yiyi was still a little restless until she sat down. Shan Yisheng leaned over to her, held her head with his palms, pressed his forehead against hers, and muttered to himself : "Why is her face so ugly, is she sick?"

The touch of warm skin made Yao Yiyi tremble for a moment, she raised her eyes to look at him, the worry in her eyes was obvious.

His heartbeat accelerated in an instant, Yao Yiyi stretched out his hand to push him away, and stammered an explanation: "I...I'm fine, let's eat, I'm a little hungry."

Shan Yisheng thought it was funny to see Yao Yiyi not knowing what was wrong, her dark eyes rolled around, but she didn't dare to look at herself.

"Sure enough, the company in Singapore was successfully acquired by Yao Yiyi again this time. It seems that before Yao Yiyi left, he really did a lot for Yao. I really feel for Qixiong Proud, I gave birth to a daughter who is capable and capable, haha." After hanging up the phone, He Qing sat behind the desk with a satisfied smile, while Lin Mowan sat on the sofa without saying a word, but there was something in her eyes. With obvious disdain.

"Mo Wan, I heard recently that you and Luo Minghao are getting close, do you like him?" Seeing her daughter's unhappy face, He Qing suppressed the smile on her face, got up slowly and walked to Lin Mowan's side.

"No way, Luo Minghao is just the son of a consortium. If he wants to match me, Lin Mowan, he's still a long way off! If it wasn't because I don't have enough money to buy those beautiful clothes recently, I wouldn't take the initiative Looking for him!" Lin Mowan sneered disdainfully, then looked at He Qing as if thinking of something on her face, "Mom, you said Yao Yiyi came back today?"

"En." He Qing nodded, "This time I specially asked that Chu Cheng to go with Yao Yiyi, I thought he could handle Yao Yiyi, but who knew that he called and said that Yao Yiyi is now leaving with Shan Yisheng It's so close, it's really useless." Because of her age, He Qing couldn't hide the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes even with the most delicate makeup.

"Tch, such a pauper should not have believed it in the first place." Lin Mowan picked up the coffee cup and sniffed it at the tip of her nose, and took a shallow sip.

"So, if I continue to be so merciful, Chu Cheng will not make harsh moves. Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng must be cut off!" He Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, "Chu Cheng, he Such a person, if he doesn't give him a wink, he probably won't be obedient."

In fact, He Qing didn't know that people like Chu Cheng really didn't listen to her because she made a cruel move.

"Mom, what should we do now?" Lin Mowan felt the atmosphere as soon as she imagined the scene of Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi sticking together sweetly. Back then, she only got close to him and was driven away. What, what Lin Mowan can't get, Yao Yiyi can have, and she will spare no effort.

"Don't act rashly!" He Qing glanced at Lin Mowan, then went to sit behind the desk and sat down, "You have seen it before, Yao Yiyi is not easily bullied by you like before, if you do something more If you make a move, you may be the one who will suffer in the end." After a pause, he picked up the document in his hand, "I will tell you what I should do in the future, put away your big temper, I have thought about it, If we keep treating Yao Yiyi badly, it will be very difficult for us to get the rest of the Yao family's property from her, so now we need to change our approach and think of ways to treat her well, so that we have a chance Successfully acquired the property."

Lin Mowan sneered disdainfully: "Mom, I heard you right, you asked me to curry favor with that disgusting woman?" Lin Mowan's face was mocking as if she had heard a big joke.

"What do you know!" Seeing that Lin Mowan didn't take her words to heart at all, He Qing couldn't help but turn serious, she couldn't let her spoil her plan, "Just do what I said, don't worry about it so much , Okay, you go out." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and looked at the document seriously, as if he didn't want to pay attention to her any more.

Lin Mowan hated Yao Yiyi to death in her heart, if she stood in front of her now, she wished she could strangle her to death.

Seeing He Qing's unhappy face, she didn't say anything, stood up and walked out of the office.

Isn't it just Yao Yiyi, who can really turn the world upside down!
The meal was almost done, Yao Yiyi put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Shan Yisheng in front of him, he didn't know if he was hungry or he had already eaten something when he signed the contract, so he put down the chopsticks without eating much.

"Shan Yisheng, we..."

"Hush." ​​Shan Yisheng made a silence gesture to Yao Yiyi, his eyes were full of tenderness, "Yiyi, eat quickly, we can talk about something after we are full."

Yao Yiyi stared at him blankly, then nodded, "I'm full."

Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled helplessly, beckoned to the waiter, and after paying the bill, took Yiyi's hand and walked out.

Maybe it was because the time was too late, it was past the time for lunch, and there were very few people in the restaurant, Yao Yiyi looked down at the two hands holding each other, feeling a little emotional for a moment.

The two of them, the two without any relationship, happened something that shouldn't have happened, and she didn't feel panicked at all.

I couldn't help but raise the corners of my mouth, a little helpless and sweet.

"What are you laughing at?" The person in front stopped for some reason and looked at her jokingly.

"Nothing?" Yao Yiyi spoke lightly. Just as he was about to say something, he thought about the phone. He withdrew his hand and took out the phone to look at it. His expression turned pale in an instant, "I'll answer the phone first."

Shaking the phone in his hand at Shan Yisheng, he took a step away to answer the call.

"Hello?" She didn't have a title, she didn't know what to call her, she couldn't call her mother, she couldn't say it, and she called him president, this is not in the company!

"Yiyi, I heard that you successfully acquired a company in Singapore?" He Qing's voice was a little excited, Yao Yiyi smiled mockingly after hearing it, and only at this time, her tone would be a little bit better.

(End of this chapter)

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