Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 179 She Doesn't Believe

Chapter 179 She Doesn't Believe
Lin Mowan was also a little anxious, and wanted to explain but was stopped by He Qing: "Okay, stop talking, let's go!"

Lin Mowan curled her lips and didn't say anything else, she followed behind He Qing without saying a word, but she was very unconvinced in her heart, as if they were being fed up by that bitch Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi was lying on the bed, his eyes glazed over, thinking of what Shan Yisheng said to him before the accident, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

In fact, he already knew that there was a problem with the car, but he didn't tell her because he was worried that he would be afraid.

She didn't believe that he would die like this, she didn't believe it!

Yao Yiyi looked at her leg, because the struggle just now was a little messy, she slowly stretched out her hand, and pressed hard on her injured leg.

Continuous pain came from her legs, but her expression was dull, as if she didn't feel anything, and her eyes were empty.

It seems that no matter how painful the injury on the foot is, it can't compare with the pain in the heart.

Yao Yiyi hooked the corners of his mouth inexplicably, and slowly fell down on the bed, closing his eyes.

The thick and dense eyelashes fluttered up and down in extreme anxiety.

Where she was lying, her hair was spread out on the pillow, her beautiful smiling face was pale and motionless, if it wasn't for her shallow breathing, no one would feel that she was still alive.

After a long time, a tear slowly slid down the corner of his eye.

As she said, He Qing called the butler at home after returning that night and asked him to prepare three tickets for returning home.

Lin Mowan put a grape in her mouth, and asked casually: "Mom, if Yao Yiyi committed suicide tonight, would you take her back?"

This sentence was originally a joke, but it made He Qing's mind ring with alarm bells: "Do you think she will commit suicide because of Shan Yisheng's death?"

Lin Mowan sneered, and ate another grape: "It's not the best to commit suicide, such a bitch should have died a long time ago, it's really a blessing to live up to now!"

"No brains!" He Qing glanced at the leisurely Lin Mowan angrily, wanting her to go to the hospital to accompany Yao Yiyi tonight, but remembering how the two of them had been arguing in the morning, she gave up and decided to go to the hospital by herself Accompany Yao Yiyi.

He said that he would stay with her, but in fact he just went to watch her for one night. In case something happens to her at that time, it doesn't matter if she dies, as long as his own plan is ruined at that time.

Lin Mowan watched He Qing go out, and asked her in disbelief: "Mom, are you really going to the hospital to serve that Yao Yiyi?" Is it necessary?
A bitch should end up like a bitch, isn't it good now, let her tell me, don't treat that leg too, wouldn't it be better to just drag it down all the time?

He Qing didn't say anything, this was in Italy, if she was at home, she would have just called someone over to look at Yao Yiyi, there was no need for her to go in person.

Seeing that she ignored her, Lin Mowan changed her posture and sat on the sofa, continuing to eat fruit.

Yao Yiyi had already fallen asleep when she arrived at the hospital, He Qing breathed a sigh of relief, she was fine, she smiled mockingly, thinking hard in the morning, isn't she still sleeping soundly?
Sitting down by the sofa, she looked at Yao Yiyi's sleeping face, and slowly showed a few vicious smiles, which looked a little scary against the backdrop of the moonlight.

"Don't blame me, people, who is not selfish? If you want to blame, blame you two for being too bad. I told you not to be together, but you didn't listen, so you could elope to Italy without telling me. Come on, are you very happy, I will let you taste the feeling of happiness being torn apart by others in an instant.

The next morning Yao Yi woke up early, her eyes rolled around, and found that she was still lying in the hospital, everything that happened yesterday was like a dream, it was too cruel, but why, she clearly I fell asleep so early in this broken and cruel dream, but I still can't wake up.

Yao Yiyi opened her eyes vigorously, not letting the tears in her eyes flow down, she didn't believe that Shan Yisheng would die, so she couldn't be bitter, she had to wait for Shan Yisheng to come back, she didn't believe that Shan Yisheng would be willing to leave she!
"Hey, Yiyi, what are you crying for in the morning? If you keep crying like this, your eyes will go blind." He Qing was sitting on the sofa and heard a burst of sobbing. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Yao Yi. One is already awake.

She looked out of the window impatiently, it was already dawn, she walked to Yao Yiyi's side: "Okay, don't cry, I will take you back today, and you won't be so sad like now."

Yao Yiyi vigorously wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, gritted his teeth and looked at her: "I said before, I will not go back, and I will never go back until Shan Yisheng!"

He Qing sneered in her heart, this is beyond your control.

On the surface, she smiled sadly, and tried her best to persuade her: "Yi Yi, don't be so stubborn, you were the only one when you entered the hospital, and you said it yourself, something happened between you and Shan Yisheng We were together when we were together, but now you are the only one admitted to the hospital. If Shan Yisheng is still alive, why don’t others send him to the hospital too? Are you right? Now that Shan Yisheng is dead, you Be good, then he can leave with peace of mind!"

"Nonsense, this is obviously a conspiracy. Someone deliberately caused a car accident to kill us!" Yao Yiyi shouted hysterically, with a crazy expression on his face.

When He Qing heard Yao Yiyi's words, her eyes flickered slightly, her face was hard to maintain, and she reprimanded: "Yiyi, what are you talking about, this is obviously a deliberate murder." Before getting on the vehicle in front, Shan Yisheng stepped on the brakes with a pale face, but the car didn't slow down at all. She remembered that before getting in the car, Shan Yisheng told her that the car was well equipped, and if the brakes were broken, how could his friend? Lend it to him.

Could it be that his friend designed it?
Yao Yiyi's eyes are full of anger, but she doesn't know how to do it. She knows a little about Shan Yisheng's good deeds. Either she doesn't have a simple relationship with customers, or she is a very good friend. He never wastes time with people he doesn't care about.

So that friend will definitely not harm him!
Seeing Yao Yiyi's pensive look, He Qing couldn't help being a little scared. What's going on? Could it be that Yao Yiyi knew something?
And she actually knew that this accident was not an accidental car accident, but man-made, did she guess something, or someone told her something?
If she points the sign to her side, it will not be a very good thing!

"Okay, don't think about it. How can someone do something like a car accident on purpose? Don't you want to die? Once you are found out, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat. It must be that Shan Yisheng didn't pay attention when driving, which led to such a thing. Happened." He Qing's eyes were evasive, but Yao Yiyi didn't notice.

Xiang Heng threw the phone on the table vigorously: "It's all trash, and I can't find anyone!"

As soon as he knew that something happened to Shan Yisheng, he hurried to Italy and sent people to investigate. After that, something happened to the two of them, although Yao Yiyi had already been sent to the hospital, and there was nothing wrong with the diagnosis. His life was in danger, but Shan Yisheng was gone!
The mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly, Xiang Heng scratched his neat short hair irritably, picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was Meng Weini calling.

Eyes flickered, Xiang Heng stroked someone's name on the screen with his thumb, hesitated for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Soon a text message came in, Xiang Heng was slightly taken aback, opened it, and the few words carried a certain person's arrogant tone: How dare you hang up again! "

Then another call came in, and Xiang Heng's eyes suddenly filled with tenderness. He has been busy looking up Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi for the past few days. In fact, he didn't worry much about Yao Yiyi, she It's just that you're injured, and you'll recover after a few days of rest in the hospital, but there's no news about Shan Yisheng until now, and I don't know if something happened to you.

But fortunately, his body was not found at the scene of the incident. This means that he is probably still alive, but he doesn't know where he is.

"..." The phone was connected almost quickly, but he didn't speak.

He came to Italy in a hurry at the time, and he didn't tell her. When he arrived in Italy, he found a hotel to stay and was busy looking for someone after the meeting. He didn't remember talking to her. In the end, she called and said yes. Downstairs in his house, when he was shocked, he realized that he had really failed his duty as a boyfriend.

Meng Weini didn't speak either, she was thinking about it now, she should speak out.

Dad has already decided to let her get married. She seems to be a doll who has been at the mercy of others. She has no room to speak. In fact, her father once asked her wishes in private. She didn't say anything. She knew that in his heart, he hoped that she could yes.

Meng Weini took a deep breath and stood in front of Xiang Heng's house. She seemed to have found the reason for the so-called breakup, and she smiled softly. For the first time, she realized that she was so smart: "Xiang Heng, do you have any questions?" Think of me as your girlfriend?"

Her voice is not loud, not like the other girls who are sound trainees, looking like they are going to die, but it is because of this that Xiang Heng feels frightened, if Meng Weini loses his temper with him like other girls, he will It might feel a little normal.

"Wini, listen to my explanation. Recently, something happened to Dodo and Shan Yisheng in Italy. I have to deal with it. I was in a hurry and forgot to talk to you."

Xiang Heng frowned, but his tone was quite calm. Meng Weini didn't know that he was trying his best to control his emotions.

Because he couldn't find Shan Yisheng, he was already impatient, but now he was still trying to suppress his emotions.

"I don't want to hear it, let's break up!"

(End of this chapter)

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