Chapter 317 What I Know
The two chatted casually for a while before preparing to go back. Although Yao Yiyi didn't say anything, Xiang Heng felt that Yao Yiyi still didn't trust her enough. She might no longer be as defensive as before. But there are some things that I still can't seem to tell myself.

"Actually..." Xiang Heng picked up his coat, hesitated for a while before continuing to speak, "If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly, I think you know about my relationship with Shan Yisheng, I definitely won't Stand by and watch!"

Yao Yiyi paused, then nodded: "I know!"

Having said that, but still did not have the desire to speak, Xiang Heng sighed silently in his heart, and the two walked outside side by side.

"Next time it's too late, take the documents home to deal with, you're a girl, it's too dangerous to go back so late every day, and I don't..."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another voice. Yao Yiyi followed the voice and saw Chu Cheng coming out from the corner with his head slightly lowered. Unclear his expression.

"Chu Cheng!" Yao Yiyi was very surprised to see Chu Cheng. The two of them hadn't seen each other since he sneaked into her room last time and was discovered by He Qing. She thought He Qing would do something to him!

Thinking of this, Yao Yi looked Chu Cheng up and down, and saw that he didn't seem to be injured at all, so he was relieved. Fortunately, he didn't suffer any injuries.

"Why are you here? He Qing didn't make things difficult for you, did he?" Yao Yiyi quickly approached Chu Cheng with a slight worry on his face.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's reaction, Xiang Heng frowned slightly, but still didn't say anything, standing by and looking at the two of them.

"It's okay." Chu Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Xiang Heng, then looked away, "Why did you..." Come out?Chu Cheng felt very strange, wasn't she locked up by He Qing, but when he thought that Xiang Heng was there, he hurriedly changed his words, "Haven't you gone back yet?"

"Well, there are many things about the company!" Yao Yiyi didn't seem to want to say more about this point.

Chu Cheng took a deep look at her. It seemed that she really had a good relationship with her father. Even after knowing the true colors of He Qing and Lin Mowan, she still cared so much about the company.

"Yiyi, let's go back first, it's getting late." Xiang Heng looked at the time, realized that it was placed on Yao Yiyi's face, and had no intention of saying hello to Chu Cheng.

Yao Yiyi was urged by Xiang Heng, but he came to his senses, and hurriedly said goodbye to Chu Cheng: "Then I'll go back first, it's getting late now, you go back to rest earlier." She stopped and said, "Let's talk about it another day!"

Chu Cheng nodded and looked at Xiang Heng's back. Is this person really doing it for Yi Yi's benefit, or does he have another purpose.

"Didn't you say that he is in Italy? Why, he came back recently?" Xiang Heng asked pretending not to care while driving, thinking of the way they talked just now, he felt a little depressed, and his trust in him seemed to be one by one. It is to overcome oneself.

"Yes, but I came back recently!" Yao Yi looked out of the car window, "Just park in front, there is still a little way for me to walk over!"

Xiang Heng didn't refuse, and stopped at the place she designated. Xiang Heng watched her open the door and get out of the car, with some struggles in her eyes, and finally became clear: "Do you not trust me?"

Yao Yiyi shut the car door shut, smiled faintly, and said, "I can't find a reason to fully trust you. After all, friendship is as thin as water."

Xiang Heng watched Yao Yiyi's leaving back and pressed his lips tightly.

Yao Yiyi has been very busy recently. In the past, she was really busy dealing with documents, so she didn't need to use up too many brain cells. Now she not only has to find a way to buy SY Group to suppress He Qing, but also find a way to do it. Shan Yisheng, under He Qing's eyes during the day, had to deal with her own documents properly, now she wished she could become three people, then she would not be so busy herself!
Chu Cheng didn't know what was going on, and he never showed up after meeting that night, and he never came to the company.

"Yiyi, come in!" He Qing didn't know what was going on, so she called Yao Yiyi into the office. Although she could always show a calm look in front of He Qing, she was the only one who was nervous. I know.

She was not good at lying.

Thinking of this, Yao Yi smiled wryly, perhaps he had really changed too much.

"Understood, I'll be right over." Yao Yiyi put down the phone, pinched his fingers vigorously, took a deep breath and walked to the office.

"It's been almost a week, don't you really have no idea at all?" He Qing sat behind the desk, looking at her suspiciously with a pair of old eyes.

"Mom, I just said, I shouldn't have believed her from the very beginning, and you still don't believe me!" Lin Mowan raised her head from the magazine, eyes full of contempt.

Yao Yiyi didn't pay attention to Lin Mowan, but looked at He Qing with a light smile: "What are you in a hurry for? If this matter were really so easy, you wouldn't ask me to help you, since we've already talked about it. Once all the conditions have been settled, of course I have to be foolproof, otherwise everything I have done will be in vain!"

He Qing thought for a while, but did not speak. Seeing that He Qing was going to be persuaded by Yao Yiyi again this time, Lin Mowan left the magazine and walked to Yao Yiyi's side angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "Don't fool people here anymore. , you just can’t find a cooperation plan, so you keep procrastinating, you are procrastinating, right?”

"Is there any benefit for me to procrastinate?" Yao Yiyi asked indifferently.

"How would I know!" Lin Mowan snorted coldly, "You have so many evil ideas, you are not a roundworm in your stomach!"

"Since this is the case, don't guess my thoughts at will. If you guess right, it's nothing. Once you guess wrong, it's not good to wrong others, right?"

Lin Mowan couldn't speak, and gave Yao Yiyi a vicious look.

He Qing looked at the two with a big head. In the past, when Lin Mowan found fault, Yao Yiyi would tolerate it, but now she is so sharp-tongued that she doesn't give in at all!

"Since this is the case, then I will give you another five days!" He Qing put down the pen in her hand and crossed her hands together, "If you still can't think of a way to take down Sy Group that satisfies me, we will Everything that was agreed is void!"

"Although Yao Yiyi was angry, there was nothing he could do: "Okay! "

Chu Cheng glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, and dialed the call without any hesitation.

"President He." His tone was cold and indifferent, but upon listening carefully, there was a feeling of gnashing of teeth.

"Why, finally showing up after disappearing for so many days?" He Qing sneered, full of sarcasm.

"How dare I disappear, if I disappear, the other member of the family will probably be killed by you!" Chu Cheng's eyes were instantly tinged with a little coldness, and the expression on his face was a little ferocious.

He Qing was listening to the secretary's report on her itinerary, and she didn't pay attention to what he was talking about for a while, so she couldn't help asking: "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" Chu Cheng put away the expression on his face, "Come out for a meeting?"

"Meet?" He Qing slightly raised the ending voice, "Chucheng, it seems that you are still too young? Do you really think that your status is high enough to meet me casually?"

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment, holding the phone even more forcefully, but he forgot who she, He Qing, is the president of the Yao family. She thinks highly of herself, is arrogant and full of ambitions!

"I forgot, so let's forget about it. If I didn't say it, keep busy, President He!"

Chu Cheng didn't want to say any more, and wanted to hang up the phone, but He Qing stopped him: "What do you want from me?"

"I just want to ask President He, if you carry a human life on your back, can your shoulders bear it?" Chu Cheng said this without any emotion.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" He Qing's complexion changed suddenly, and her voice became much louder. She looked up and saw the secretary standing in front of her looking at her in surprise, and waved her hand casually, "Go out first!"


Chu Cheng was not in a hurry, and it took a while before he slowly opened his mouth: "I'm at the coffee shop on the corner of Zhongxin Road. As for whether you want to come over or not, it's up to you!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone. He Qing listened to the busy tone on the phone, and slammed the phone on the ground. So far, there are not many people who dare to threaten her!

She would like to see how much courage this Chu Cheng has grown!

Chu Cheng didn't have to wait long for He Qing to arrive. She was wearing a beige suit and looked very imposing. Chu Cheng raised the corners of her lips mockingly. Rich people are like this, and she smells of copper all over her body!
"Chu Cheng, I can't see it. Your courage is really getting bigger and bigger. Who told you that you can threaten me?" He Qing should be very angry. When she spoke, she looked at Chu Cheng fiercely, with A wave of cruelty!
Chu Cheng pretended to be innocent and looked at He Qing: "Don't accuse me casually, I just asked you a question!"

"It's just a question?" He Qing sneered, "Your question is really not an ordinary question! Don't pretend, talk to me if you have anything to do, I don't have so much time to talk to you!"

"Ask me about the things you have done yourself?" Chu Cheng's stomach was full of anger when he thought of Chu's father's pale face and closed eyes, and his tone was very bitter, regardless of her identity!
He Qing didn't expect that Chu Cheng would speak like this, and she didn't know how to react for a while. She, He Qing, has committed too many immoral things, but she hasn't killed anyone yet. Although she has such thoughts, in the end she will None of the injured people was in any danger of life.

(End of this chapter)

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