Chapter 259
Shan Yisheng found that Yan Qianqian seemed to be more pestering recently than before, and she annoyed him very much!

When he drove back the next day, she was still in the apartment, and Shan Yisheng didn't show much surprise. After all, he didn't go to the company, and it seemed reasonable that she didn't go.

Yan Qianqian surrounded Shan Yisheng and started asking various questions the moment he stepped into the house.

"Where did you go last night? Why didn't you answer my call? Are you with another woman? You actually betrayed me!" A series of questions drove him crazy,

Shan Yisheng felt that the woman in front of him probably didn't like him. She stayed by his side for an obvious purpose, but for such a woman, he should be thankful, fortunately, he didn't have any feelings for him, otherwise he probably really The insanity that will be tortured by her during this period of time.

Yao Yiyi was naturally thought of in his mind, thinking of last night, Shan Yisheng's eyes slowly overflowed with tenderness.

Naturally, he wouldn't explain too much to Yan Qianqian, he was wasting his tongue on her, and finally seemed to drive Yan Qianqian into a panic, and he screamed: "Shan Yisheng, we are a fiancee, how can you do that?" Treat me like this!"

The latter smiled coldly: "The outside world doesn't know about this news!"

After saying this, Yan Qianqian hated He Qing even more.

If she hadn't made trouble, the relationship between the two of them would have been made public, and her plan would have taken a big step forward!

Maybe it's because Shan Yisheng didn't take the initiative to explain anything to Yan Qianqian, she would pester him to ask where he was going that night whenever she was free recently, Shan Yisheng always treated him coldly!
"President Shan, Yao's CEO said he wants to see you!" Suddenly, Qin Meihui knocked on the door and came in, successfully making Shan Yisheng change his mind.

Shan Yisheng glanced at Qin Meihui curiously: "You mean He Qing?" Thinking of their attitude towards Yao Yiyi, he naturally felt very upset, "What is she here for?"

The tone began to deteriorate.

"I don't know, she didn't say, she just said she wanted to see you!"

Shan Yisheng nodded, unconsciously turning the pen in his hand, as if he was thinking about something, Qin Meihui didn't urge him, and stood quietly at the desk and waited.

It was only after Shan Yisheng turned her eyes on Qin Meihui again: "Just say I'm in a meeting and let her wait first!"

Qin Meihui was stunned for a moment, it's been so long, it was obviously intentional: "President, she will believe us when we say this, I've been here for so long and after thinking about it, I know we are lying to her..."

"What I want is for her to know!" Shan Yisheng interrupted Qin Meihui's words without any emotion, raised her head and looked out the window, with a half-smile expression on her face, "I just want her to know the feeling of being angry but helpless! "

Qin Meihui was taken aback for a moment, didn't speak any more, nodded and went out, Shan Yisheng withdrew her gaze, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth, He Qing, the grievances and grievances between us must be sorted out properly!

He Qing looked at Qin Meihui with disbelief on her face: "Your president is still in a meeting?" Seeing the other party nodding for confirmation, she sneered, "Then why did you go in for so long?"

Qin Meihui said without blushing, "President Shan has been in a meeting all this time, just now the Propaganda Department has important documents to deal with, and I came here after finishing them!"

He Qing glanced at Qin Meihui suspiciously, and said nothing more, no matter whether Shan Yisheng is really in a meeting or not, as long as he doesn't want to see her now, there will be many reasons!

He Qing took a deep breath, and changed her position on the sofa: "Okay, I'll wait."

Shan Yisheng decided to meet He Qing half an hour later, and now is not a good time to demonstrate, and what he did just now was just to give Yao Yiyi a sigh of relief.

He Qing was brought to Shan Yisheng's office by Qin Meihui, with an expression on her face that made it difficult for others to see her happiness or anger.

"President He, did you come to see me today for something?" Shan Yisheng put down the pen in his hand, and looked at He Qing with a half-smile.

He Qing was not angry, and laughed along with Shan Yisheng: "It seems that the recent development of SY Group is very good. I didn't expect Shan to be so busy!" After finishing speaking, she walked a few steps toward Shan Yisheng, He patted the newspaper in his hand on the desk, "What is this?"

Shan Yisheng glanced at the newspaper unhurriedly, and took a long time before reaching out slowly to take it, glanced at it casually, raised his head and looked at He Qing amusedly: "President He can't read, my reporter You will be messed up! It's that simple!"

He Qing smiled inexplicably, and sat down opposite Shan Yisheng: "I know, what I'm asking is, why are there so many people saying that my Yao family is behind the scenes? Our Yao family clearly knows everything. I didn’t do it, but in the end I was still scapegoating!”

Shan Yisheng looked at He Qing as if he had heard some joke: "President He came to ask me what I meant. My reporter meeting was messed up by others. I haven't gone to you to ask. Now, why do I sound like a thief shouting "Stop a thief?"

He Qing sat up abruptly: "This matter has nothing to do with me at all, but I still want to ask, could this matter be directed and acted by you yourself..."

After all, it was her own guess. When He Qing said these words, she was not sure, and her tone was relatively weak.

Shan Yisheng interrupted her dissatisfiedly: "Enough, I believe President He also knows that I am very busy, and I don't have time to listen to you wasting time here, there is no wave without wind, if Yao Shi is really innocent, how can others treat this The case actually involved Yao Shi together?"

Shan Yisheng's words were very precise, and He Qing couldn't find any other words to refute, but she felt unwilling, so she stood there without moving.

Shan Yisheng waited for a while, and seeing that she hadn't spoken, he frowned and began to drive away: "Why, President He wants me to treat you to dinner?"

He Qing's face changed suddenly when he heard that today, Shan Yisheng was talking to her with thorns. She thought that Shan Yisheng had lost her memory, and their superficial relationship had eased slightly. It's time to go back!

Suspiciously looking at Shan Yisheng, who is behind the scenes?

He Qing looked at Shan Yisheng lowered his head again and didn't intend to talk to him anymore, and couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

Shan Yisheng slowly raised his head when he could no longer hear the high heels, with a satisfied smile in his eyes, you have to pay back everything you have done, I don't believe it, I can't bring you down.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, what he said, should be recovered and she decided to get it back.

No matter how difficult it is for him!
(End of this chapter)

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