Chapter 266

Xiang Heng's complexion was very bad, and it was rare for Shan Yisheng to see him so angry, so he raised one eyebrow curiously: "You're in a bad mood?"

Although the relationship between the two of them is very good, their personalities are really different. Shan Yisheng has a cold personality, and he is even more ruthless to the end when he is not familiar with people. He also rarely talks, but Xiang Heng is different. He is calm, but at the same time he likes to laugh very much. People around him will think that he is easy to get close to, but those who know him well know that although he looks easy to get close on the outside, he is extremely difficult to get close to in his heart!

"That's not it!" Xiang Heng threw the car keys on the table forcefully, and the words "I'm very angry" seemed to be written on his face!

Shan Yisheng glanced at him, took a sip of water and asked slowly: "What's the matter with you, although it's a rare opportunity to see you angry, but between watching a good show and knowing the reason for making you angry, I'm still interested One is more interested!"

Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng angrily, and the expression on his face couldn't tell what he was thinking: "I guess you will be angrier than me if you find out!"

The expression on Shan Yisheng's face suddenly paused, and his eyes became sharp: "What do you mean by this sentence, is it related to Yiyi?"

Xiang Heng nodded, and his expression became more serious: "Do you know what Lin Mowan wants to do by kidnapping Dodo?"

Shan Yisheng's face suddenly became tense, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is it because I don't like Yiyi and want to teach her a lesson?"

Xiang Heng smiled inexplicably: "Perhaps we thought Lin Mowan was too simple from the beginning to the end!"

As soon as Xiang Heng said that Shan Yisheng's matter was definitely not as simple as he imagined, as expected, Xiang Heng continued: "I asked those men who wanted to kidnap Yiyi, and they said... Xiang Heng paused at this point, glanced at Shan Yisheng worriedly, and sighed slightly, "Lin Mowan let them successfully kidnap one by one, directly destroying her innocence!" "

"What?" Shan Yisheng originally looked down at the water in the glass, as if he was thinking about something, but he was shocked when he heard Xiang Heng's words, turned his head suddenly to look at Xiang Heng, and repeated a sentence uncertainly ,"you sure?"

"For no reason, I would tease you with such a serious question?" Xiang Heng was not in a good mood at first, but now that his words were questioned by Shan Yisheng, he was naturally even more unhappy, and he raised his head and said Just drink what's in the cup.

"Aren't we too kind-hearted? People like Lin Mowan shouldn't be soft-hearted!" Xiang Heng asked hesitantly when he saw Shan Yisheng tightly clenched his wine glass and didn't speak.

"We are not softening our hearts towards Lin Mowan now, but we are thinking about each one. Once He Qing's mother and son are really angered, one by one will have no fruit to eat. We don't have enough evidence to bring He Qing down yet. Pay attention to Yi Yi's situation!"

Xiang Heng didn't speak any more, and nodded in agreement: "I know what you said, but as soon as I think of Lin Mowan hating Duo Duo so much, I will be particularly resentful, and I should let her taste that despicable way." means!"

"There will be chances in the future, let's stand still for now!" Shan Yisheng looked at the time, and it was getting late, so he stood up and put on his coat, "I still have something to do in the company, if you are fine, go back and rest early Bar!"

Xiang Heng looked at the transparent liquid in the beautiful goblet and nodded: "Drive carefully!"

Lin Mowan has always been a little restless recently, and every time she sees Yao Yiyi, she is lost in thought. He Qing feels puzzled, pushes Lin Mowan beside her, and asks her puzzledly: "Do you look at Yao Yiyi?" Why are you in a daze?"

Lin Mowan suddenly came back to her senses, and shook her head absent-mindedly: "'s okay!"

She still doesn't know what's going on with this matter, until now she still doesn't know where those men are now, and she doesn't know why Yao Yiyi is still safe and sound!
Those little bastards have been lurking beside Lin Mowan since they were released by Xiang Heng, but it was extremely difficult to get rid of them, making them anxious.

Because Lin Mowan was with He Qing most of the time, and then it was the Yao family or the company. Almost no one had ever been out of the house!
"Boss, what should we do about this? There are always people around that woman, how can we do it!"

"What are you in a hurry for?" The leading man patted the speaker on the head vigorously, "Don't you know that I still have contact with her now, let's see the situation first, and when the time comes, you can call her directly Date out!"

It turns out that the leading man was right. Now Lin Mowan was waiting for the man's call to inquire about Yao Yiyi, so when she received the man's call, she was really happy for a while, and then thought of herself The thing that has always been on my mind: "I said, have you taught Yao Yiyi a lesson? Didn't I pay you a deposit? Now look at Yao Yiyi, there is nothing wrong..."

Lin Mowan managed to get in touch with the man, so she naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity to ask. She was only thinking about finding the answer, but she didn't know that she was slowly falling into danger.

The seat they are currently in is a relatively remote hut. When Lin Mowan came here for the first time, she looked up and down. The furnishings inside are very simple, and one can tell at a glance that they are not rich people. However, It's right to think about it, how much money does a person who does this kind of thing have? Lin Mowan's eyes slowly filled with contempt!

The man winked at the few partners around him, and then looked at Lin Mowan with a perfunctory smile: "Miss Lin, look, this matter is more complicated, and there was a small episode later, that's why we didn't..."


The leading man raised his head and slashed at the back of Lin Mowan's neck vigorously after speaking halfway. Lin Mowa didn't expect that the other party would plot against her, and fell down with a muffled groan. The leading man caught it quickly She smiled sinisterly: "Now we are not in danger!"

After speaking, she looked at the person in her arms. Lin Mowan put on exquisite makeup, and she looked pretty good. She was warm and fragrant, and she was in her arms. When the man got angry, he couldn't help but look a little obscene on his face: " You go out first, I want to have a good taste of this girl first!"

"Boss, you...don't make trouble again, she is also the daughter of the Yao family after all, isn't it causing trouble for you by doing this?" The younger brother next to him was probably frightened by Xiang Heng, and tremblingly persuaded the man!
Hearing what the little brother said, the man hesitated a bit, and finally thought about it and decided that what he said was right, he threw her onto the bed with a slap in the face, and waved his hand a little annoyedly: "Hurry up, tie her up, Take it somewhere else!"

"Boss...boss, where are we taking her?"

"Tie her up for me first!" The leading man slapped his men on the head vigorously, "It doesn't matter where you take her, the main thing now is to tie her up, do you want her to stay here for three days? "

"Yes, yes, yes!" The men tremblingly turned around to look for tools. The leading man cast a stern glance at Lin Mowa who was lying on the bed unconscious, then turned and went out the door!
Yao Yi glanced at He Qing, with a complicated expression on her face: "Maybe she just went out to play and will be back later!"

Seeing He Qing's anxious face, she was a little dazed. In the past, when her father was alive, someone like this worried about her. After her father died, there was such a person by her side, but now she chose to stay by someone else's side.

Thinking of this road, He Qing's face was a little lonely!
"How could it be? Every time Mo Wan goes out to do something, she will tell herself that she will come back soon even if she doesn't. Look at this time, not only did she not talk to my ward, she even couldn't get through the phone!" There is also a reason for He Qing to be anxious. She has not contacted her for three hours!
Yao Yiyi had no choice but to look anxiously at He Qingkong. Based on her relationship with He Qing, she would never know where Lin Mowan went!

He Qing took out her mobile phone again to make a call to Lin Mowan. Yao Yiyi stood aside and did not speak. Although she had already called 2 minutes ago, she knew that even if she spoke to stop her, she would not listen. !

He Qing put down her phone in a panic, and suddenly stared at Yao Yiyi as if she remembered something, her eyes lit up: "Yiyi, do you think you hid Mo Wan, and Yiyi treats you so badly?" , so you feel resentful and hid Yao Yiyi in order to get revenge? Ah? Isn’t it? Yiyi?”

Yao Yiyi found that He Qing's consciousness seemed to be abnormal. Hearing what she said, she became angry instantly: "What are you talking about? If I, Yao Yiyi, thought of what Lin Mowan was doing, I would have done it a long time ago. Do we need to wait until now?"

He Qing was silent for a while, and she only guessed randomly because she was anxious.

"You are waiting. If Mo Wan hasn't come back, you should call the police..."

"You still said it wasn't you, and you made me wait all by yourself, saying, are you delaying for yourself? You just want to pay back Mo Wan, you crazy woman..."

Yao Yiyi didn't know what she said was wrong, He Qing burst forward instantly, Yao Yiyi couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed her away coldly: "If you want to go crazy, go to your own room, don't jump around in front of me , if I, Yao Yiyi, really wanted to do something, you would still be here right now? How ridiculous!"

The two mother and son didn't know how many things they did to make others dissatisfied, and now such a thing happened. To put it bluntly, it was retribution!
Yao Yiyi turned around and went upstairs without any hesitation. From this point of view, there was no need for her to intervene in this matter. Maybe in the end even if she found Lin Mowan, others would still not be grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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