Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 195 Keep Your Distance

Chapter 195 Keep Your Distance
After Chu Cheng delivered dinner to Yao Yiyi, he went back. Recently, he delivered food very frequently. It seems that he can no longer be trusted in the future.

There should be no one in Yao Yiyi's room now.

After being so idle, He Qing slowly stood up and walked upstairs.

Yao’s house is actually very big and very empty. Since Yao Qixiong’s death, the Yao family has hardly been at peace. He Qing thought of the dead Yao Qixiong, and thought that he might have reservations about her, so she hated her teeth. She really didn't believe it anymore, even Yao Qixiong, who was so cunning, was beaten to death by herself, and he still couldn't beat Yao Yiyi!

What a joke!

Yao Yiyi's room was unlocked. He Qing pushed the door lightly, and the door opened. He Qing couldn't see the situation inside the room because the curtains were drawn. Yao Yiyi must have fallen asleep, so he simply walked in.

The room on the top floor is not only small, but the air is not very good. Fortunately, it is very clean inside, and there is an air pro-new device, which makes people get used to it.

He Qing suddenly remembered that the last time Lin Mowan came to look through Yao Yiyi's room, she didn't seem to find anything, perhaps, those property certificates were in her bag!
He Qing looked at Yao Yiyi's handbag on the table, and then at the person on the bed. She was standing at the door of the room to block the light outside, so she couldn't see what was going on inside the room. Now she was standing in the room, Through the light from the outside, it turned out that Yao Yiyi was not asleep, and was looking at him with his eyes open at this moment, so he couldn't help screaming.

"One... one one why didn't you fall asleep?" It took a long time for He Qing to react slowly, and she didn't know what to say for a moment, and the dark woman was a little flustered.

Yao Yiyi blinked his eyes very slowly, and still looked at He Qing motionlessly, with no emotion in his tone: "Are you here to ask me for business?"

In her memory, He Qing rarely came back to this place, and every time she came, she must say something.

He Qing finally eased her emotions, she looked at Yao Yiyi: "I came to see you, Yiyi, you have to take good care of your body, take care of it quickly, I have good news I want to tell you!"

Yao Yi moved his lips for a long time before speaking: "What news."

"Yiyi!" He Qing saw that Yao Yiyi's mood was much better than before, so she twisted her body and took a few steps closer, "I came here specially this time to tell you that Shan Yisheng is back today !"

Yao Yiyi's originally calm eyes were suddenly filled with light, but the moment he saw He Qing, he forcibly suppressed his excitement: "Really, I remember you told me that Shan Yisheng had already Dead, let me die that heart!"

At the beginning when she was in such pain, she and Lin Mowan were talking sarcasticly, telling herself that Shan Yisheng was dead!
If Chu Cheng hadn't told himself that Shan Yisheng was not dead yet, and told himself to hold on, he would have held on until now.

He Qing was a little embarrassed when she heard Yao Yiyi's words, she sat on the bedside and helped Yao Yi cover the quilt tightly with a loving face: "Yiyi, it's like this, at the beginning Auntie was just afraid that you would be sad, thinking about long-term pain It's better to have a short pain!" After speaking, I sighed softly, "You also know your state at that time, you can't wait to drag those injured legs to find him immediately, I seem to say that because of you Yes, otherwise your leg will be useless by now!"

He Qing spoke earnestly, and Yao Yiyi turned his eyes away from her: "I still have to sleep for a while, you go out first, I can't sleep if someone is walking around in the room, especially someone who is worried and kind!"

He Qing was naturally unhappy when she heard Yao Yiyi's words, but she remembered what Chu Cheng said to herself, she nodded with a smile: "Okay, then Mom will go down first, and I will come up and call you when we are having dinner. "

"No need!" Yao Yiyi closed her eyes, "I dare not bother you, Chu Cheng said I will bring you dinner, you can eat by yourself!" Sitting there eating with them, she was afraid that she was not bad The appetite will disappear in an instant.

He Qing said hello repeatedly, walked out of the room and closed the door.

Yao Yiyi slowly opened his eyes, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, that's great, Shan Yisheng, he will be back soon.

She could see him again soon!

Shan Yisheng looked at the woman beside him, frowned, and pushed her vigorously: "You want to sleep, I have no reason to object, but please don't lean on me!"

His voice was cold and without any warmth, Yan Qianqian felt awkward immediately, this was on the plane, and there were people sitting around, his voice was not low, and several people obviously turned their heads to look at them.

Yan Qianqian was originally a rich lady, when would she be so angry? If she was chased by other men in the past, it would be better now, this man is like a piece of wood, not soft or hard.

"Yisheng, I'm sleepy, I was very tired last night!" After speaking, he bent over and leaned against Shan Yisheng again, who stretched out his hand to put a distance between the two of them, and turned his head to the one who was separated from him in the aisle. Xiang Heng said to Hu: "Come here, let's switch seats!"

Xiang Heng was originally reading the newspaper, and there were more and more struggles in the business world. He was really worried about Shan Yisheng. Although the future of SY Group has always been good, but now Shan Yisheng has lost his memory and has forgotten the company. If he wanted to manage the entire company well as before, not only would he have to work harder, but his personal assistant would also have to work harder.

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted. Just when he was about to refuse, he heard Yan Qianqian's surprised tone: "Yisheng, how could you do this! I don't want to sit with him!"

There was a hint of disgust in his tone, and Xiang Heng, who had finally come to his senses, was taken aback for another moment. He looked at Yan Qianqian on the opposite side, and smiled with no emotion at the corner of his mouth: "Actually, originally I was going to reject Shan Yisheng. I asked for it! The reason is that you should know that I hate you!" He paused, and glanced at Yan Qianqian who had a bad face, "But after hearing what you said, I decided to change!"

The plane had already taken off, Xiang Heng slowly folded the newspaper in his hand and put it back in the original seat, but he didn't intend to stand up: "However, the last point is that this is on the plane, I won't change it even if I agree to change it." I won't go to your side, after all, compared with yours, my safety is so much more important!"

Bugui is a lawyer, Yan Qianqian didn't have any words after speaking these words; in response, Xiang Heng glanced at Shan Yisheng: "You still have to be responsible for the dog skin plaster you brought yourself!"

Perhaps it was because of Xiang Heng that the expression on Shan Yisheng's face improved a lot, and Yan Qianqian was not as clingy as before, but there were still a lot of troubles. He needed water for a while, and asked the waiter to deliver food for a while. Yi Sheng rubbed his temples helplessly, Xiang Heng was right, maybe he shouldn't have brought quick plasters!

He Qing has already denied the method she proposed. It seems that there is really no other more suitable method!Luo Minghao sat on the sofa in the living room, absently playing with the small cup in his hand, wondering if there was any other way.

As soon as Luo Jiawei entered the door, he saw that Luo Minghao seemed to be thinking about something. He stepped back when he was going to go upstairs, and walked slowly to Luo Minghao's side and sat down: "Son, what are you thinking about?"

Luo Minghao looked up and saw that it was his father, and immediately shook his head in denial: "No... didn't think about anything, why did you go and come back so late?"

If you tell him the question you think, he will definitely get a negative answer, so it's better not to say it.

Luo Jiawei actually knew what Luo Ming was thinking in his heart. In fact, he didn't blame him. When you invited me, why didn't you complain a lot in your heart? It's just that now that you are old, some things can be seen, so you can see it. Hold the attitude of the past and the past expression.

"I'm going to discuss business with a foreign company today. Minghao, tell me, let's transfer the company to the outside of the palace. There seems to be more market abroad!"

Luo Minghao couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Luo Jiawei's words: "Dad, what do you mean, we went abroad to develop, and we won't stay in China?"

How can this be done? How can he avenge him in this way? He has done so much, and he has lost his love abruptly, but in the end he is telling him to go abroad.

He will definitely not agree!

"Dad, do you have a purpose in doing this?" Luo Minghao's expression slowly subsided, and he looked at Luo Jiawei with a bad complexion.

"Hey, Minghao, since you have already understood Dad's painstaking efforts, then you can listen to Dad this time, all this is for your own good, and you want you to do things that you regret!"

Luo Jiawei folded his hand on Luo Minghao's. He was old and had wrinkles on the back of his hand.

Luo Minghao was a little moved. When he was a child, he was worried about himself. Now that he has grown up, he is still worried about himself. But it is not the people from the Yao family who caused the current situation. Don't do it halfway!

"Dad, if you want to go, go, I won't go, I have done so much, it is impossible to just give up, I must let the people who deserve the retribution get the retribution they deserve!" Luo Minghao's will Firm, Luo Jiawei's eyes flickered inexplicably.

"Silly boy, we..."

"Dad, you don't need to persuade me. You've already said what you need to say. From now on, even if something happens to me, I won't blame you!" Then he stood up, "I'm going upstairs first!"

Nothing can stop his vengeance, if someone takes away something that should belong to him, then he will take away other people's things!

(End of this chapter)

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