Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 274 1 Group of Waste

Chapter 274 A group of waste

"It seems that you are really trash!" Xiang Heng looked at the man standing motionless in front of him with a stern expression, "You can't even look down on a woman!"

"I don't know how she escaped as a woman. At that time, I specially sent two people to guard the door. I didn't expect that they couldn't even guard a woman!" The leading man seemed very annoyed, He didn't dare to look up at Xiang Heng.

"Tell me, what happened at that time?" Xiang Heng suppressed the emotions in his eyes, tapped lightly on the table with his pretty fingers, and looked at the man with dim eyes.

"I... I wasn't there at the time, and I don't know what happened. I only heard two men tell me that they were guarding outside the door, and suddenly they heard a voice from inside the abandoned yard. Look, I found that woman was opening another door, and was about to run away, but I didn't catch up after chasing her!"

The man was submissive when he said these words. After all, he had seen this man in front of him before. Although he was not the kind of vicious person, some people just have that ability. Even if you don’t get mad at others I will be jealous of you too!

Xiang Heng couldn't see any emotional pitfalls, stood up, and slowly walked to the man's side: "You guys are really capable in this line of work, two big men can't even chase a woman?"

"Ben... there was no problem at first, but... later..."

"What happened later, don't make any excuses for your failure!" Xiang Heng looked at the man with cold eyes, and looked out of the window with his hands behind his back. Now that the matter has already happened, it is useless to talk about it now. Don't even think about the current solution!
Thinking of this, Xiang Heng looked at his assistant, and secretly winked. The other party nodded, took out a check from his pocket, and walked up to the man: "Take it!"

The man accepted the check in a dull manner, what's going on now?So even if he accidentally let that woman escape, it doesn't matter, not only it doesn't matter, but also he can get a reward?

The man took the check with joy, and was about to say something when Xiang Heng interrupted him coldly: "You take the check, this matter has nothing to do with me from the beginning to the end, as for yourself..." Heng paused, and looked the man up and down, "You can do it for yourself! If you let me know that you have revealed me for a long time, even if you are in prison, I will have a way to kill you!"

"Yes...I...I remember!" The man was obviously frightened, and he stuttered a bit.

"Let's go!"

The assistant looked at the back of the man leaving, and looked at Xiang Heng with a little worry: "The kidnapping violated the law, do you know why you still do it? Once Lin Mowan goes to the police to report and you are involved, you will be in trouble Already!"

Xiang Heng smiled at the assistant, turned around and sat back in his seat: "It's impossible for him to go back to the police station!"

The tone is firm!


"Because this incident happened because of her, is she going to tell the police station 'I failed to kidnap others and was finally kidnapped by the other party'"?After finishing speaking, she smiled indifferently, "Even if she really reports to the police and involves me, it's fine. I believe you can settle such a small matter!"

After speaking, he looked at him with a smile on his face, and he looked exactly like the cold person just now!

The assistant held his forehead helplessly, but the smile at the corner of his eyes revealed his good mood.

Half an hour later, He Qing and Yao Yiyi arrived at the hospital where Lin Mowan was!

Maybe someone had told He Qing about the ward where Lin Mowan was on the phone before, so she ran all the way to the ward where Lin Mowan was on the second floor.

The hospital was full of the smell of potions as always, Yao Yiyi was a little dazed, and couldn't help but think of the time when he was hospitalized before, when he didn't know Shan Yisheng's life or death, and his heart was ashamed!
"Yiyi, what are you thinking, hurry up and come in!" He Qing turned her head and looked at Yao Yiyi puzzled, she had called her several times before she came back to her senses, "Why are you overwhelmed at this moment? dawdling!"

There was inevitably some sense of blame when she spoke, Yao Yiyi did not make a sound, and followed her into the room.

"Mo Wan! Mo Wan, where have you been these days? You've scared me to death!" He Qing walked to Lin Mowan's hospital bed in a few steps, looking like she had been worried for a long time!
Yao Yiyi stood a few meters away watching this scene, feeling a little disgusted for no reason, she really couldn't tell whether He Qing was just pretending or really happy!
"Mom, I've been exhausted these few days!" Lin Mowan's hands and feet were injured, and there seemed to be a scratch on her face. The originally clean face now had shocking scratches. !
"What's the matter with you, where did you go?" He Qing looked at Lin Mowan puzzled, "Aren't you kidnapped by others?" After speaking, she went to see her injured hand and leg, guessing about herself More determined!
"I was kidnapped by a few gangsters!" Lin Mowan yelled at He Qing with a pitiful face, regardless of other things.

He Qing was slightly taken aback, she was really kidnapped!Who would dare to kidnap Yao's daughter!

"Mo Wan, do you know who it is?" He Qing thought for a while, as far as she knew, no one would dare to think about Yao's daughter!
"I think it's very likely..." Lin Mowan saw Yao Yiyi standing by the door just halfway through her sentence, she stopped what she was about to say, and looked at Yao Yiyi's disgusted face, "Hey , who allowed you to stay in my ward, get out quickly, I feel uncomfortable when I see a bitch!"

Perhaps it was because of the accumulation of dissatisfaction in the past few days, even in front of He Qing, Lin Mowan did not suppress her dissatisfaction!

Yao Yiyi frowned, and was about to retort, but seeing that she was covered in injuries, she stopped saying anything, gave Lin Mowan a blank look, and turned around to leave the ward!

"Okay, you can talk now!" Knowing that Yao Yiyi had gently closed the door of the room, he asked slowly.

Lin Mowan glanced at the door of the ward with some anxiety, as if to make sure whether it was closed tightly, and whether she was eavesdropping: "Mom, I very much doubt that Yao Yiyi did this!"

Her expression was determined, but when she said this, she used a guessing tone.

He Qing frowned hard, and looked at her suspiciously: "Are you sure?" Then she glanced outside the door with obvious disbelief on her face, "Yao Yiyi is indeed at odds with us, but her Temper mother also knows, she doesn't look like that kind of person!"

"Mom!" Lin Mowan felt very upset when she saw that she had suffered such a serious injury, but He Qing was still talking to Yao Yiyi and helping Yao Yiyi, "Do you think it is necessary for me to wrong her mother?"

He Qing was silent, Lin Mowan has a big temper and arrogant personality, and the eldest lady has a very bad temper, but her mind is indeed extremely simple, and she won't make any conspiracy!
Therefore, the possibility of her creating such a bitter scene to blame Yao Yiyi by herself should be ruled out!
Thinking of this, He Qing frowned vigorously, could it be that Yao Yiyi really did all of this!

"How do you know that Yao Yiyi did it? What evidence do you have?" He Qing really didn't like Yao Yiyi, but her curiosity drove her to figure out the whole thing!

"I... I used to..." Lin Mowan stammered suddenly, she didn't know how to explain the fact that she found someone to kidnap Yao Yiyi. After all, she was good at doing things and didn't tell He Qing. She knew that if she said it, she would definitely scold herself!
"What's the matter, why don't you talk?" Seeing Lin Mowan's faltering expression, He Qing suddenly realized that something was wrong, looked at Lin Mowan curiously, and waited for her explanation.

"I...before my accident happened, I asked someone to kidnap Yao Yiyi, but I didn't expect to be kidnapped later. Tell me, who else but Yao Yiyi!"

When He Qing heard that Lin Mowan said that she was looking for someone to kidnap Yao Yiyi, her face turned livid immediately: "Who told you to make Yao Yiyi's idea, huh? I haven't got what I want. I just hope that my hard work will be in vain in the end." Is it a game?"

She really didn't think that this woman of hers was so stupid: "If I can attack Yao Yi now, would it be your turn? I've already found someone!"

Lin Mowan seemed to realize her mistake, she sat there without speaking, He Qing glanced at her, her voice was not as excited as before: "And your guess may not be right!"

"Why, you don't believe me?" Lin Mowan felt unhappy when she heard He Qing denying her words.

He Qing sneered and looked at her: "Don't you know that there is a Bo Shanchen beside Yao Yiyi now? Even though Shan Yisheng is no longer her backer, Bo Shanchen is not small. He wants to help Yao Yisheng One by one, it's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!"

"We can go to the police. I will assist the police to find out the whole story, so as to tarnish Bo's reputation!" Lin Mowan's eyes were full of resignation. She said that she would definitely take revenge!
He Qing looked at Lin Mowan and smiled disdainfully: "You are an idiot when you are a policeman. If you can't find out that you instigated others to kidnap Yao Yiyi first, if you want to be black, we Yao family will be black first!"

Lin Mowan really had nothing to say now, she lowered her head slightly: "Then what should I do, did I suffer for nothing in those three days?"

He Qing sighed softly, it was the first time she saw someone who counted others but counted herself in!
"Who said that!" He Qing glanced leisurely at the person outside the door, "Right now, there is just one person venting your anger on you, but all you need to pay attention to is to show mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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