Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 270 What's the matter with you

Chapter 270 What's the matter with you

Yao Yiyi felt that it was very necessary for her to have a talk with Chu Cheng, otherwise the two of them would not be able to speak, as if they had never known each other before, which was really sad.

As for Bo Shanchen's matter, even if what he said was reasonable, she thought it was right, but she really didn't want to think about those issues now.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi sighed heavily again, Chu Cheng casually raised his head while holding the document, and saw Yao Yiyi's expression of displeasure, he clenched his hands tightly, and then let go in the next second, like If you didn't see it, you lowered your head to look at the file.

Yao Yiyi had just packed up his things during lunch, when he saw Chu Cheng coming out with another female colleague, just passing in front of him, Yao Yiyi was a little dazed, and the words he was going to say were swallowed in an instant go back!

He passed in front of him as if he didn't see him, Yao Yiyi was suddenly at a loss, should he stop him, or just let him go!
Just as he was hesitating that Chu Cheng was going out with his female colleague, Yao Yiyi looked at his back and was a little disappointed, but he was happy for Chu Cheng in his heart. Now he finally found someone he likes.

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath, shook his head, and went downstairs to eat alone!
Chu Cheng and his female colleague were sitting near the window. The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, and they were smiling happily. Yao Yiyi smiled unconsciously when he saw the smile on Chu Cheng's face. Does he look smiling now? It means that he is not angry anymore, and he should pay attention to himself when talking to him in the past now!
Thinking so, Yao Yi walked over slowly with the plate in his hand: "Shall I sit here?"

Chu Cheng raised his head and glanced at her, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, he lowered his head to eat without speaking.

The originally good atmosphere turned stiff in an instant. Yao Yiyi was not a fool, and must have realized it. He glanced at Chu Cheng who was opposite, and felt a little embarrassed. The female colleague didn't seem to want her to sit here, and she kept silent.

"No... I'm sorry to bother you!" Yao Yiyi blinked, his eyelids blew down a little, turned around and left with the plate in his hand, now there are many people eating, and there are not many seats, so he gritted his teeth and looked for the table. After a long time, I finally found a not-so-clean vacant seat in a corner, sat down and ate absent-mindedly.

Chu Cheng didn't seem to be affected at all, and he was still talking to the people around him, but there was no smile on his face.

Yao Yiyi withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and ate seriously, or maybe it was because of her mood that she didn't have much appetite, so she put down her chopsticks after two casual bites and left the cafeteria. Chu Cheng saw Yao Yiyi leaving from the corner of her eyes. His eyes paused, and he raised his head slowly, looking at Yao Yiyi's leaving back with complicated eyes.

He didn't want to be like this again, but sooner or later the two of them would reach this point, and now it's just delaying the time a little bit!

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on Chu Cheng's face, he lowered his head and unconsciously stirred the rice with chopsticks, but didn't take another bite.

"What's wrong with you?" The female colleague seemed to have noticed something wrong with her, and looked at him suspiciously. It seemed that since Yao Yiyi came and left once, he seemed a little absent-minded!

"It's okay, let's eat!" Chu Cheng didn't want to say more, glanced at the female colleague and continued to eat with his head down.

"Yiyi, you said why we haven't heard anything from the police until now, Mo Wan... Has something happened to her?" He Qing sat behind the desk with no expression on her face.

Yao Yiyi was actually a little surprised. When she first heard the news, she could see how out of control He Qing's emotions were, but she didn't expect that she would be a different person the next day, and arranged for the housekeeper to report it. The police never asked about it again!

Yao Yiyi originally wanted to ask her if there was any progress, but after thinking about it, since she, He Qing, was not in a hurry, if she asked too much, He Qing would definitely doubt herself again!

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi felt inexplicably helpless, so even though she was really worried about Lin Mowan's safety, he didn't ask any further questions.

But why did the fairy ask her about this again?
Maybe it really was a generation gap, Yao Yiyi felt that he couldn't understand He Qing's thoughts at all!

"No... no, don't worry so much. Now the police have been involved in the investigation, so there has been no news for two days, but no news means the best news, right? At least you can know that she is fine. Damn!"

Yao Yiyi didn't know what to say to comfort He Qing. She didn't know whether she was asking herself out of curiosity or to test her, so she could only say some official words to comfort her.

He Qing glanced at Yao Yiyi, her eyes were bright, she didn't look like she was lying, but she seemed a little restless!

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you, you seem to be absent-minded?" He Qing actually didn't doubt that Yao Yiyi did it. After getting along for so long, she still knows a little about her character.

Moreover, with Lin Mowan's usual personality and temper, it is normal to have enemies outside. It seems that if she can successfully find Lin Mowan this time, she must educate her, so that she will not be so arrogant outside up!

"It's okay, I'm just wondering what happened to Mo Wan, and who will harm her?" Although Yao Yiyi's analysis was clear and logical, she was still thinking about Chu Cheng's matter in her mind. I am happy for Chu Cheng from the bottom of my heart, he has found his own home, but she doesn't want the relationship between the two of them to be broken like this, after all, they used to play so well!
He Qing nodded, feeling quite helpless: "Mo Wan's temper is too flamboyant, she is not obedient enough at ordinary times, and her attitude towards others is too arrogant. It seems that this time it must be premeditated!"

He Qing sat in her seat and thought. She was really flustered at first, but after thinking about it, she realized that she was really too excited. Even though Lin Mowan was in the company, she still didn't have much effect on her career. , disappearing doesn't have a big impact, it's just that there is one less bargaining chip that can control Luo Minghao.

"Don't worry, Mowanji people have their own aura, and nothing will happen!" Yao Yiyi didn't know what to say, "I'll go and deal with some documents first!"

He Qing nodded, the emotion in her eyes could not be seen by others at all.

Yao Yiyi hesitated when she got off work, she didn't know whether she should talk to Chu Cheng, she knew that Chu Cheng liked her before, so now he can let go of his feelings for her and find his own happiness It's a very good thing, and maybe she shouldn't bother him, but, are the two really going to get along in this way in the future?

Yao Yiyi slowly walked out of the company, because he was always thinking about Chu Cheng's affairs in his mind, so he didn't notice that there was a car slowly following him behind him.

Bo Shanchen looked at Yao Yiyi who didn't respond at all, wondering if she deliberately ignored him because of what happened yesterday or if she really didn't notice him.

Bo Shanchen raised his eyebrows slightly, and honked the horn, Yao Yi stopped subconsciously, and when he turned around, he saw Chu Cheng walking behind him, with a smile on his face, he turned around and stopped on the spot to wait for him.

After Chu Cheng approached, Yao Yiyi slowly said, "Chu Cheng, shall we have dinner together tonight?"

The smile on her face was very bright, and Bo Shanchen's face was filled with indescribable disappointment. At first he thought that Yao Yiyi was only good to Shan Yisheng, and he had the same attitude towards everyone else. Now it seems that it is himself. Thinking the other way around, she, Yao Yi, was kind to everyone, but she was not good to Bo Shanchen alone.

Bo Shanchen blinked slowly, put his hands on the steering wheel, and slowly tightened it.

"I've already made an appointment with someone else!"

Chu Cheng didn't look at Yao Yiyi, and lowered his head slightly to refuse, Yao Yiyi's expression froze for a moment, and he put away the smile on his face: "Chu Cheng, between the two of us... Is there some misunderstanding? ?”

Why, the relationship was so close before, but now it's like a stranger, it becomes difficult to even speak a word.

Chu Cheng's eyes blinked, and then a faint smile appeared: "Sooner or later, it will be like this. The two of us will have our own families in the future, so don't be too surprised about everything now!"

He said it lightly, but Yao Yiyi felt so sad to death when he heard it: "Do friendship and love have anything to do with each other?"

Chu Cheng suddenly stopped talking. Friendship and love actually have nothing to do with each other, but to him, Chu Cheng, there is no difference. He has love for Yao Yiyi, but Yao Yiyi only has friendship for her. The seemingly uncomplicated relationship on the surface confuses him.

"I don't know what you think, I don't want the two of us to become strangers we don't know!" Yao Yiyi looked at Chu Cheng unblinkingly when he said this, with slow hope .

"Yiyi, let's talk about this kind of thing later, I still have a date!" Chu Cheng said as he passed Yao Yiyi and walked forward, his eyes dimmed after taking a few steps, any date is a lie Yes, he just felt that it might take some time for him to adjust his mentality.

Then face her nicely.

As a friend.

"Why do I feel like I'm an outlier? You are good to everyone, but you are so unfeeling to me. Why?" Yao Yiyi looked at Chu Cheng's leaving back. There was a slightly irritated voice, and when he turned his head in surprise, he saw Bo Shanchen standing behind him expressionlessly, with a hint of anger on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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