Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 289 What are you laughing at

Chapter 289 What are you laughing at

He Qing casually threw the phone aside, with a sinister smile on her face, Lin Mowan looked at her puzzled: "Mom, what are you laughing at?"

Could it be that something good happened recently, or did he think of other ways to punish Yao Yiyi?Thinking of this, Lin Mowan seemed a little excited, as long as Yao Yiyi could be dealt with, she would be very interested!
He Qing was not in a hurry to answer Lin Mowan's question, but casually picked up the cup of coffee at hand, put it on her lips and took a sip, put down the cup in her hand and looked at Lin Mowan, smiling triumphantly: "I'm here Give Chu Cheng some tests!"

"Chu Cheng?" It seems that she hasn't seen Chu Cheng for a while, so Lin Mowan seems to have begun to forget about such a person, and she didn't think about it until He Qing mentioned it again, "What's wrong with him, how do you test his ability?" ?”

Lin Mowan's series of questions seemed to have aroused He Qing's dissatisfaction, she glanced at Lin Mowan: "It's not considered a test, it's just that he has gotten too close to Yao Yiyi recently, and he doesn't listen to my words, so I want him to taste what it's like to be a rich man, to be flattered and flattered by others, and to be served in all aspects, I think, no one can escape such a temptation!"

Lin Mowan still looked like she didn't understand it very well, and He Qing didn't seem to want to explain much. She stood up and walked to her desk, randomly took out a document from a large stack of documents, and started working.

Seeing that He Qing had already started working, Lin Mowan didn't know whether she should stay here, and finally hesitated for a moment before asking, "Mom, are you just letting Yao Yiyi go?"

When Lin Mian asked these words, she gritted her teeth. Although she had very little contact with Yao Yiyi recently, they were under the same roof after all. Lin Mowan saw Yao Yiyi's laid-back expression. She looked very aggrieved in her heart, she was very angry with Yao Yiyi, so she did everything she could to make Yao Yiyi's life difficult, but in fact, she had done so much, but it still seemed that she was not good to her. any impact.

How could she be willing like this!
He Qing paused holding the pen, raised her head and looked at Lin Mowan: "Don't you know that Bishan Chen has been hanging around Yao Yiyi recently? If I attack Yao Yiyi now, do you think Bo Shanchen will act like a Like an idiot who doesn't know anything?"

"But..." It's not a problem to leave Yao Yiyi alone like this!
Lin Mowan was interrupted by He Qing before she finished speaking, she lowered her head and waved her hands: "Okay, I understand, instead of arguing with me here, why don't you think of a way..." He paused in the middle of speaking , Thinking of the last time she kidnapped Yao Yiyi privately, the topic changed, "Forget it, don't meddle in it, so as not to help more and more, go out first, I know what to do!"

Seeing He Qing's unwillingness to say more, Lin Mowan didn't insist any more. She hesitated to speak and glanced at He Qing, then turned and left the office.

Hearing the sound of the office door closing, He Qing put down the bag in her hand, with a helpless but cruel expression on her face, why didn't she want to be able to get Yao Yiyi at once, but now even if she didn't pray that she could get Yao Yiyi successfully, Yi's property, just expelling Yao Yiyi from the Yao family, must pay attention to Bo Shanchen's movements. After all, in such a complicated upper class society, people with backing are not easy to touch.

Yan Qianqian didn't expect that Yan Shengtian would not agree to meet Shan Yisheng, and she immediately didn't know how to deal with this matter. She had already made an agreement with Shan Yisheng before, what kind of excuse would she find to refuse now?
Shan Yisheng's phone number has been changed, she wanted to call him but his assistant answered it, thinking of this, Yan Qianqian picked up her handbag and walked out the door, he didn't have time to answer her call, it doesn't matter, she can go in person find him!

Shan Yisheng has been hurting because of Yao Yiyi's matter, and it can be seen that she was really hurt by him this time, but he can't do anything except do something for her behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, he felt even more annoyed.

"President, Miss Yan is looking for you!" Qin Meihui knocked on the office door a few times as a sign, and before the people inside could respond, she slowly opened the door and said.

Shan Yisheng quickly put his emotions in order, raised his eyes to look at her: "Do you know why you came to see me?"

Obviously, he would be able to see him after returning home, but he insisted on finding the company impatiently. Shan Yisheng frowned forcefully, feeling very upset.

Qin Meihui shook her head, expressing that she didn't know.

Shan Yisheng remembered that Yan Qianqian had waited for a long time in the living room last time, and if she repeated the trick this time, she would definitely be suspicious, so she nodded: "Let her in!"

"Yisheng, my dad said that he...he's busy with work and doesn't have time to meet with you!" Yan Qianqian couldn't wait to open his mouth as soon as he entered the office, as if trying to cover up something.

"Oh?" Shan Yisheng responded meaningfully, "Didn't you say that he's not busy recently, that's why I thought of calling some people over!"

Shan Yisheng didn't look at Yan Qianqian, and when he said this, his tone was very calm, without the slightest hint of questioning, but it still put fatal pressure on Yan Qianqian.

"That... That's because, recently..." She was stuttering and unable to speak, Shan Yisheng didn't urge her, and looked very patient.

"His company has recently negotiated cooperation cases with several companies, so it is now busy again!"

"It seems that your father's company really has a lot of talents, so many cooperation cases have been negotiated in such a short few days!"

Shan Yisheng spoke half-sarcastically, but Yan Qianqian didn't understand what he meant, nodded and said yes: "Since you also think that my dad's company has a lot of talents, why don't you let them..."

"No need!" Shan Yisheng didn't seem to have enough patience to listen to her, and interrupted her directly, "Isn't your father's company busy again, keep it for use!"

Vaguely, Yan Qianqian seemed to have seen the sarcasm in the corner of Shan Yisheng's eyes, but he didn't see it clearly, and he couldn't be sure, maybe because he found out that his lie made him hard to believe, and he didn't know what to say when he stood there.

After Shan Yisheng read the document in his hand, he raised his head and glanced at her: "You came here to talk about this matter?"

"That's right, I..."

"I just called, you go back first, after all, there is still a lot of work on hand to finish!" After finishing speaking, she ignored her and continued to work again. Without hesitation, he nodded, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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