Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 284 What Are You Up To?

Chapter 284 What Are You Up To?

He Qing looked at Luo Minghao who was sitting on the sofa, and looked at him curiously: "What are you up to lately? Why can't you see a single person all day long?"

Luo Minghao sighed softly, looking distressed: "Aunt He, didn't my dad let me go out recently? There are many things in the consortium, let me stay in the consortium and take care of important things one time!"

In fact, He Qing didn't want to use Luo Minghao's place at all, and they didn't find any usable way to deal with Yao Yiyi. Originally, they wanted to smash Yao Yiyi out, but He Qing refused, saying so. What he did would leave future troubles. Since he can refuse to do that, he has nothing to do. He might as well stay in his own home first, and wait until He Qing and the others think of a way, and then come to participate.

He Qing still seemed displeased, and ignored Luo Minghao. The latter could see that he was unhappy, and frowned slightly: "How is Mo Wan's injury, is it healed?"

After speaking, he looked around in the hall, but he didn't see the person he was looking for, and looked at He Qing in confusion!
"Mo Wan is resting upstairs, and she had an argument with Yao Yiyi yesterday, she seems very angry, and I don't know what the two of them are talking about!"

Lin Mowan and He Qing are also full of helplessness. This daughter of hers has no other skills, and it will be too early to find her anger. Every time, whether it is fighting with others or quarreling with others, there is very little that can take possession of her. When the wind blows.

The two of them were silent for a long time, originally it was only considered as a relationship of interests, and they had no feelings, so they didn't have much to say: "Aunt He, if there is nothing else, I will leave first, and I will return later. There's a meeting waiting for me!"

"What are you in a hurry for?" He Qing glanced at Luo Minghao dissatisfied, walked to the refrigerator without haste, and bought herself a drink, "Since I've come to you today, I must have something to tell you, so What are you doing in a hurry, I'm not a tiger!"

"Aunt He was joking!" Luo Minghao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile on his face was very stiff, "Just say what you want, I can help you, I'm sure Will not stand idly by!"

Luo Minghao found out that He Qing is a tiger that eats people without spitting out bones. He swallows all the benefits in his own stomach, and will not keep any of them for others!

Maybe what his father said is right, he shouldn't have anything to do with He Qing, of course that was at the beginning, now he and He Qing have had so much involvement, and he has done a lot for this plan So much, still the same sentence, let go first, he will not be reconciled!
"I sent Chu Cheng abroad. During this time, I just need to keep a close eye on Bo Shanchen, and I can attack Yao Yiyi!"

He Qing's face was gloomy, as if she couldn't wait any longer!
"What do you mean, do you mean that you are going to attack Yao Yi now?" Hearing these words, Luo Minghao immediately got excited, and looked at He Qing with a little disbelief in his eyes!
"Yes, I don't want to wait any longer!" He Qing slowly sat down on the sofa, "Since you can't find the documents on Yao Yiyi, it's better to kill her directly, it will save trouble, we You don’t need to worry about it all day long!”

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luo Minghao just heaved a sigh of relief, but his heart was lifted by He Qing's next sentence. Are you going to kill Yao Yiyi?Leaving aside the police first, Bo Shanchen alone won't let them go!
He Qing glanced at him disdainfully: "Why, don't you dare?" There was naked contempt in her eyes, Luo Minghao was upset, but he still didn't show his temper.

It's just that, anyway, he is also a person with a temper, and if he doesn't behave, it doesn't mean he doesn't have it: "Aunt He is very courageous, so you can go by yourself. Killing people is not something that can be joked casually. If you say you want to be ruthless Teach Yao Yiyi a lesson and drive her out of Yao's house, I'm sure I don't have any objections!"

kill?Just kidding, once the police find out and Bo Shanchen intervenes in this matter, no matter how rich they are, they won't be able to escape prison!
The expression on He Qing's face paused, and she realized that she was still too impulsive. Perhaps she shouldn't have told Luo Minghao about this matter, and even if she wanted to, she should have concealed something!
"Auntie was just joking, although she doesn't have any feelings for Yao Yiyi, but it's impossible to really kill her by herself!

He Qing hurriedly said haha, and wanted to change the subject: "The weather has improved a lot recently, if you have time, take Mo Wan out to have fun, it's not a good thing for her to stay at home all day long, I'm afraid Suffocated her!"

"Okay, I happen to have the same thought. It's just that I'm too busy these days and don't have enough time. After a while, the company's affairs are over. I'll take Mo Wan out to relax!"

Do not marry Lin Mowan.It is also difficult to obtain Yao's property, but He Qing and Lin Mowan have always kept silent about the matter of marriage. It seems that this is also a troublesome matter!

"Since you still have a meeting, go back, I'll go upstairs to have a rest!"

Luo Minghao got a little excited, stood up and said goodbye, and looked at the time when he walked to the door, this time it might be late again!

It was already past time to get off work. Chu Cheng stood downstairs in the company and looked at the time. It was already time to get off work, but he didn't see Yao Yi coming down. He frowned slightly. Just as he was about to go up, he saw Yao Yiyi Carrying a white bag on her back, she seemed to be holding a piece of paper stuck to her nose, and walked up hurriedly: "Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Yao Yiyi didn't expect Chu Cheng to appear here, and was obviously taken aback. He looked at Chu Cheng with a red nose, and opened his eyes wide: "Chu Cheng? Why are you here?"

It seems to remember that he didn't come to the company all day today, and looked at him worriedly: "You didn't come to the company to work today, did something happen?"

Chu Cheng shook his head and didn't respond to her words. Instead, he put his hand on her forehead to test the temperature: "Is it because you have a fever and your face is so pale? The cold is still not cured? Let's go, I'll see a doctor for you!"

After speaking, he took Yao Yiyi's hand to stop the car, and his palm was pressed against his forehead. Yao Yiyi somehow thought of Shan Yisheng, his mind was a little confused, and he followed Chu Cheng to the side of the road.

It's getting late now, and it's hard to stop the car. The two stood on the side of the road for a long time before they stopped an empty car. It was only when Chu Cheng stuffed Yao Yiyi into the car that the latter slowly reacted. , looking at Chu Cheng with a confused face: "Where are we going?"

Chu Cheng didn't expect that Yao Yi's reaction would be much slower when he got sick, so he squeezed her arm a little dotingly: "Take you to the hospital, don't think this cold is not a serious illness, once it becomes serious, you may still I have to be hospitalized, so, go to the hospital when it is not serious, so as not to regret it!"

Yao Yiyi originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered Shan Yisheng's words: "Take good care of yourself like me!"

He doesn't know if he loves him enough, but she knows that she loves him, maybe she shouldn't insist on such a thing!
"All right!"

Seeing that Yao Yiyi was not refusing, Chu Cheng thought he was persuaded by him, so he was naturally in a good mood, and stretched out his hand to pat her forehead: "How good it is to be obedient like this!"

Yao Yi smiled absent-mindedly.

Because it was night and there were not many people in the hospital, Chu Cheng took the person to the hospital only to belatedly realize that it was already the rest time and he did not see a doctor.

Chu Cheng was a little disappointed, and also a little embarrassed, Yao Yiyi was already sick, and he led her to run around in the wind like this.

"It's okay, just treat it as a refreshment. Let's go eat now, and I happen to be hungry too!" Seeing the expression on Chu Cheng's face, Yao Yiyi smiled and comforted him indifferently. The one in front of the latter nodded. Individuals walked out the door side by side.

"This lady!" Suddenly there was a mellow voice behind him, Yao Yi turned his head subconsciously, and saw a doctor in a white coat walking towards him, Yao Yiyi turned his head and looked around, except for the two of them I have no other people, and I seem to be calling myself: "Is there something wrong?"

The man in a white coat was wearing a pair of glasses. He looked gentle and harmless, with fair skin. Yao Yiyi looked at him carefully and found that although his skin was better than that of a woman, he didn't look feminine at all, handsome extraordinary.

"Are you here to see a doctor?" The man looked Yao Yi up and down, his eyes were full of smiles, Yao Yi nodded, but didn't answer!
"Follow me!" After a while, the man turned and walked to the right!

"Where to go?"

"see a doctor!"

Isn't it already past the time for seeing a doctor? Yao Yiyi glanced at Chu Cheng beside him in confusion, and the latter smiled at her and motioned her to follow!
After doing some simple examinations, it was found that Yao Yiyi's fever was caused by a small cold, so he took out a piece of paper and wrote a list and handed it to her: "Take medicine regularly, rest regularly, your illness will be cured soon! "

Yao Yi nodded, and looked down at the words on the list. How could the description be so flamboyant? Yao Yi read it for a long time but couldn't understand a few words, and finally had to give up. After thanking the doctor, he went to get the medicine. Two people will stand at the door of the hospital and prepare to eat!

Chu Cheng took Yao Yiyi to a restaurant with a relatively light taste. She still has a cold and can't eat anything spicy!
Fortunately, Yao Yiyi is not the kind of person who regards spicy food as his life, so he can enjoy a meal, Chu Cheng put down his chopsticks: "Yiyi, I'm going to Singapore for a business trip tomorrow!"

Yao Yiyi glanced at him in shock: "So suddenly?"

The latter nodded and didn't speak. He had a lot to say, and he didn't know where to start. Finally, he pursed his lips: "Be careful by yourself!"

Yao Yi nodded: "You too!"

(End of this chapter)

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