Chapter 315
The next day Yao Yiyi really got up early, and when he went downstairs to eat, he saw Lin Mowan and He Qing eating, and walked over with a natural expression: "Good morning!"

After finishing speaking, she planned to come down for dinner, Lin Mowan reprimanded her with a dark face: "This position is not what you should do, don't think that if you cooperate with us now, you can still be the eldest lady of the Yao family like before!"

Lin Mowan was opposed to He Qing's cooperation with Yao Yiyi from the beginning to the end. This was not because she was suspicious of Yao Yiyi, but because she hated her too much, and she didn't care about any mutually beneficial relationship. , she just wants to beat her to death viciously!
Unfortunately, He Qing didn't think so.

Yao Yiyi didn't speak, and turned to look at He Qing. The latter acted as if she hadn't noticed anything, and didn't even look at them. Yao Yiyi smiled faintly, and bowed her head to eat breakfast!

Lin Mowan must have been in a bad mood after being bored early in the morning. She gave Yao Yiyi a vicious look, gritted her teeth and said a few words: "Bitch!"

"Anyway, I have stayed in Yao's family for so long, why can't I learn the rules of Yao's family? It seems that they are either born or they are different!" Yao Yiyi retorted indifferently.

"You..." Lin Mowan was in a hurry, but she couldn't say any harsh words to scold her.

"That's enough, I don't feel comfortable eating breakfast in the morning! Mo Wan, hurry up and finish your meal, go to the car and wait for me!"

"I'm not going!"

Lin Mowan's temper seems to be much more stubborn than before!

He Qing glanced at her, ignored her, but looked at Yao Yiyi: "Yiyi, do you want me to arrange for you to visit Shan Yisheng?"

Yao Yiyi paused for a while, and then looked at He Qing rather puzzled: "I went to see what Shan Yisheng is doing, what relationship do I have with him now?"

After finishing speaking, I realized that I answered too quickly, and I was suspicious of trying to cover up, so I added: "If I really go to see him, are you planning to not cooperate with me? Actually, I still plan to see him. , but when I successfully acquire the Sy Group, I want him to know that it was really worth it to reject me because of that woman Yan Qianqian!"

"Sure enough!" He Qing looked at Yao Yiyi and smiled disdainfully.


"Women can't be provoked at will, especially smart women!"

"I'm not very smart, I just know how to get back the heart that I accidentally stayed on the ground before. He Shan Yisheng abandoned me in order to be with Yan Qianqian!" Yao Yiyi made a face The appearance of a bitter woman.

He Qing thought for a while; "Perhaps he just thought that he lost the memory he should have and forgot about you, that's why he behaved like this!"

"I always thought that no matter whether two people who really love each other have amnesia or something, they should still have certain memories of the one they love!" After thinking about it, Yao Yi shook his head, "Don't tell me about him again." Now, I want to make a good acquisition of sy now!"

He Qing is quite satisfied with this conversation; "You must play tricks, otherwise the Yao family that your father created with one hand will probably be finished!"

"Minghao, come and sit down, I want to tell you something!" Luo Minghao came back from the company in the evening, and he didn't know what he was busy with for the past few days. His condition seemed to be poor all the time, and Luo Jiawei was very worried.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Luo Minghao glanced at Luo Jiawei who was on the sofa, walked towards him curiously, and sat down beside him.

"Father sees that you don't seem to be in good spirits these days, and you don't know what you're busy with. What's the matter? Is there any problem in the company?"

"No, there's nothing going on in the company, so don't make wild guesses. Let's have dinner and rest early!" After speaking, he stood up and prepared to go upstairs. Luo Jiawei followed his footsteps. Luo Minghao thought he was still worried I explained again, "Is it just because I have too many things in the company these days, I have become a lot busier than before, so my spirit is not good, so don't worry!"

"What I want to say is not this, you come with me to the study!" Luo Jiawei glanced at Luo Minghao, stepped in front of Luo Minghao, and entered the study.

"It's not about this?" Luo Minghao frowned forcefully, and followed Luo Jiawei into the study.

"Dad, what on earth do you want to say to me, making it so mysterious!" Luo Minghao sat on the sofa, "I have a dinner later, so hurry up and tell me if you have anything to say!"

"Minghao, let me ask you, were you plotting against Yao Yiyi from the very beginning?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Luo Minghao's brows were furrowed even more than before, and his brows were full of impatience: "Dad, what are you talking about, I don't have time, I'm leaving first!"

After Luo Minghao finished speaking, he was about to leave the door, when Luo Jiawei suddenly became serious: "Stop! Every time I tell you about this matter, you find excuses to hide away, from the beginning you want to be engaged to Lin Mowan I stopped you back then, but you didn't listen. At that time, I didn't know that you would make things like this! I should have stopped you if I knew it earlier. Tell me, how many bad things have you and He Qing done together? "

"Dad, don't be stupid. You still have to divide good and bad things now. You are already so old, so you should take care of yourself. Don't just think wildly at home. I am now managing the entire consortium, which is very tiring. , I don’t have time to talk to you about this!”

"Take another step. If you walk out of this room now, believe it or not, I will immediately transfer the position of president of the company to someone else!"

The expression on Luo Minghao's face paused, and his steps really stopped.

"I'm talking serious things in Gurney now, but you're using this attitude to perfuse me? It's also because I didn't teach you well..." Luo Jiawei seldom gets so angry, and Luo Minghao was also a little surprised.

He turned around helplessly and looked at Luo Jiawei: "What do you want to say, just say it, I'll listen!"

"Do you still remember what I told you before!" Luo Jiawei said slowly, and the things of that year began to recall in his mind!
"You should still deal with these documents in the company as before, and then tell me when you have a good solution, and I will tell you if it is feasible after I think about it!" After explaining a few words to Yao Yiyi, He Qing Ready to go back to his office, Yao Yi nodded but did not speak.

"Remember, don't play any tricks. As I said, if you play any tricks, the Yao family that your father worked so hard to create will be finished!" Suddenly remembering something, He Qing turned her head and said.

"I have brains!" Yao Yiyi looked at her coldly, "Don't always threaten me with Yao Shi, I know what to do or not to do!"

"Very good!" He Qing pursed her lips and smiled, "I just like smart people!"

"My mother said she likes smart people!" Lin Mowan glanced at He Qing's back, and looked at Yao Yiyi with interest, "Do you know what kind of people I like?"

Yao Yiyi didn't speak, she didn't come to work in the company for several days, some dust accumulated on the table, she took out a few pieces of paper and wiped it seriously.

"Yao Yiyi, are you deaf? Every time I talk to you, it happens?" Lin Mowan was furious, and now every time she talked to her, she pretended that she didn't hear her.

"Does the question you ask have anything to do with me? Besides, no one expressly stipulates that I must answer you!" Yao Yiyi gave her a playful look, and continued with the matter in hand.

"Bitch! After pretending to be deaf, do you know other skills? Do you really think how great you are? You are just a dog in front of my mother!"

Lin Mowan looked at Yao Yiyi viciously, her eyes were sharp.

The movements of Yao Yiyi's hands suddenly stopped, and the emotions on his face were unpredictable, and he suppressed all the emotions after a long time, and smiled at Lin Mowan expressionlessly: "Then what about you, what do you think you are? "

"Are you asking nonsense? Of course I am my mother's daughter, and the future successor of the Yao family is also me, Lin Mowan. I have never had anything to do with you, Yao Yiyi!"

"That's right, on the surface it seems that you and He Qing do have such a relationship!" Yao Yiyi nodded in agreement, "But it's only when there is nothing going on now, once something happens, you Guess if He Qing will push you forward or let you hide behind her?"

The expression on Yao Yiyi's face seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and he was satisfied to see that the expression on Lin Mowan's face turned white and red.

"Why, don't you dare to chew anymore?" Yao Yiyi walked away a few steps, threw the dirty tissue into the trash, and started to read the documents.

"Yao Yiyi, you did it on purpose, you are sowing discord, you are jealous of the good relationship between me and my mother!" Lin Mowan complained.

"Yes, you're right!" Yao Yiyi kept nodding, with an inexplicably bright smile on her face, Lin Mowan suddenly realized that she couldn't understand her at all, she remembered that Yao Yiyi was not like this before, How long has it been? It feels like a completely different person.

"Do you think I'm not the same as I used to be?" Yao Yiyi seemed to see Lin Mowan's thoughts, raised his eyes to look at her, and then the smile on his face slowly disappeared, "I can't help it, it's all because of being raped." You forced it!"

Even if I did something to hurt you so that's what you deserve!

"Then do you really want to cooperate with us or just want to take the opportunity to revenge us?" Lin Mowan asked this question that puzzled her for a long time.

Yao Yiyi didn't expect that she would ask this question so bluntly. Could it be that she was the one who would answer as stupidly as she did?


"You think too much, what good is it for me to take revenge on you, the Yao family is now in your hands!" Yao Yiyi paused, and continued, "I will not do anything that is not beneficial to me."

(End of this chapter)

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