Chapter 177 Where are you
When it came to the end, she burst into tears. The accident happened at the same time, shouldn't they be together? Why can't she even find him now?

Seeing Yao Yiyi like this, the doctor couldn't help but feel a little moved. She has been in the hospital for five or six years, but every time she sees such things, she still feels sad. When she first came to the hospital, she saw family members who were dying Crying there, she would stand in the corner and shed tears silently.

Now maybe I have seen more such situations, and it will not be like when I first came here, but the sadness in my heart is real.

"Miss, calm down, you were sent to the hospital by someone else, and there is no one else!" The female doctor held Yao Yiyi's shoulders and told her not to move, but what she didn't know was what she said. Yao Yiyi will lose control even more after he comes out!
"Mo Wan, it's time for us to go, now it's our turn to play!" He Qing put on her lipstick, pursed her lips, and looked excited. Sure enough, as long as there is a brain, there is nothing that is impossible!

Lin Mowan sat on He Qing's sofa and looked at her with an unhappy face: "Mom, where are you going?"

In fact, He Qing's skin is fine and fair, which is only obtained after maintenance. She is wearing expensive clothes. Apart from her out-of-shape figure, she does not look as old as her actual age.

"Watching a good show, I'm not in a good mood early in the morning, go to watch a play to adjust my mood." He Qing was already ready, she changed her clothes and stood beside Lin Mowan, she seemed a little unhappy when she saw that she didn't move, "Why are you still sitting still?"

"Don't you want to see what Yao Yiyi has become now?" Seeing Lin Mowan's reluctance, He Qing said lightly, "Not to mention that she has separated from Shan Yisheng now, you I also know that the biggest blow to a woman in love is to be separated from the person she likes, and now that she is a mud bodhisattva, it is hard to protect herself, and a man-made car accident must have broken arms and short legs!"

She put on a thick layer of false eyelashes, and put on eyeshadow, and she dressed up like she was going to a prom.

"Hmph, it's better to be disabled. Let her die when we successfully get what we want!" Lin Mowan stood up excitedly when she heard He Qing's words, and walked to her side with gloomy eyes ruthless.

The two took a taxi to the hospital, and walked slowly to the front desk to ask Yao Yiyi's ward. The person on the phone just told her which hospital Yao Yiyi was in, but didn't tell her which ward they were in.

The lady at the front desk stared at her beautiful eyes without any reaction at all, and only after a while did she speak Italian fluently.

The two looked at each other with some impatience on their faces, but they couldn't understand what the other was saying at all.

Suddenly He Qing bumped Lin Mowan with her hand: "Mo Wan, don't you speak English? Try talking to her in English."

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Mowan spoke English, the other party seemed to be suddenly enlightened, and told her about Yao Yiyi's ward.

The two casually went upstairs to find someone.

Yao Yiyi lives on the third floor, which can only be regarded as an ordinary ward. He Qing heard her cries from a long distance away, and after calming down her emotions, her smiling face immediately turned into a weeping look .

"Yiyi? Yiyi, are you okay?" He Qing hurried into the ward, saw Yao Yiyi lying on the hospital bed, a smile flashed in her eyes, but her face was full of worry, she had to say her The acting is really good.

Yao Yiyi raised his eyes with tears in his eyes when he heard the shout, and saw He Qing rushing towards him anxiously, and ran to his hospital bed: "Yiyi, are you okay, didn't you say you want to go to your friend's house?" Why is it showing up in Italy now?"

He Qing asked suspiciously, but Yao Yiyi was in no mood to answer such a question at this moment. In Italy, in such an unfamiliar place, it was rare to see someone he knew, even though he was not very close. Caring isn't much good either.

"Help me find Shan Yisheng, okay? The accident he happened with me must have happened in this hospital too. Let's see if he's okay, okay?" Yao Yiyi kept saying while pulling He Qing's clothes He couldn't stop, his face was full of pain, as if he couldn't breathe for the next moment.

"Are you with Shan Yisheng?" He Qing deliberately ignored Yao Yiyi's words, holding on to the previous question, "Yiyi, please make it clear to me that before you left, you clearly told me to go to a friend's house to play." Damn, but now not only in Italy, but also with Shan Yisheng."

How can Yao Yiyi care about these things now, all she thinks about now is Shan Yisheng, he can't have any accidents!

"I beg you, please help me find it..." The two people's words obviously did not match, He Qing frowned, patted Yao Yiyi's shoulder, and said to Lin Mowan who was standing aside: "Mo Wan, come here to accompany Yi Yi, me, call now and ask someone to find out where Shan Yisheng is!" After speaking, she winked at Lin Mo Wan, who looked displeased. She was willing, but since it was He Qing's order, she didn't refuse.

When Yao Yiyi heard He Qing said that she would send someone to look for Shan Yisheng, a gleam of light appeared in her eyes. She watched He Qing walk slowly to the door until she disappeared.

Lin Mowan looked at her in a state of disgust on the bed, she couldn't hide her disgust!

Yao Yiyi just pretended that she didn't exist and didn't look at her. Lin Mowan felt that looking at her was not enough to relieve her anger, so she looked at her fiercely: "Don't think about it anymore, you thought the car accident was just a joke. Just kidding, do you think everyone will die after a car accident, you are only alive because of luck, you know, Shan Yisheng is already dead!"

She stared fiercely, gritted her teeth and spit out some hurtful words, as if she would never be reconciled until she was completely hurt.

"You're talking nonsense!" The two got closer, and Yao Yiyi was so angry when he heard Lin Mowan's words, he grabbed her hair vigorously, and threw it aside regardless of the pain in her feet.

"Ah!" Lin Mowan screamed, and fell dizzily to the corner of the wall, hitting her head against the wall. She grinned in pain, and the anger in her heart was even worse. She dropped her bag and walked in front of Yao Yiyi regardless, shaking her hands He just slapped Yao Yiyi across the face.

He Qing sneaked into the women's bathroom, looked around, and saw that there was no one there, so she took out her mobile phone from her bag: "Hello?"

The other party was obviously a little puzzled, the matter had already been settled, why did he keep calling: "President?"

"Well, how is Shan Yisheng?"


He Qing frowned, and said puzzledly: "If you have something to say, just say it, what's the matter with hesitating."

"Yes! After we sent Yao Yiyi to the hospital, we came back to look for Shan Yisheng to see if he was dead, but who knows..."

He Qing's patience was exhausted, and her tone became serious: "Say!"

"When we arrived, Shan Yisheng was no longer in the car. At first we thought he had just regained some consciousness and ran away by himself, but we turned around but couldn't find anyone..."

"You mean that Shan Yisheng is not dead yet?" He Qing's voice suddenly became louder. Now Shan Yisheng can't see anyone, either he was rescued or went to the hospital by himself.

Isn't that plan all in vain, and once Shan Yisheng's body recovers, if he investigates this matter and knows that he is behind the scenes, he will definitely not let him go.

When He Qing thought of Shan Yisheng's cold eyes, she felt a little nervous. No one would know about Shan Yisheng's methods. It would be fine if he died in other places. If he suffered a little like Yao Yiyi, he would not die small injury...

"You can't even do what I ask you to do. I feed you for nothing? Useless nonsense, don't even think about getting the rest of the money!"

She was really pissed off, she was more than a failure!

Out of the toilet angrily,

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he found out Chu Cheng's phone number, turned around and walked back to the toilet.

Chu Cheng lay down on the bed helplessly, and sighed helplessly. Since the call to Yao Yiyi that night was answered by someone else, he had never called Yao Yiyi. He thought she would call to explain, although The relationship between the two is just friends, but his phone never rang that night. It cannot be denied that he was really disappointed in his heart.

He hasn't contacted her all this time. He doesn't know if he was angry because of that phone call, or he was waiting for her to call him.

But no matter what the reason, he didn't wait for her call.

Although the days in my hometown are a bit boring, they are very relaxing.The air in the countryside is actually very good, without the hustle and bustle of the city, sometimes sitting at the door and basking in the sun, the whole morning passed in a daze, and then unconsciously thinking, if she was sitting beside her...

In two days' time it would be New Year's Eve, and he couldn't help but feel that Yao Yiyi had done something, but then he would laugh at himself that he was thinking wildly.

Chu Cheng looked at Chu's mother cleaning at home. They all have such a custom here. Every New Year, they must clean their home to welcome the new year cleanly.

In the evening, after dinner, he was watching the neighbor's children playing in the courtyard. The mobile phone in his hand suddenly vibrated, and his heart trembled, as if he had some kind of premonition. related.

What jumped on the screen was He Qing's name, Chu Cheng's eyes flickered, and he took a few steps away before answering the phone.

"Are you at home now?" The person on the other side didn't have the slightest patience, and cut straight to the point.

"Well, why is the president calling at this time?" Is it really related to Yao Yiyi?

"Something happened to Yao Yiyi, you should come back in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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