Chapter 319 The Truth
Luo Minghao looked at Luo Jiawei with a puzzled face, and motioned him to continue.

Luo Jiawei closed his eyes, perhaps because of his age, his eyes became cloudy.

"I gradually discovered that your mother would always show courteousness in front of Yao Qixiong. At first I didn't pay attention to it, so I didn't take it to heart. Then one day, Yiyi's mother secretly asked me if I noticed that your mother and There was something wrong between Yao Qixiong, I smiled and said that I was too sensitive and suspicious, only to find out later that I was too negligent!"

"You mean..." Luo Jiawei had almost guessed something, his voice was trembling slightly, and he couldn't continue the words after that.

"You guessed it right!" Luo Jiawei seemed to know what Luo Minghao was going to say, "I didn't really know until one day when I saw your mother handing me a divorce agreement. Your mother and Yao Qixiong got it. Let's go together!"

"Later, if you refused, my mother forced me to die?" Luo Minghao guessed, there was even a trace of sarcasm in his tone.

"Listen to me slowly." Luo Jiawei took a sip of water and began to fall into memories again.

"Of course I would not agree. I was already born at that time, and the child could not live without a mother, but your mother's attitude was very firm. The originally happy home was full of gunpowder, and I hated it so much in my heart that I wanted to resign. But at that time we I don't have any savings at all. Once I quit my job and my family has no income, your mother will be even more unwilling to follow me, so I was going to talk to Yao Qixiong, but I was a step too late. He put the money away before I went to him. Come find me!"

"Why, he also persuaded you to divorce?" Luo Minghao sneered.

"No!" Luo Jiawei shook his head, "He asked me to think of a way. He said that your mother forced him to divorce. When the two had a relationship, it was your mother who took him to the hotel while he was drunk. It's related, and then your mother kept crying and asked him to give an explanation, Yao Yiyi's mother is very beautiful, I can tell usually, the relationship between the two of them is very good, but I didn't expect..."

Luo Jiawei smacked his lips and continued: "Anyway, our two families fell into a trough in an instant, and Yao Qixiong didn't have much energy to manage the company. When I came back, your mother forced me to divorce and committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills. Yao Yiyi's mother , also because I knew that Yao Qixiong had done something sorry for her and got depressed, and finally jumped off the building, was sent to the hospital for rescue and was declared dead!"

After saying the last word, Luo Jiawei felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. The lie that had been suppressed in his heart for so many years was finally uttered.

"Minghao, in the final analysis, we are sorry for their Yao family. Yao Qixiong slowly developed the Yao family after his wife died. When he was young, he didn't have much energy to care about his relationship problems. When he was old, his eyesight was not good. After looking for a woman like He Qing, you can tell at a glance that there is no kindness in An'an!" Luo Jiawei sighed secretly, if he had warned Yao Qixiong at the beginning, no matter whether he listened or not, at least he didn't. There will be such guilt.

Xiang Heng rested his head on Meng Weini's lap and looked at her, with obvious hesitation in his eyes: "Tell me, should I tell Yiyi my real identity?"

Meng Weini looked at him with some puzzled hunger: "Why not?"

"I don't think this is the right time. Now Yiyi seems to be worried about Shan Yisheng's affairs. It's too embarrassing for me to participate now!"

Xiang Heng just hesitated, maybe he should say it now, but what he said now seemed to really cause trouble for Yao Yiyi, so he kept wandering.

"You said it yourself, if you don't reveal your true identity now, you won't believe you at all." Meng Weini didn't know that she would appear so hesitant on this matter.

"Maybe you're right, but I still have to think about it..."

Xiang Heng felt that he was the first two big ones now, maybe he should have told Yi Yi about this a long time ago, so maybe there would be no such trouble now!

Xiang Heng, who was originally hesitant, decided not to hesitate after knowing one thing!
Yao Yi merged together!

It's not just a common ailment. Before, she just had a cold and a fever. They were all minor ailments. This time, she was overworked and fainted. If things go on like this, by the time Shan Yisheng came out, she would have already entered the hospital one by one. up!

"Yiyi, why are you so uneasy? If I hadn't gone to find you this time, no one would have noticed you fainted in the company!" After dangerous things, you can still have a good mood, not to mention that the relationship between the two of them is not an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman.

"Thank you!" Yao Yiyi lowered her head slightly and was administering the needle. Although she looked indifferent on the surface, she was actually in a lingering fear in her heart. If no one really found out, he wouldn't dare to imagine What kind of clothes scene will I be in now.

"Yiyi, what are you doing in the hospital? Going back so late every day, if you continue to disregard your own identity like this, you should go to the hospital and lie down before Yisheng comes out!" This time Xiang Heng was I really got angry, my complexion was very bad, and it was the first time I saw Xiang Heng like this. Before, Xiang Heng was always refined and sometimes humorous.


"Yi Sheng's matter is on my shoulders, I assure you, I will let him come out safe and sound!" Seeing that Yao Yiyi had stopped talking, Xiang Heng assured her.

"What do you promise me, Xiang Heng?" Yao Yi kept looking at her with oppressive eyes, "You and I have known each other for so long, you and Shan Yisheng are just friends, look at me I can't even trust the nominal mother and sister, how can I convince myself to trust you?"

Yao Yiyi was very emotional, and his eyes slowly turned red.

"Yiyi, you can't believe them, they are only relatives in name, but I am indeed your brother!" Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi without blinking, with a very serious expression.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled helplessly: "Xiang Heng, why did you choose that kind of thing to make fun of me at this time, it's not funny at all!"

"Duoduo, what I said is true!" Xiang Heng's voice was deep and deep, like raindrops hitting the ground in this quiet night, the more time passed, the more sinking he became, Yao Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise and looked at He didn't know what to say for a while.

Luo Minghao was found by Luo Jiawei in the end. When Mr. Luo brought a group of people to KTV, his eyes turned red immediately when he saw Luo Minghao's listless look. He stepped forward a few steps and helped Luo Minghao up: "You Trash, it will sink to this point, go, come back with me!"

Having said that, the pain on his face was indeed obvious.

The fault of this matter was only at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with him!

"Go away!" Luo Minghao was so drunk, he didn't see who was supporting him, so he pushed hard. Luo Jiawei went upstairs, his strength was nowhere comparable to Luo Minghao's, and he couldn't control himself. He fell to one side, knocked against the edge of the coffee table, and immediately gasped.

"Master, are you alright?" The housekeeper who followed was careful, realized this, and hurried forward to stand by his side.

Luo Jiawei didn't have the mood to care about other things at this time, and he didn't even look at the housekeeper: "Minghao, go back, if you are in a bad mood, you can go home to vent, and Dad will worry about you outside!"

His tone was much softer, and his voice was full of helplessness.

Luo Minghao's eyes flickered invisibly, but he didn't speak.

"You go out first!" Luo Jiawei looked at the group of people behind him, "Stay outside, we will come out later!" Maybe there are some things that need to be explained to him, otherwise, if this continues, he will probably become more decadent.

"Minghao, those things happened a long time ago. Let's forget the unpleasant past and enjoy the future. Look at the consortium. Even without me, you can still manage it very well. , I am very happy, this is enough, Dad also told you, many times, Dad does not need you to develop the consortium to be so good, I just hope you can guard the consortium well, be happy, Dad will die with peace of mind!"

Luo Minghao still didn't react, the coffee table and the ground were full of wine bottles, Luo Jiawei glanced around, finally fixed his gaze on Luo Minghao, and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's go back and take these Forget about happy and unhappy things!"

After speaking, he stood up, and Luo Minghao also stood up with him. His hair was very long, and his hair covered his eyes because his head was slightly raised, making it difficult for people to see the emotion in his eyes clearly.

"Dad, you go back first, I'll be alone for a while!" After a long time, Luo Minghao slowly opened his mouth, and it seemed that it was very difficult to say these words, uttering each word.

"Minghao, go back, you're emotionally unstable right now, dad doesn't trust you if you're alone outside!" Luo Jiawei thought about it, but still refused.

Luo Minghao didn't insist either, he nodded after hesitating for a while, and followed Luo Jiawei back home.

Arriving home soon, Luo Minghao's mood was obviously very depressed, he greeted Luo Jiawei and approached his room, Luo Jiawei stood under the stairs and watched him slowly go up, he took a deep breath, he He didn't want to tell him about it, but some things didn't go his way, and he decided to tell him about it only in desperation.

Hope he made the right decision!
"Prepare some porridge for the young master, I must not have eaten outside for so long!"


(End of this chapter)

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