Chapter 287 It's Time
"Now that Cheng Chu has arrived in Singapore, there are fewer and fewer people around Yao Yiyi. So far, there should be only one single minister left!"

He Qing casually closed the document in front of her, and glanced at Lin Mowan on the sofa, with a sinister smile in her eyes: "When Bo Shanchen is no longer interested in Yao Yiyi, it's time for us to strike! "

In fact, even if Chu Cheng is here, it will not have much influence on them. After all, Chu Cheng is just "a grassroots" and does not have any power in his hands, so it will not be of much effect. The reason why Chu Cheng let him leave I was just worried that he would do some crazy things because he was dissatisfied with Yao Yi's attack.

So in the end, just in case, it was decided that it would be better to transfer him.

"Mom, it's easy when you say it. Who knows when this Bo Shanchen will give up on Yao Yiyi. If Yao Yiyi intentionally flirts with Bo Shanchen, we may wait forever!" Lin Mowan sat on the sofa Eat pastries. Because I got up late in the morning, I came to the company with He Qing without breakfast. Now I feel hungry, so I asked someone to buy some pastries from a pastry shop near the company.

He Qing was obviously unhappy after hearing Lin Mowan's words, and the smile on her face faded a lot: "You know how to pour cold water on me here, can you think of a good way to make Bo Shanchen no longer like Yao Yiyi?"

Lin Mowan didn't answer any more. He Qing knew that if she asked anything, it would be a waste of time. She still remembers the kidnapping incident she ordered last time, and it will definitely be difficult to please in the end!
Just as Lin Mowan was about to say something, there was a knock on the office door. He Qing and Lin Mowan looked at each other: "Come in!"

The door opened in response, and a woman in a black professional suit came in, her hair was coiled neatly on her head, she looked like a very capable woman!
"Mr. He, the cooperation proposal with CR Company has been rejected!"

This woman is He Qing's other assistant, perhaps a more personal assistant than Yao Yiyi. Since the last kidnapping incident, He Qing felt that it was necessary for her to have someone she could trust by her side. Although Yao Yiyi She has absolutely no second thoughts about Yao Shi, but if she handles some company secrets, she will know a lot of internal things that she shouldn't know, so she arranged another reliable person by her side!
"Rejected again?" He Qing looked at Coco incredulously, with a bad expression on her face, "The recent cooperation projects have been rejected one after another by the cooperative company, coco, I began to doubt your ability to work, if you are in this position If you are not competent, I will consider changing your position!"

I don’t know what’s going on recently. Many cooperative companies that have already negotiated the contract say that they can’t cooperate anymore. They would rather pay compensation according to the contract than continue.

"Yes, but has Mr. He ever thought that someone may be making trouble?" Coco didn't panic because of He Qing's words, and looked at her with a calm face to guess, "Otherwise, I will be rejected by many cooperative companies in the near future. It seems that this is a very abnormal phenomenon!"

He Qing leaned on the back of the chair and looked at her. Although Coco joined the company not long ago, what she said made sense: "I see, you go back first!"

She wanted to see if he was sleeping behind her back and doing something!
Yao Yiyi's mobile phone was placed in a white handbag, and he was reading documents when suddenly there was a buzzing sound on the table, and Yao Yi subconsciously stopped the pen in his hand.

Finding his mobile phone from the bag, he was a little dazed when he saw the familiar number.I don't know if I should take it or not.

There is no deposit slip in her mobile phone, Yisheng's mobile phone, okay, but after he called that time, he never forgot those numbers, and it seemed to be printed in his mind just like that!
"Yiyi, why don't you answer the phone?" A colleague in the same office stood in front of Yao Yiyi's desk for some unknown reason, looking curiously at her holding a cell phone that kept ringing all the time.

"Ah?" Yao Yiyi was suddenly brought back to his senses by his colleague's words, looked at her slightly nervously, and laughed a few times uncomfortably, "I was in a daze just now, but I didn't notice it!" After speaking, she turned her body slightly Ready to answer the phone.

The colleague frowned slightly after hearing her words, as if he wanted to say something, but at this time Yao Yiyi had already connected the phone, turned around and left without saying anything.

"Yi Yi!" Shan Yisheng's voice was deep and gentle, "I'll wait for you at the corner of your company!"

His voice was deep and pleasant, but with an irresistible feeling, Yao Yiyi's heart was shocked, and he tried his best to sound calm: "Is there anything you can do with me?"

Shan Yisheng didn't answer this question, but she didn't intend to hang up her phone either. The two of them held their phones in silence, and could only hear each other's breathing.

It took a long time for Yao Yiyi to hang up the phone first. She didn't want to go on. After all, she still minded that there was another woman by his side, even though she had already made up her mind to wait for him.

Shan Yisheng listened to the beeping busy tone from the phone, and put down the phone slowly. She didn't answer him, but he seemed to be sure that she would come back.

Sure enough, after a while, Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi rushing towards him. He carefully glanced around the car and saw He Qing, so he didn't get out of the car.

Yao Yiyi naturally saw Shan Yisheng's car a long time ago, and got into the passenger seat directly. Just when he was about to ask him if he was looking for something this time, the car drove away.

Lin Mowan watched the white car carrying Yao Yiyi drive away slowly, her face full of displeasure. Even though the owner of the car didn't get out of the car, she could tell from the model and maintenance of the car body that the owner Must be a rich man.

It seems that it should be Bo Shanchen.

Shan Yisheng didn't speak, Yao Yiyi didn't speak either, the car was very quiet, after a while the car stopped, Yao Yiyi looked out the window, it was a high-end Chinese restaurant, the parking boy standing at the door had already Come over here.

"Let's go eat first, and we'll talk after dinner!" Shan Yisheng glanced at Yao Yiyi, with inexplicable complex emotions in his eyes, Yao Yi got out of the car and looked around, without saying a word, everyone It's already arrived, so there should be no point in refusing it.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and Shan Yisheng was undoubtedly attractive. As soon as he stood at the door, Yao Yiyi felt a lot of eyes sweeping over him, looking him up and down, but he was still calm and relaxed. It looks like it's not affected at all.

The two followed the waiter into the box.

(End of this chapter)

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