Chapter 169 Chapter 170

Yao Yi took a look at the people around her and blushed immediately. She was really embarrassed to say such intimate words in a place with so many people.

Shan Yisheng knew that she was shy, chuckled a few times, took her hand and walked into the airport. Yao Yiyi was startled by the cold touch on her hand, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "It's so cold You haven't put on more clothes yet, just now you were standing outside blowing the air, Shan Yisheng, has your IQ dropped a lot these days?"

Shan Yisheng knew that she was feeling sorry for herself, so she raised her lips to change the subject: "Yiyi, do you remember that I told you to call me Sheng or Yisheng!"

His voice was low and his tone rose slightly, with a touch of flirting, Yao Yiyi blushed uselessly.

What's the matter, when she was with him, she felt that she was always shy easily, and she was obviously very agile when she spoke, but she couldn't say anything when she was in front of him.

Because of the large number of people, it took a long time for the two of them to finish everything. After a while, there was a notification that they could board the plane. Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng looked at each other. They looked at each other and smiled.

This is the first time for the two to go out alone. The previous trip to Singapore was also for work, not to mention that there are people around the two of them.

As the plane took off slowly, Shan Yisheng glanced at Yao Yiyi beside him, raised the corners of his mouth and straightened her hair on both sides: "Do you remember, we also sat together last time?"

Hearing his words, Yao Yiyi, who was originally looking out the window, turned back to look at him, as if thinking of something happy, he couldn't help laughing: "What a coincidence, I never thought that I would run into you."

Yao Yiyi's eyes were full of sighs, whether he was sighing about life or fate, Shan Yisheng didn't know, he just felt that now that he was sitting next to him, his heart was full, and he didn't need her to point him out. No matter how many things she has done, he only needs her to know that he loves her.

Holding Yao Yiyi's little hand in her own, Shan Yisheng pursed her lips and smiled.

He Qing couldn't stand Lin Mowan's entanglement, and finally decided to go abroad for vacation. Naturally, Lin Mowan was the happiest. He Qing glanced at Luo Minghao at the side, and asked him: "Minghao, are you going or not? This time, I just took advantage of this opportunity to be with Lin Mowan, and the two of us cultivated a relationship."

Luo Minghao raised his head, and looked at Lin Mowan pretending to be gentle, a little embarrassed: "Aunt He, of course I want to go with you at such a good opportunity, but you also know that the old man is alone at home, and I Usually I don’t have much chance to accompany him, but now I’m on annual leave, if I don’t accompany him, he might be so free that he complains to my mother in heaven every day about my unfilial piety.” When he said these words, he had a smile on his face , but there is still no emotion in the eyes.

"Since you have already said that, Aunt He can't say anything more. Wait for Mo Wan to come back to give you a New Year's gift. By the way, you can tell Lao Luo for me to pay attention to your body. This body is revolutionary. The capital must be protected." He Qing nodded, and began to get close to Luo Jiawei's identity.

People in the business world are like this. What they say and what they think in their hearts will never mean the same thing. Luo Minghao has been in the business world for so long, so he naturally knows a little bit. Seeing He Qing's polite manner How is it that I didn't respond.

Lin Mowan had already ordered the housekeeper to book the plane ticket. After Luo Minghao left, He Qing couldn't help asking her curiously: "Which country are you planning to go to?"

"Italy, I heard that there will be a fashion show the day after tomorrow. We will fly there this afternoon and have a day off tomorrow, so we can go to the fashion show the day after tomorrow." Lin Mowan was full of excitement, turning her head to look at He Qing, "Mom, what do you think?"

He Qing nodded, without any objection: "You have ordered the housekeeper to buy a ticket to Italy, what else can I say, but Mo Wan, why didn't you talk when Minghao was here just now, I see him Maybe he has real feelings for you, now, regardless of his worth, if we can use him, we still have to start with every detail."

After hearing He Qing's words, the smile on Lin Mowan's face disappeared in an instant, and she sneered disdainfully: "Mom, you don't know anything at all, no man is trustworthy, you said Luo Minghao likes Am I, you don’t know, that time I went to eat with him in a restaurant that just opened, and you actually helped a little waiter!”

Speaking of this past matter, Lin Mowan was still very angry, which was enough to see how dissatisfied she was.

He Qing sighed slightly, and looked at Lin Mowan with a bit of resentment: "You, you just don't know how to be flexible. The things my mother told you are not asking you to treat Luo Minghao wholeheartedly." He Qing slowly He went back to the sofa and sat down, "Now you have confused Luo Minghao, and you have to do everything you can to make him give up on you. No matter what you ask, he will help you. In this way, you will really help your mother a lot. Now that Yao's property has not been obtained, he must be used in many places."

Lin Mowan looked at He Qing with some displeasure, with obvious repulsion on her face, He Qing sat close to her, and then said: "Usually you are outside, remember that you are the daughter of the Yao family, and a daughter should look like a daughter, Don't be the same as before...?"

"Mom, I see. Why are you talking so much today? I have to catch a plane this afternoon. I'm going to pack my clothes first. You should hurry too." After speaking, she got up and walked upstairs. He didn't intend to listen to what he said, with deep disappointment in his eyes, he shook his head and didn't say anything else.

Chu Cheng looked at the time, the train was about to leave, and there were a lot of people at the station, and he managed to get this ticket from the Internet, otherwise he wouldn't know how to go back.

Before getting into the car, I bought some nutritional supplements for my parents. They would definitely not be willing to spend any money on food at home.

It seemed that he was really impatient to wait, Chu Cheng checked the time again, the time passed extremely slowly, he sighed slightly, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

What are you doing now?

It's getting late, and she should have gotten up early. According to her temperament, she has never been lazy, and she has no complaints yet.

I don't know why, as long as Chu Cheng thinks of Yao Yiyi, his heart warms up, as if he can inject a lot of positive energy because of this.

After playing with the not-so-advanced mobile phone, Chu Cheng still decided to call Yao Yiyi.

Then dialed out, the phone was quickly picked up, Chu Cheng was inexplicably surprised, just about to speak, a cold female voice came from the receiver: "Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

The smile on Chu Cheng's face stiffened, and he slowly frowned.

shutdown?It's already at this time, why is the phone still turned off? Could it be that she started to stay in bed even after the holiday?

Imagining Yao Yiyi lying in bed, Chu Cheng actually laughed a little, hung up the phone and sent a message: "Little slob, you can get up now."

Followed by a funny expression.

See the words "sent successfully" appearing on the screen of the mobile phone.Chu Cheng narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

This is not considered a long-distance bus, but there is still a certain distance to home. Yao Yiyi hasn't gotten up yet, and he will definitely not be able to reply to the message for a while. Chu Cheng put the phone back in his pocket, turned his head sideways and closed his eyes , Prepare for a little rest for a while.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate. Chu Cheng impatiently took out the phone and looked at it. His expression, which was originally not good, instantly softened. It was his mother's call.

Chu Cheng smiled faintly, thinking that his mother must be worried, so he called to ask him where he was: "Mom, you shouldn't worry, my car hasn't started yet, so I will call and ask you in 10 minutes The frequency of one time, my mobile phone is out of battery before I get home."

Chu Cheng smiled and joked with Chu's mother, and glanced around the car boredly. The seats were already full, and it seemed that they were all there, and the car would start soon.

Sure enough, after a while, the driver started the engine and slowly drove the car out of the station.

"Okay, Mom, the car has already left. You, stay at home and wait for a few hours and I will be home." After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone. No new text messages came in. I felt a little disappointed in my heart, but not much Think, put away the phone and find a comfortable position, close your eyes and go to sleep.

"Yiyi, we're here." Shan Yisheng gently pushed Yao Yiyi in his arms, his eyes were a little distressed, maybe he was so tired that he fell asleep not long after the plane took off, and he didn't wake up until now.

Yao Yiyi felt that someone was pushing her around, and woke up staggeringly, and Shan Yisheng's pretty face was magnified in front of her eyes.

Rubbing his eyes in a daze, Yao Yiyi blinked and asked him, "Are you there yet?"

"How long have you been sleeping? You've already arrived. Did you go to bed very late last night?" Shan Yisheng took the blanket covering her and put it aside, pulling her up.

Yao Yiyi was embarrassed by Shan Yisheng's words, touched the corner of her mouth, secretly thinking that it's a good thing she didn't drool, otherwise the dress on her would be scrapped.

The people in the cabin had already left, and Yao Yiyi was held by Shan Yisheng and followed behind him, feeling dizzy, perhaps because he had slept for too long.

Use the other hand to take out the phone from the pocket, and when it is turned on, it prompts that there is a new text message. Someone will send a message to her. I usually put the company phone in my pocket just to check the time, because I met after amnesia There are not many people, so there are not many people to contact.

Curiously clicking inside to have a look, Yao Yiyi couldn't help laughing "puchi", because the one holding the mobile phone is left-handed, and it's a bit clumsy when playing casually.

(End of this chapter)

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