Chapter 325
Yao Yiyi went to the company again to talk about the acquisition of the company. Seeing that this matter seemed to be interesting, He Qing was overjoyed and sent a driver to take Yao Yiyi there in person.

Yao Yiyi had already told Qin Meihui about this matter a long time ago, so she did not come to SY Group this time to discuss the so-called acquisition case, it was true that the two of them discussed how to draft the acquisition documents.

"After this document is prepared, I will bring it to He Qing and tell her that there is not enough funds. He Qing will definitely not give up this opportunity, so I will propose financing and share expansion. I believe that in At this juncture, He Qing will not refuse." Yao Yiyi is still very sure, no matter how long she spent with He Qing, she still knows a little bit about her temperament.

"Okay, let's do it!" Qin Meihui glanced at Yao Yiyi, there was nothing unusual, she was almost as she said at the beginning, except for some small mistakes that were brought up, there was nothing wrong.

Yao Yiyi looked at her, remembering his doubts about her before, he felt very guilty, hesitated for a while and asked together, "Meihui, if you cooperate with me so much, aren't you afraid that I will plot against you?"

Maybe she really is with He Qing.

"I've been by President Shan's side for so long, and his eyes are more poisonous than mine. I believe he won't misjudge people." When Qin Meihui said these words, there was a faint smile on her face. What she said The words did not mean to please at all, but just said what was in my heart.

When Yao Yiyi was ready to go back to the company after finishing everything, Qin Meihui called her: "Yiyi!"

Yao Yiyi turned around with the document in his hand: "En?"

"Let's have a chat." Qin Meihui smiled at Yao Yiyi with her mouth open. She seldom smiles like this when she is around Shan Yisheng, because Shan Yisheng is a boy who doesn't talk much, especially when he is working. Sometimes she talked less, so her words gradually became less and less.

Yao Yi nodded, and the two of them sat down on the sofa. Qin Meihui thought about it, then stood up and poured Yao Yiyi a glass of water: "After you leave Su Group, this place becomes the second home of the president. I worked overtime until very late every day, didn't eat, and drank when I missed you, and I knew that I drank to the hospital." Qin Meihui seemed to be telling a story, but she witnessed these things with her own eyes.

Yao Yiyi held the cup with both hands, and did not speak, the heat rising from the mouth of the cup engulfed her expression.

"At that time, he was always hesitating and regretting over and over again. He didn't know whether it was the right decision to let you go back to He Qing. He blamed himself, but he was powerless. Many times I came to send him documents. , I saw him sitting in a chair in a daze, his eyes empty."

Speaking of this, Qin Meihui sighed, and gently held Yao Yiyi's hand. Her eyes were dull, and even in such a hot day, there was no warmth in her hand.

"Yiyi, I'm telling you this not to blame you. These things are all voluntary by the president. He loves you, so he is willing to do these things for you. I just hope that you can be well. President Shan will definitely not I told you these things, so I will be the middleman and tell you these things you don't know!"

Qin Meihui smiled very friendly: "Even God will be sad if we can't be together after going through so many difficulties!"

"How is the matter going?" Yao Yiyi was called to the office by He Qing as soon as she arrived at the company. She looked anxious, and she must have waited for a long time.

"Very good!" Yao Yiyi nodded pretending not to care, "but there is a small problem."

"What's the problem?" He Qing was puzzled, "Since the negotiation went well, can't we sign a contract to do follow-up work?"

"Insufficient funds!" Yao Yiyi said, "You also know that SY Group is not a small company, it also has many branches, and just relying on such a small amount of money is not enough."

"Then what to do, Yao's public funds are only a little money!" He Qing was a little anxious!
"I have an idea, I don't know if you will agree."

"What method, let's talk about it first." Things have already been done halfway, so we can't just give up halfway.

"We can raise funds to expand shares. In this case, we can still acquire Sy Group. What do you think?" Yao Yi paused for a while, and finally put forward what he had thought in his mind.

He Qing was a little hesitant when she heard about the financing and share expansion. If something unexpected happened, all the previous efforts would be for nothing!

"At present, there is only one way. If you don't agree, I have no other way!" After speaking, Yao Yiyi was about to walk out the door. She really didn't believe that He Qing would be willing to give up this time. good opportunity.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that she was about to walk out the door, He Qing was a little annoyed, "I haven't figured it out yet, why are you in such a hurry."

"I just don't want others to say that I'm forcing you. It's up to you to decide this kind of thing!" Yao Yiyi said lightly, as if it really didn't matter this time.

"The financing and share expansion you said is not impossible, but I also have one condition!" He Qing seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and there was a strange light in her eyes.

"What condition?" Yao Yiyi was puzzled and helpless. Does she still have something she covets?

"I hope you can dilute your shares now!" He Qing said slowly.

"Dilution of shares?" Yao Yiyi was quite puzzled. She looked at He Qing, she had no expression, and looked at herself with a serious face, "Didn't I already promise to give you everything? Why? Still need to dilute the shares?"

If you transfer all your shares to my name overnight, it will look a little weird, and it will definitely attract the attention of others. You slowly dilute your shares, and you are buying the sy group At about the same time, I think your shares have almost been diluted! "

Yao Yiyi looked at her silently, hesitated for a while, and nodded after struggling for a long time: "I promise you!"

He Qing didn't expect that she would agree so readily, she looked at her suspiciously, and after a few seconds, she confirmed that she was not joking, so she nodded, "Then you should be responsible for this matter!"

After Yao Yiyi walked out, a smug smile appeared on He Qing's face. It seems that the incident with Shan Yisheng pushed her original plan forward a lot.

Yao Yiyi would always feel inexplicably uneasy about keeping the document about financial expenses in his bag. After thinking about it, he should send it to Xiang Heng.

Xiang Heng has been busy with the lawsuit these days. He pushed many clients and began to deal with Shan Yisheng's affairs wholeheartedly. Fortunately, he knows many things. Otherwise, according to the situation of Shan Yisheng It's a hassle trying to figure out a lot of things.

It was past one o'clock in the afternoon when Yao Yiyi found Xiang Heng, because he was too busy and Xiang Heng didn't have time to eat, so Yao Yiyi stood at his desk and looked at him with mixed feelings.

When he mistakenly regarded Luo Minghao as his elder brother before, he felt that he would not love him, but now when he found out that his elder brother was someone else, he truly felt the kind of affection that penetrated into his bones.

After standing in front of Xiang Heng for a long time, Yao Yiyi looked at him worriedly and joked: "It seems that my existence is too small, otherwise you must have discovered it a long time ago!"

"Where is it? I was too fascinated by reading the documents!" Xiang Heng quickly ordered his assistant to get Yao Yiyi a glass of water, "Sit down, did you come to see me today?"

After all, He Qing's people didn't relax on themselves. Once He Qing discovered something, all the hard work would probably be in vain.

"Well, I'm here to give you this document!" Gritting her teeth, she took out the copied document from her bag and placed it in front of Xiang Heng.

Xiang Heng took the document and took a look, and found that it was He Qing's private bill, and was immediately filled with joy: "Duo Duo, how did you get these things!"

Hearing Xiang Heng calling her baby name, Yao Yiyi was surprised for a moment, a small ripple appeared in her heart, and then a gentle smile appeared on her face, it should be like this, isn't it?

"I found it in He Qing's desk. I was too busy before, so I didn't send it to you. I just found a free time to send it to you today."

"Fortunately, you sent it to me!" Xiang Heng was so excited, "You don't even know that I only have evidence about Yao's tax evasion, and it is in your name. Now you send such a document Sending it here is like sending carbon into the fire!
Yao Yiyi smiled faintly, but did not speak.

"Ai? Have you eaten yet? I'm hungry, let's go eat!"

Suddenly several black lines appeared on Yao Yiyi's head: "Brother, I came here after eating!"

"Have you already eaten?" Xiang Heng looked at the time and found that he had already arrived for lunch, and looked at Yao Yiyi with some embarrassment, "No, it's almost this time!"

Yao Yiyi knew that he was so busy because he wanted to get things done as soon as possible, and he was moved for a while.

"I decided to go and see Shan Yisheng, I can't let go of seeing him in good shape!" Suddenly Yao Yiyi said, looking at Xiang Heng and smiling, "Do you think he will be surprised to see me? "

"I will definitely, and I will be so happy that I don't know what to say!" Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi and smiled.

"Okay, go to eat quickly, the next thing is up to you!" Yao Yiyi looked at Xiang Heng expectantly, and found that he was much thinner than before, sniffing, Yao Yiyi He opened his mouth slowly, "Brother, thank you for your hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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