Chapter 199 How to be good
Shan Yisheng leaned on the sofa and watched TV, feeling very bored. Didn't Xiang Heng say that he has a company here? Why can he be so free?
Holding his head and thinking about it, he still decided to take out his mobile phone and make a call to Xiang Heng. The phone was picked up after a long time, and Shan Yisheng was already about to hang up when he heard a lazy voice from over there: "Hi ?”

"Shouldn't you explain some things that should be explained clearly after you bring me back?" What does it mean to leave him here and ignore him.

Xiang Heng hadn't gotten up yet, from Shan Yisheng's tone he knew that he was in a bad mood, but she didn't have time to care about him now: "Just wait, I'll let people pass by!"

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone, Shan Yisheng frowned and threw the phone on the sofa, wondering who Xiang Heng would ask to come over.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang, Shan Yisheng was slightly taken aback, stood up gracefully and went to the door to open it.

The other party was a woman in her 20s, and Shan Yisheng subconsciously asked her, "Are you my fiancee?"

"What?" Qin Meihui couldn't react for a while, who can tell her what's going on now?
Just now Xiang Heng called her and asked her to come to Shan Yisheng's apartment. In fact, it was not the first time she came to the CEO's apartment, but at this moment, he has already reconciled with Yao Yiyi. What else is there? Do you need to go there by yourself?
However, she felt very helpless when she thought that it might be a matter of work, and it was still during the holiday!
Shan Yisheng let Qin Meihui enter the room and closed the door, still expressionless as usual: "What do you want to see me for?"

"En?" Qin Meihui didn't realize it for a while, "Didn't you say you have something to do, Mr. Xiang said you have something to ask me, so I came here!"

At that time, she was really puzzled, why the president asked her not to call herself, but needed someone else to call.

As soon as Shan Yisheng heard Mr. Xiang, he knew that she was the one called by Xiang Heng, and nodded: "What is your identity?"

"President, you... What's wrong with you today?" Qin Meihui felt that her head was going to be as big as two. Today is not April Fool's Day, even if it is April Fool's Day, President Ye would not make such nonsensical jokes of!
Seeing Qin Meihui's surprised expression, Shan Yisheng knew that she didn't know that she had lost her memory. He leaned slightly on the sofa: "You should answer my question first!"

Now he has forgotten the past, and has no idea who she is, but since Xiang Heng will call her now, it means that she is credible enough.

"I'm your personal assistant!" Qin Meihui looked at Shan Yisheng seriously, secretly guessing what happened during his time in Italy!
"I don't have any memories of the past now!" Shan Yisheng said simply, "When I was in Italy, there was a car accident, and I forgot everything before!"

"What about Ms. Yao Yiyi, haven't you been together all the time?" Qin Meihui frowned forcefully. No wonder he didn't contact her during this time in Italy. She remembered that he had explained some companies to her before going abroad. Let her deal with the matter inside.

"I don't remember who Yao Yiyi you mentioned, but I heard from Xiang Heng that she is my fiancée?" Shan Yisheng turned his head slightly, with deep doubts in his eyes, and looked at Qin Meihui.

Qin Meihui hadn't reacted to the fact that he had lost his memory, and stammered: "Forget it...forget it!"

Looking at the handsome face in front of her, Qin Meihui's thoughts were full of thoughts. The two of them reconciled not long ago. Now they are angry and say what should they do in such a situation?

"I asked you to come today for something. When will the company officially start work, and some normal operations of the company, you can organize the information and so on for me to see. Now I need to go to the mall to buy something!"

Qin Meihui nodded again and again: "The car is downstairs, President, we can leave anytime!"

She has never been a woman who likes to gossip, otherwise, no matter how powerful she is, she would not stay by Shan Yisheng's side for so long.

"Yiyi, let me take you out to play. You see that your legs are much better now. Do you still want to stay at home like this?" Chu Cheng came to Yao's house early in the morning to look for Yao Yiyi , By the way, help her bring breakfast.

Yao Yiyi was already up when Chu Cheng arrived. She hadn't walked around like this for a long time, so she seemed a little excited. She got up early in the morning and cleaned her room.

"Okay, let's go out together later!" Yao Yiyi put down the mop in his hand, washed his hands and sat on his small desk to eat. Today's breakfast was not made by Chu Cheng, because of your time, he directly Bought from outside, but the taste is still very good, Yao Yiyi also obviously felt that his appetite was getting better, maybe it was because of his mood.

After eating, the two of them went downstairs, and saw He Qing and Lin Mowan sitting on the sofa watching TV together, Chu Cheng felt helpless, why did he feel like he could meet them every time?

But what was more unexpected this time was that Lin Mowan didn't speak, but just glanced at the two of them, then snorted coldly and looked away. At that time, He Qing stood up with a smile on her face and walked to Yao Yiyi's side : "Yiyi, the company will go to work normally in a few days, since your body has almost recovered now, you should take a good rest these few days, and go to work on time when you start work, you know?"

Chu Cheng frowned. It turned out that the reason why the two of them suddenly got better was because they wanted Yiyi to go to the company to work as a horse: "Boss, I think Yiyi needs to take a break for a while, to go to work..."

"Chucheng, I know you have a good relationship with Yiyi, but you should understand one thing!" He Qing's smile slowly faded, "Now I'm asking about Yiyi, not you, no I need you to answer me in such a hurry!"

Chu Cheng lowered his eyes and did not speak any more. Yao Yiyi raised the corners of his lips and smiled: "You don't have to be so anxious, I know this matter in my heart, and I will go when I want to go!"

Yao Yiyi didn't want to say anything more to He Qing: "I'm going out first."

Without any hesitation, she walked through the hall and walked out the door, who cares whether she, He Qing, will be angry or not.

There was a satisfied smile in Chu Cheng's eyes, and he followed behind Yao Yiyi.

Lin Mowan stood up angrily, and pointed at the two people outside the door: "Mom, I really don't understand, why do you insist on Yao Yiyi returning to the Yao family? It's well managed, isn't it?"

He Qing's complexion was very bad: "What did you do at Yao's?"

One sentence made Lin Mowan speechless, He Qing seemed to realize that what she said seemed too much, she sighed softly: "I'll go back to my room to rest first!"

Qin Meihui drove Shan Yisheng to a large shopping mall, and after parking the car, the two walked up slowly.

The first and second floors of the mall sell daily necessities, the fifth and sixth floors sell men's clothing, and the top floor has a resting place.

Qin Meihui didn't know what Shan Yisheng was going to buy at all, and just followed behind him. In fact, although he lost his memory, many of his habits were still the same as before, without much change.

For example, when choosing something, I never take it apart and look at it. I throw it in the basket when I think it is suitable. It is very fast, so I bought the daily necessities I need in a short time, and the two of them went straight to the fifth floor.

Shan Yisheng usually wears dark-colored clothes when he is in the company, most of them are black, but when he is at home, he wears light-colored clothes, mainly white, so when Qin Meihui sees Shan Yisheng looking at When wearing a blue shirt, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. It seems that his personality has actually changed a little bit!

"What do you think of this dress?" Shan Yisheng glanced at Qin Meihui behind him, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes, as if to say, what are you doing so far away, I won't eat you!
Qin Meihui coughed, and tried to make her terrified eyes look more natural, and more natural: "Very good, I think... very beautiful!"

"Really?" Shan Yisheng didn't suspect him, and immediately handed the clothes to the waiter, "Wrap it up!"

The waiter is a novice. He has been working here for a few days. It is rare to see such a handsome man shopping.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Shan Yisheng's eyes that were still stuck in his clothes instantly turned cold, and he increased his volume: "I said wrap it up!"

"En? Good!" The waiter who reacted hurriedly ended up with a shirt, blushing a lot, Qin Meihui was on the sidelines, she really deserved to be an evildoer, and casually fascinated the little girl.

The two bought their clothes and prepared to go back, Shan Yisheng glanced at his hands full of bags: "Wait a minute!"

"What else is there for the president? Did you forget to buy something?" Qin Meihui sometimes felt that she was ready to be a mother.

Originally, Shan Yisheng had a lot of things to be responsible for, but now that he has lost his previous memories, he has to take care of even more things!
"Go up!" Shan Yisheng didn't say much, and went upstairs directly. Qin Meihui looked helplessly at the things she was carrying and sighed slightly, and hurriedly followed Shan Yisheng's footsteps.

The space on the top floor is actually very large, divided into many areas, a place to eat, and a special place to rest. If you are really tired, you can sit down and have a cup of coffee before leaving.

Qin Meihui looked at the time, it was already noon, it seems that the CEO is hungry!
However, the main question is, the food here is all fast food, is it the habit of Mr. President to eat it?
 I wish you all a happy reading~~~
(End of this chapter)

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