Chapter 264
After Yao Yiyi shook hands with Manager Fang of the Chenyang Consortium, he left the office. He Qing seemed to have calculated the time correctly, and she chased after her as soon as she walked out of the company's door!
"Yi Yi, what happened to this matter, did they give us an explanation?"

"The matter is a bit complicated, can we talk about it when I go back?" Yao Yiyi never liked to report on business on the phone, even if the situation was a little urgent now.

As soon as the words fell, she heard a busy tone from the receiver. It seemed that He Qing was not happy, and because she was in a weak position, she insisted on losing her temper!

Yao Yiyi put down the phone indifferently. The reason why she easily agreed to He Qing to come over by herself was because she was in charge of this matter from the beginning, and of course she couldn't ignore it now that something went wrong!

City W said it was not far away, but it would take two or three hours to drive, Yao Yiyi might have been tired, and finally fell asleep in the car, and the driver woke her up when she arrived!

"Yiyi, why did you come back so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" As soon as He Qing saw Yao Yiyi, she hurriedly stood up and pulled her to sit on the sofa beside her. What's the matter?"

Yao Yiyi glanced at He Qing helplessly. She had just returned to the company, and she hadn't even had a sip of water, so she couldn't wait to pull herself to ask questions, and she didn't even bother to answer them when she was sleeping!
He Qing also seemed to feel that she was in a hurry, so she called Lin Mowan and asked her to bring a glass of water, and then sat down opposite Yao Yiyi: "Yiyi, this time it's really hard work for you!"

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and the superficial efforts must be satisfied.

Yao Yiyi didn't speak.

Lin Mowan's speed was very fast, and she came in with a glass of water in a short while, and stopped when she saw Yao Yiyi: "Mom, why is she here?"

He Qing didn't pay attention to her dissatisfied tone, and finally passed the cup in her hand to Yao Yiyi: "Come on, Yiyi, drink water first!"

"Mom! You're crazy, why are you..." Seeing He Qing's 180-degree change in expression towards Yao Yiyi, Lin Mowan couldn't help being stunned. Who can tell her what's going on now?
"Okay, Mo Wan, you go out first, I still have work to do!" He Qing interrupted Lin Mowan, with impatience in her eyes!

Lin Mowan's heart was even more dissatisfied. In addition to the fact that she had already quarreled with Yao Yiyi before, the two things piled up, and the anger in her heart rose, but it was between He Qing and being unable to get angry. In the end, He could only give Yao Yi a vicious look and left.

"Yi Yi, don't worry about her, you're the one I'm talking about, what happened afterwards?"

Yao Yiyi knew that He Qing's attitude towards her was only because of something happening now, and she really felt sorry for Lin Mowan silently in her heart. In front of her interests, she might be nothing!

"Well, they said that they have decided to cooperate with other companies. As for Yao, they feel very sorry!"

"What's the use of being sorry, can you make up for all my losses?" He Qing jumped up excitedly, shouting loudly in a shrill voice. "

"They said that they will compensate the corresponding money according to what they said in the cooperation agreement!" After hearing this, He Qing obviously calmed down, but her brows were still frowning, "They would rather lose money than be with you." We cooperate with Yao, why is that?"

Yao Yiyi shook her head, she was also very curious about this!
Luo Jiawei knew that even though he regarded Luo Minghao very strictly, his connection with He Qing and the others still remained unbroken!

Thinking of this, Luo Jiawei couldn't help but sighed again, thinking of those things back then, he felt that somewhere in his heart was lost.

"President, this is the document that the young master has reviewed. He said that I will send it over for you to have a look!" The secretary put a document that has been reviewed in front of Luo Jiawei, with a respectful expression on his face. Luo Jiawei nodded, After taking the file, he opened it casually and looked at it: "How is the young master doing these days?"

In order for Luo Minghao to get started with the affairs of the consortium as soon as possible, he put his secretary next to Luo Minghao, hoping to help him!

The secretary is a man in his late forties, well-dressed, and has been in the top management for so long, so he knows what to say and what not to say!

"Very good, the young master just didn't care about the company's affairs before, but now that he cares about it, all his abilities will be displayed!"

Luo Jiawei nodded. Luo Minghao has been very smart since he was a child, and his test scores are always high.

Thinking of this, Luo Jiawei sighed softly again, a person who used to be so well-behaved that he didn't need to worry about it, now that he is getting older, he is more and more worry-free!

"When I retire in the future, you will follow Minghao. Although I am a kid with a bit of a temper, my heart is good after all. You can be considered an "old man". Teach him more about the company. !" Luo Jiawei told him slowly word by word, as if he would leave soon.

The secretary was naturally moved when he heard Luo Jiawei say this. He had been behind Luo Jiawei for a long time and had some feelings: "Don't worry, the young master is talented and intelligent, and he knows some things without me teaching him!"

"What's the use of being talented? You don't think about serious things all day long. Look at him. He's been hanging out with Yao's president recently. It's true that he has some bad ideas in his mind, but I'm afraid that in the end He will be plotted against by others!" After all, Jiang is still old and hot, and Luo Jiawei has been in the workplace for so many years, there is no way he doesn't know some truths!

Thinking of this, Luo Jiawei's mood seemed to become even more depressed, and he handed the document in his hand to the secretary: "Okay, you go out first!"

He knew that it was useless to just persuasion now, and Luo Minghao had to open his mind and fully understand that he shouldn't get mixed up with He Qing and the others!

But if he told him what happened back then, would he hate his dead mother?
He didn't want to end up in such a situation. Although his mother really did a lot of things wrong, he still hoped that she could still have a good image in his heart!

Luo Jiawei sighed leisurely, no one knows how difficult he is now!

"I've already found out who did it!" Shan Yisheng's words sounded like an understatement and he didn't care much, but if you look closely at his eyes, you will find the chill inside makes you shudder.

Xiang Heng also put down the pen in his hand, with a serious look: "Is it the same as my guess?"

"It's the same, but it's different!" Shan Yisheng leaned lazily on the back of the office chair, "Lin Mowan ordered it, and He Qing didn't know it at all!"

"It seems that He Qing has raised a good daughter!" Xiang Heng sneered, and put his eyes on the wall of the vat in his hand. It looked a bit ordinary, but in fact it was very valuable. It was given to him by Meng Weini!

"I've met that daughter of hers several times!" Thinking of what Lin Mowan had done in front of her before, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Mowan's mouth, "The IQ is outrageously stupid!"

Only she can do this thing, just do it, I don't know how to deal with the aftermath for myself!
Xiang Heng laughed out loud, and seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

"You can take care of this matter, teach Lin Mowan a lesson, or you can say that it is a blow to He Qing, my current situation is simply not suitable for me to take action!"

Once others found out that she had attacked Lin Mowan, He Qing would doubt whether she had really lost her memory, otherwise why would she stand by Yao Yiyi's side to help her vent her anger!
Xiang Heng nodded without any objection. He is a lawyer himself. He would never do such a thing, but this time it really threatened the safety of the people he cares about. It is really unbearable!

Even if He Qing finds out that he is helping Yao Yiyi to punish Lin Mowan, he can still say that he is helping Yao Yiyi to vent his anger. After all, with the previous relationship between Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng, the two of them Good things in personal relationships are normal!
"Why don't we put some harsh medicine this time?" Xiang Heng's tone was inquiring, but Shan Yisheng knew that since he had already asked such a question, he must have an idea, no matter whether he agreed or disagreed. , he will not change easily!

"Will the potion be too ruthless to hurt Yiyi?" Shan Yisheng, who knew Xiang Heng's character well, did not express his objection directly, but raised his concerns.

Lin Mowan is still He Qing's daughter after all, if they push Lin Mowan too hard and arouse the anger in their hearts, then Yao Yiyi will have no good fruit!

Xiang Heng blinked, feeling that Shan Yisheng was right!
"In this case, let's return it to him in the same way!" A smile flashed across Xiang Heng's eyes, "Didn't Lin Mowan want to kidnap Yiyi? Then let her try it." The taste of being kidnapped!"

Shan Yisheng nodded: "You are the master, if you have any troubles that cannot be solved, you can come to me!"

"Okay, although I'm not as well-known as you, there are still enough ways to fix a person! You can go about your own business with peace of mind!" After finishing speaking, I was about to hang up the phone, and suddenly thought of something, " By the way, send those people to me, I want to see who will catch up!"

The phone was hung up as soon as the voice finished speaking, and Shan Yisheng on the other side held the phone that had been hung up, and smiled with satisfaction. Since Xiang Heng has already said so, he will definitely not let himself down !
"Come in!" Xiang Heng immediately called his secretary without any delay.

(End of this chapter)

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