Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 166 Just You and Me

Chapter 166 Just You and Me
Shan Yisheng observed Yao Yiyi's expression and drew the ticket in her hand.Yao Yiyi thought he was going to take it back, and exclaimed, "Ah, what are you doing? Give it back to me!"

Subconsciously, I reached out to snatch it back.

Seeing her nervous look, Shan Yisheng couldn't help but smile happily: "Yiyi, don't be too nervous." After speaking, he took the bag from Yao Yiyi's hand, took out the leather bag inside, Then carefully put the plane ticket into the wallet.

When Yao Yiyi saw that Shan Yisheng seemed to just want to put the tickets away for him, he blushed a little embarrassed, and turned away from looking at him.

Shan Yisheng chuckled, took her in his arms and walked back slowly: "You have to see clearly, this is tomorrow's plane, if you don't come, I will fly abroad and never come back again, you I will never be found again."

Yao Yiyi pretended not to care at the beginning: "Cut, who is going to find you!" Although she said so, she felt inexplicably flustered in her heart. Will one day, she really can't find you? him?
When Yao Yiyi returned home, she found He Qing and Lin Mowan sitting in the hall with different expressions on their faces. She gave them a puzzled look, and prepared to go upstairs without saying anything.

He Qing's complexion was very ugly, but she still tried her best to restrain the anger on her face: "Yiyi, come here for a while." There is a reason for her such a good tone, if she had never had such a good attitude before.

Yao Yiyi stopped and looked suspiciously at the three of them. Luo Minghao was also there. Did something happen again?
The voice of the female anchor on the TV was still as pleasant as ever. Yao Yiyi vaguely heard "Yao Family" and "Sy Group". Yao Yiyi casually glanced at it and didn't care.

"Look at the news." He Qing raised her chin and pointed to the TV, her expression remained unchanged. Yao Yiyi raised her eyes to look at Lin Mowan, she looked like she was watching a show.

What is it about the news that made a few people look so serious?

Yao Yiyi was originally standing on the side, and couldn't see the main content on the TV at all. When he got closer, he saw the big title at the bottom of the screen.

"The daughter of the Yao family and the president of sy showed affection on the street, which is different from what the previous president of the Yao family said!"

"According to our station's entertainment reporter, they said that they recently took intimate photos of the president of Sy Group and Yao's daughter. The two behaved naturally, as if they were trying to make a scandal. Not long ago, Yao's anniversary was celebrated The reason why the president said he didn't recognize Yao's daughter was because the president of Sy Group, Shan Yisheng, made trouble, and now it seems that it is very likely that Yao's president is lying..."

The TV was overlaid with a photo of herself and Shan Yisheng hugging each other. Yao Yiyi looked at it carefully, and it turned out that it was a photo of her and Shan Yisheng going to dinner before.

"Yiyi, do you know that once this news was broadcast, it would have a very bad influence on Yao Shi, and I told you a long time ago that Shan Yisheng has other purposes for being with you, It's fine if you don't listen to my advice, but now you have caused me such a thing!" The more she said, the more ugly He Qing's face became, and her voice couldn't help but get louder.

Yao Yiyi was slightly taken aback, saying that it is impossible not to panic, how could he be so careless and be photographed by an entertainment reporter, will it have any impact on Shan Yisheng?
Seeing Yao Yiyi's absent-mindedness, He Qing became even more angry. At the anniversary celebration, she said in front of so many people that the reason why she didn't recognize Yao Yiyi, who had lost her memory, was because of Shan Yisheng. Now that the relationship between the two is exposed in front of everyone, doesn't it mean that he is lying?
These few photos seemed to be scratched on her face, leaving her face with no place to put it.

The hall became a little quiet in an instant. Looking at Yao Yiyi's figure, Luo Minghao had complicated emotions in his heart. He didn't want her to be happy, so he never thought of helping her when she was in trouble, even for himself. His revenge has been secretly causing her all kinds of troubles, but he always thinks of those memories inadvertently.

Without saying a word, He Qing seemed too lazy to say anything else, but simply ordered a few servants to arrange the hall, and then went upstairs.

Lin Mowan saw He Qing's back disappearing at the top of the stairs, and the expression on her face instantly turned mocking. She looked Yao Yiyi up and down, and sneered, "I can't tell, I used to think you were cheap, but now it's time I found out, so you still have the ability to be shameless." After speaking, he walked upstairs, Yao Yiyi's face didn't have much ups and downs, as if he didn't hear Lin Mowan's words, and he didn't have any emotions at all.

Luo Minghao picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. His movements were gentle. Yao Yiyi thought he would say something to him. After all, in this family, only he and himself could be regarded as having a real blood relationship. of.

But who would have thought that Luo Minghao didn't say a word, but just walked past her, even giving her a stingy look.

Yao Yiyi bit her lip and smiled slightly, with obvious sarcasm, what exactly was she expecting.

Early the next morning, Shan Yisheng called and told her to remember to prepare things. Yao Yiyi was thinking about the news all night last night, although according to Shan Yisheng's reputation in the business world Looking at it, it is very likely to be followed by other reporters. Even if it is followed, this kind of news will be withdrawn as soon as it comes out. Why, this news is still alive!
Could it be that Shan Yisheng has been too tired from work these days and didn't notice this aspect?

"Yiyi, are you up yet, do you want me to pick you up?" Shan Yisheng got up very early, perhaps because he was in a good mood, he woke up early in the morning, brushed his teeth, and took care of himself Afterwards, he called Yao Yiyi in a refreshed suit.

"Don't come!" Yao Yiyi felt her scalp tingle when she thought about what happened yesterday. It wasn't that she was afraid that someone would take pictures of it again. Anyway, the news had already been broadcast, and it wouldn't be the same after being photographed. She was just afraid If he came, he would be seen by He Qing and the others. Their reaction was so impulsive last night. She didn't want him to be hurt, whether it was verbal or physical.

Seeing Yao Yiyi rejecting him without any hesitation, Shan Yisheng inevitably felt a little unhappy, frowned and asked her, "Why?"

"Uh..." Yao Yiyi stammered and didn't know how to explain it. Could it be that "someone took a picture of the two of us hugging each other, I think my mother will go crazy when she sees you"?
(End of this chapter)

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