Chapter 327
He Qing has always refused to admit what she did. When the police station secretly provided all the evidence provided by Xiang Heng, all the crimes were blamed on Shan Yisheng and Yao Yiyi. Xiang Heng sneered when he knew the news Say, give her a chance to admit to herself and refuse to take it, and insist on wasting time with him here!
When He Qing asked to find a lawyer to defend herself, Xiang Heng took the Italian witness to the police station one step ahead. Even if He Qing refused to admit it, there was nothing she could do. After all, there were all physical evidence for authentication!

He Qing had no choice but to say everything.

Luo Minghao was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee with Luo Jiawei when a group of police forcefully broke into Luo's residence. It seems that it has been a long time since I sat together and drank coffee so well."

Luo Minghao nodded, stood up slowly, walked to the window and watched the servant sweeping the lawn: "Dad, I am the one who is sorry for you, you have worked so hard to raise me, but in the end..."

Luo Jiawei shook his head, stood up and walked to his side, and patted his shoulder: "Son, Dad is waiting for you to come back."

Luo Minghao cooperated with the police very much, without any resistance, but had a request before leaving: "I want to see someone first." My old self!

Luo Jiawei seemed to know what he was going to do, and nodded to help him take care of everything. After all, he was also the person in charge of the Luo's consortium, so he still had some face.

Yao Yiyi woke up the day before Shan Yisheng came back, her eyes were clear, and her improvement was much better than before.

Xiang Heng jumped up bluffing the moment she opened her eyes, and asked her all kinds of questions, Yao Yiyi squinted her eyes, wondering if she was the person in his memory.

She didn't sleep for a long time, but she had a very, very long dream, dreaming of her father, dreaming of Luo Minghao, dreaming of herself, and dreaming of the little boy who had been protecting her from behind.

It was clearly a matter of more than ten years, and when Yi Yi flashed before my eyes, it was only a blink of an eye.

"Yiyi, how do you feel? Yisheng will be here later. As soon as he came out, he rushed here. I'll call the doctor and give you a checkup." Xiang Heng ran out just after speaking, without a trace. After a while, a doctor was brought in. Yao Yiyi's expression was a little dull, and he let him examine him.

"The patient's condition has stabilized, and he will be hospitalized for observation for a few more days. If there is no problem, he can be discharged!" The doctor said to Xiang Heng outside the door.

Xiang Heng nodded to express his gratitude.The doctor smiled and shook his head and said that it should be. Without saying a few words, he said that he was still busy and said that he had to go first, saying that he had to prepare for other operations!

Xiang Heng nodded, then turned to look at Yao Yiyi who was lying on the hospital bed.

so well.

When Shan Yisheng rushed to the hospital, Yao Yiyi had just finished taking the medicine and fell asleep. It stands to reason that he had just come out of "that" place, so the first thing he should do was to go home and take a good bath before It would be considered auspicious to come out in new clothes, but at this moment, he didn't care about anything, and went to see her non-stop.

Her face was ruddy and her breathing was even. All these seemed to indicate her health. Shan Yisheng was too thin and wiped off the sweat from the forehead because of anxiety, and smiled.

Shan Yisheng sat on Yao Yiyi's bedside for a long time, and when she woke up in a daze, she couldn't help but bowed her head and kissed her vivid eyes when her confused eyes fell on his face.

Yao Yi opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to say, "Are you back?"

"I'm back!" Shan Yisheng looked at him and smiled, his eyes seemed to be condensed, shining charmingly, "I'll never leave again!"

Yao Yiyi looked at him seriously, without saying a word, but there was deep nostalgia in his eyes, and then he stretched out his hand as if he had been bewitched, and when his slender hand moved to his chin, he smeared matcha tea on his face Feeling the sting of beard stubble, she bent her brows instead, held his head and kissed him.

As soon as he touched his lips, there was a sound at the door, Yao Yiyi panicked, and quickly turned his head away, Shan Yisheng quickly hugged her, and lightly bit the corner of her lips.

They didn't let go until they kissed enough.

Looking at the two people who were kissing inseparably, Luo Minghao didn't feel sad, but felt that a hole was opened in his heart in an instant, and the cold wind was blowing into it.

Yao Yiyi turned to look at the person at the door, his body froze: "Minghao?"

Shouting this life shocked both the people inside and outside the door, and Luo Minghao was the first to react: "One by think of me?"

Yao Yiyi didn't say a word, but carefully looked at his facial features. His brows and eyes were cold, and he became more mature and stable. He was no longer like the kid who could be irritated casually by his own memory.

After a long time, Yao Yiyi nodded lightly and looked at Shan Yisheng: "Sheng, you should go back and take a shower and change your clothes!"

The meaning is obvious, Shan Yisheng knew that she was trying to distract herself, remembering the fact that she had already recalled the past, the bits and pieces of her past with Luo Minghao flashed before her eyes, the inexplicable anxiety, the more she held her hand, I added more force.

Yao Yiyi seemed to see what he was thinking, kissed the corner of his lips, Shan Yisheng looked at her with bright eyes, then stood up and left.

He didn't leave, and kept guarding the door.

The door was closed tightly, and he couldn't hear the sound in the ward at all. He couldn't calm down, so he simply got up and asked her attending doctor why she suddenly remembered the past.

"When the patient fell, he hit his head against a stone, which scattered the blood in his head. The probability of such an incident in the medical history of Su Rian is very small. It can only be said that the patient was very lucky!"

The other party didn't seem to be able to give a complete explanation, so Shan Yisheng didn't ask any more questions and turned back.

When he returned to the ward, Luo Minghao had already left, Yao Yiyi was answering the phone, he walked to Yao Yiyi's side, squeezed her hand vigorously, Yao Yiyi smiled faintly: "Chu Cheng, I don't blame you , go back and live with your mother, don't leave too many regrets for yourself."

After Chu Cheng explained all the things in his heart clearly, he suddenly lost that heavy feeling. The car was about to start soon. He held the phone in one hand, and her gentle voice came from his ear. He turned his head away, The movement was a little rude and wiped away a little moisture from the corners of his eyes.

Yao Yiyi hung up the phone and tilted his head to look at him: "Didn't you go back?"

Shan Yisheng stared at her and said nothing, Yao Yiyi sneered, and buried his head in his arms: "You just came back, you must not know how bad your company is now, why don't you go back and think about how to deal with it?" your company!"

"Don't be afraid, Bo Shanchen has spent a lot of money to help me fix it, and now I can stay here with you all the time."

"He? Help you for no reason? Or spend a lot of money?" Yao Yiyi was confused, "What's the condition?"

"You!" Shan Yisheng pressed his lips on her hair, and a burst of fragrance came from her.

"You agreed?" Yao Yiyi angrily pushed him away, questioning.

"Why are you willing to..." Shan Yisheng sighed, with a warm and soft jade in his arms, inexplicably satisfied.

"Why would Nabo Shanchen agree?"

"Yiyi, I don't want to hear other men's names in your mouth!"

Yao Yiyi pursed her lips unhappily, but was inexplicably moved, she murmured in a low voice: "Shan Yisheng, thank you..."

Thank you for sticking together and never giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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