Chapter 282 How To Be You
Yao Yiyi sorted the documents he took from He Qing one by one and put them away. Looking at the time, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and it would really take eight or nine o'clock in the evening to finish processing these documents.

Letting out a breath slowly, maybe he can go home earlier after processing these documents, Yao Yiyi nodded and buried his head to start processing the documents.

Although the weather has begun to warm up, the temperature difference between day and night is too large. When Yao Yiyi is about to get off work in the afternoon, he feels that it is not as warm as during the day. Fortunately, the air conditioner is turned on in the office. Although the temperature is not adjusted high , but compared with the outside, it is much better.

After get off work, most of the people in the office had already left, and Yao Yiyi didn't have time to take care of other things. Five of the unprocessed documents in his hand needed to check some data, which was quite troublesome.

In fact, what Yao Yiyi doesn't like is checking the data. The densely packed pages and the numbers on the computer have to be checked one by one. After a few minutes, the eyes will not be able to bear it, and if they are careless for a while, they forget where they have checked. Yes, it may be necessary to do it all over again.

Yao Yiyi sniffed lightly, and as soon as he opened a folder, a pair of hands appeared under his eyes, his beautiful fingers curled up, and he tapped lightly on the table a few times, Yao Yiyi Dazed, subconsciously thought it was Chu Cheng, raised his head with a smile: "I thought you went back, today I..."

Seeing that the person looking at him with eyes open and smiling was not Chu Cheng, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "Why are you?"

The expression on his face was not as familiar as before.

Bo Shanchen looked at her amusedly, and saw Yao Yiyi's expression clearly in his eyes. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't show it: "Why, can't I come here?"

Yao Yiyi didn't make any detours, and said directly: "You are right, now that the cooperation case between Yao and Bo is over, I don't know why Mr. Bo is still here!"

"Purpose?" Bo Shanchen is still not angry, he is now in his 30s and knows how to hide his true emotions, "Yi Yi, don't be so cruel, we also got to know each other!"

Yao Yiyi's original thorns gradually softened after hearing Gao's words. Maybe he was right, but he was too cruel. After that, he became a passerby completely.

"Sorry, I just feel..." If you really have other feelings for me other than friendship, we need to keep a distance even more.

Yao Yiyi didn't say the following words, she never rejected people, and she wasn't cruel enough, she hoped that he could understand these truths.

She is not in the mood to accept other people's feelings now, nor does she have the courage.

Yao Yiyi gritted his teeth and looked at Bo Shanchen: "Given what you said, I just want to tell you that no matter what the future between me and Shan Yisheng is, good or bad, as long as I still love him, I will Wait for him!" After she finished speaking, she paused again, and her face seemed to become paler, "If it is true as you said, he married other women and had children, then it's just that the two of us are not destined, or in other words, I'm out of luck!"

Yao Yiyi gave a wry smile, and stopped looking at Bo Shanchen, maybe because she was too anxious to speak, her breath became quicker, and she gasped a little.

Bo Shanchen narrowed his eyes, outsiders couldn't see his emotions at all, he looked at Yao Yiyi with his head down, and didn't speak.

He had never met such a woman, who was stubborn and yet cute.

"Maybe we can be good friends!" After a long time, Bo Shanchen spoke slowly, no emotion could be seen from his pretty face.

Yao Yiyi didn't expect him to give up on him so easily, he felt a sense of relief in his heart, raised his head and smiled at Bo Shanchen: "Go back first, I might have to work overtime until late, so I won't I've delayed you!"

Bo Shanchen realized belatedly that he seemed to have acted too hastily before. No matter who he was, he would feel terrified and abnormal if he confessed to a man he had known for only a few days.

So, now he wants to re-change the battle plan and slow down.

"Okay, I'll go back first, you remember to go home early!" Give her enough space, if she needs it!
It was the first time that Yao Yiyi was slightly shocked when he found that Bo Shanchen was so easy to talk to. After nodding to him, he lowered his head to look at the documents.

Bo Shanchen stood in front of Yao Yiyi and looked at her for a while, then turned around quietly and left, feeling that the one who was watching him left, Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the back of Bo Shanchen who was leaving As if thinking of something, she frowned slightly and looked in the direction of Chu Cheng's office.

Why didn't he come to find him today?
Could it be that he has gone back?

Yao Yiyi shook his head and smiled wryly, and picked up the cup on one side to drink water, but found that it was empty inside.

Because of the cold, itchy throat was extremely uncomfortable. Yao Yiyi took the water glass and prepared to drink some hot water. When he stood up, he felt very dizzy. There was darkness in front of his eyes. Yao Yiyi stretched out his hand in a daze, trying to hold on. He leaned on the table to balance his swaying body, but with one hand in the air, he fell to one side, and before he could scream, his leaning body was already supported by someone, and the other person's body was warm, and Yao Yiyi could smell his breath. There was a familiar breath on his body, so he didn't get up in a hurry, but waited for the dizziness in his head to gradually ease before straightening up, turning his head to look at the person behind him.

Maybe it was too different from what he expected, Yao Yi couldn't react to him when he saw it, and after a long time, he stuttered when he spoke: " are you here?"

Xiang Heng looked at her amusedly, took the cup from Yao Yiyi's hand: "Why can't I do this again?"

"But... I... here..."

"Okay, don't worry about it, sit down and have a good rest!" Xiang Heng pushed Yao Yiyi to sit on the seat, "Sit down, I'll pour you some water!"

How could Yao Yiyi still be in the mood to sit now? He followed behind Xiang Heng with a curious expression on his face: "Why did you appear here? Is Winnie here too?" After speaking, he looked around subconsciously, but Didn't see anyone!
"You don't need to look for it, drink some water." Xiang Heng handed Yao Yiyi a cup full of warm water, "I'll take you home after drinking it!"

"I still have documents..."

"Save the documents for tomorrow, go back today and see how pale your face is, and you still work overtime!" There is a warm feeling.

Yao Yiyi didn't refuse, nodded and obediently drank some warm water. The warm water flowed across his throat, and he felt much more comfortable in an instant, and then went back together behind Xiang Heng.

Chu Cheng looked at He Qing impatiently, with a somewhat resistant expression on his face: "You called me out again, are you afraid that others won't find out about our relationship?"

He Qing raised her eyes and glanced at him, the ring on her hand looked particularly beautiful under the light, graceful and luxurious: "Why are you nervous? Yao Yiyi will know about our relationship sooner or later, don't you really think that you Will Yao Yiyi and Yao Yiyi continue to be so friendly?"

Chu Cheng didn't speak, but the application on his face was noncommittal.

"Let me tell you the truth!" He Qing was dissatisfied by Chu Cheng, with a mocking smile on her face, "I am very dissatisfied with your performance, why, want to be with Yao Yiyi forever '? So you are reluctant to do anything, and you are also reluctant to do anything unfavorable to her?"

Chu Cheng left the beginning and didn't speak, so she had already seen what was on her mind, but she just said it now. Could it be that she has some purpose?
"Why don't you talk?" He Qing looked at him jokingly with lowered eyes, "I didn't see you being so submissive when you disobeyed my orders!"

Chu Cheng glanced at her, and a look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes. He took a sip of the water made up by Duan Chess Player: "You must have something to do with me, right? Just tell me if you have something to do, I have something to do!"

I don't know what Chu Cheng said wrong. He Qing was very unhappy when she heard Chu Cheng's words, and frowned forcefully: "Is this the way you talk to me?"

Chu Cheng's recent performance has made her very dissatisfied. No one wants her subordinates to be so disrespectful to her: "Chu Cheng, don't forget, you are doing things for me now, so you must pay attention to my attitude." One point, once I am unhappy and do something that makes you unhappy, don't blame me!"

Chu Cheng knew what He Qing's words meant, and he really wanted to raise his lips and say mockingly that she would only threaten others like this, but he couldn't, he was just making trouble for himself.

When you should endure, you should endure well.

He is not alone now.

Seeing that Chu Cheng didn't dare to speak anymore, He Qing's complexion slowly improved. She slid her finger along the smooth rim of the cup, as if she was thinking about something, and then said after a long time: "You go to Singapore the day after tomorrow, the acquisition company over there There seems to be something wrong, go and have a look!"

Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't think of what He Qing's purpose was. Looking at He Qing, she seemed to have no intention of explaining. Just as she was about to refuse, He Qing made a final decision: "That's the decision, you will take care of yourself at home tomorrow. Take a break, pack some things, and remember to board the plane on time the day after tomorrow, someone will deliver the ticket tomorrow!"

Without giving Chu Cheng a chance to speak, He Qing turned around and left after saying this. Chu Cheng looked at her leaving back and secretly guessed what she was up to this time.

(End of this chapter)

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