Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 352 Contradiction Escalation

Chapter 352 Contradiction Escalation
"Brother, what are you going to do about this matter?"

Yao Yiyi still asked worriedly, no matter what, he had to know exactly what Xiang Heng wanted to do.

But Xiang Heng just glanced at Yao Yiyi, and his voice was still extremely gentle, "The people behind the scenes maliciously slander you, of course you have to pay the price."

Having said that, a trace of determination flashed across Xiang Heng's eyes.

It seemed that she wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xiang Heng: "Duo Duo, don't beg for mercy on this matter, I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I will be reasonable."

Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi, with a doting smile on his face as before, as if the gentle elder brother in his memory had never changed, but what Yao Yiyi knew was that this was just in front of him, if someone If you hurt yourself, the man in front of you will definitely pay back ten times.

At this time, Shan Yisheng looked at the news report in the newspaper in his hand, his eyes were full of anger, his handsome face was ashen, and he slammed his fist on the table fiercely.

Unexpectedly, this reporter turned his back on what he said, and caused so many reporters to besiege him the next day. Is this reporter really not afraid of death?
It seems that it is an extraordinary time, and I have to resort to some extraordinary means...

Thinking of this, narrowing his eyes slightly, he dialed the phone in his hand.

At this time, after Yao Yiyi walked out of Xiang Heng's office, he directly dialed Ji Xi's phone number, but the voice of the battle line kept coming from there.

What is Ji Xi busy with?
After rushing to Xili Group, Yao Yi kept running towards Ji Xi's office.

Knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder, Yao Yiyi was unprepared, startled, and then turned around to see a handsome face appearing in front of him.

"Miss Yao, are you looking for Mr. Ji?" There was a sweet smile on the visitor's face.

Although he didn't know the other party, he pretended to be an employee here. Yao Yi nodded and asked by the way, "Is Mr. Ji not here now?"

"President Ji just went out..." The visitor still had a smile on his face, looking at Yao Yiyi and replied.

"Oh, that's it..." Yao Yiyi turned to leave with disappointment in his voice, but suddenly, as if remembering something, he turned around and grabbed the man's arm, with a touch of anxiety in his voice: " Do you know where he went?"

It seemed that Yao Yiyi's strength was a bit strong, the visitor frowned slightly, Yao Yiyi naturally felt the visitor's frown, and let go of his hand embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Yao, we have never been able to ask about Mr. Ji's itinerary." Looking at the disappointed look on Yao Yiyi's face, the man seemed to remember something, "Ms. Yao, I seem to have heard Mr. Ji say In a word, go to the radio..."

Radio station, radio station, what is Ji Xi doing on the radio station?
Thinking like this in my mind, but I couldn't wait to say thank you to that person and hurried out.

He stopped a taxi and reported to the TV station, but he kept dialing Ji Xi's number in his hand.

"Don't be what you imagined, don't be..."

Yao Yiyi prayed in his heart, this Ji Xi won't smash the TV station, right?No, Ji Xi looks so gentle and harmless, how could he do such a thing, if it is true, it should be something that Shan Yisheng can do, right?

Patting himself on the head, Yao Yiyi slapped himself hard, what time is it now, he still has time to think wildly here...

But what Yao Yiyi didn't know at this time, the TV station was already in chaos.

Because of the arrival of two people, they are naturally Shan Yisheng and Ji Xi respectively.

When they saw each other, a smile flashed across the faces of the two of them, but it didn't reach the bottom of their eyes, but it was because Hou Yong, the head of the TV station, was too busy.

Hou Yong looked at the two with calculations in his eyes, but he was seen by Shan Yisheng, who flashed disdain in his eyes.

"The presence of the two great masters really makes Hou Mou's place flourish..."

With a flattering smile on Hou Yong's face, he looked at the two extremely handsome and excellent men in front of him. If these two people revealed something here, then he would definitely make a fortune... …

This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

It's just that the two of them didn't even look at Hou Yong, they just looked at each other with deep smiles in their eyes.

"President Ji, is this?"

"President Shan, you..."

The two spoke at the same time, and their eyes were full of smiles again, but they never reached the bottom of their eyes.

But Hou Yong also sensed that something was wrong at this time, but he remembered something in his mind and his eyes were filled with panic for an instant. He was just about to run away, but Shan Yisheng's voice sounded in an instant.

"Mr. Hou, Mr. Ji and I finally came to the TV station once. Doesn't Mr. Hou welcome you?"

Shan Yisheng's voice was cold, and he looked sharply at Hou Yong who wanted to escape.

"Hehe, if Mr. Shan is there, he is naturally very welcome..." Hou Yong smiled dryly, "I just don't know what is the reason for Mr. Shan and Mr. Ji's sudden visit?"

As expected of an old fritter, Hou Yong calmed down in an instant and returned to his smile.

"Don't you know why we came here?" Ji Xi suddenly said, with a gentle smile on his face, but it made Hou Yong feel a chill down his spine.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Hou Yong was not sure what the two of them came for at the beginning, but now he is sure, so he could only bite the bullet and smiled: "Hehe, Mr. Ji really knows how to joke, Hou Yong How can someone know what the two big bosses are thinking?"

Even if he guessed it, Hou Yong didn't intend to admit it.

"Come find someone." Shan Yisheng sat on the sofa and said calmly.

"Song Chao, I wonder if Mr. Hou is familiar with this person?" Shan Yisheng said with a sneer, his eyes fixed on Hou Yong's every move.

And Ji Xi sat on the sofa on the other side, with a gentle smile on his face all the time, but as long as he was a human being, he could tell that the smile in the man's eyes didn't reach the bottom of his eyes at all, and there was still a glint of coldness in his eyes. chill.

"Of course." Hou Yong gritted his teeth, "It's just that Song Chao resigned yesterday..."

"Resigned?" Ji Xi looked at Hou Yong with inquiry in his eyes, "Hehe, such a coincidence, could it be that he was sure that we would come to him?"

Although he said it with a smile, anyone could hear the coldness in it.

"Hehe, Song Chao naturally didn't know that the two came to him. If he knew, he would definitely not resign...haha." Hou Yong still had a smile on his face, and his words were cautious.

"Does Hou always know what we are looking for you now?" Ji Xi asked gently, not asking about Song Chao's whereabouts.

Song Chao naturally had to be found, but the problem now was that the matter in front of him had to be resolved.

The solution is for the TV station to publicly apologize and withdraw this morning's report.

"President Shan, President Ji, this matter..." Hou Yong had hesitation on his face, "This matter...we have no choice but to be controlled by others..."

Hou Yong apologized, but obviously it had no effect on Shan Yisheng and Ji Xi.

Seeing that the two didn't respond at all, Hou Yong changed his strategy: "Mr. Shan and Ji, let me tell you this matter honestly. I didn't know anything about it. It wasn't until this morning that I found out that Song Chao Behind the entire TV station, I actually reported that news. When Song Chao asked me to resign yesterday, I felt very strange, but after what happened this morning, I realized that Song Chao had planned it in advance... "

Listening to Hou Yong's words, a cruel smile flashed across Shan Yisheng's face.

"You mean, Song Chao did all this behind your back, right now you don't know at all, if that's the case, this Song Chao is really...?" Ji Xi said, as if It's like you already believed it.

Hearing Ji Xi's words, Hou Yong kept nodding his head, "Yes yes yes..."

Shan Yisheng and Ji Xi looked at each other, disbelieving in each other's eyes.

It's just that although I don't believe it, this matter has to be resolved after all.

"In this case, this matter is purely slander, Mr. Hou should express something, right?"

Ji Xi smiled lightly and looked at Hou Yong.

Regarding Ji Xi's words, Shan Yisheng was noncommittal, and looked at Hou Yong coldly, to see what else the man in front of him could say.

"The TV station will definitely issue a public apology. For the losses caused by Ms. Yao and Mr. Ji, the TV station will fully compensate, and that Song Chao..." Hou Yong looked at the half-smile expressions of the two, "As for that Song Chao, We will definitely do our best to give Mr. Ji and Mr. Shan an explanation..."

There was a smile on the corner of Ji Xi's mouth, and he stood up, "Since Mr. Hou said so, we shouldn't be able to force others to make things difficult for us. This apology is necessary. As for Song Chao, we should leave it to ourselves, so we won't hold Mr. Hou in prison." I'm bothered..."

At this time, Shan Yisheng also stood up slowly, and approached Hou Yong step by step with graceful steps, with an imposing manner, and Hou Yong felt the cold sweat slipping off his face frequently.

Leaning over, approaching Hou Yong: "Mr. Hou, can you be sure that Song Chao resigned, and not in a certain corner here, listening to the conversation between a few of us, and then preparing to run away?"

Saying this, a pair of eagle eyes sharply scanned every corner of the TV station, and there was nothing to hide under Shan Yisheng's gaze.

", Boss Shan really knows how to joke..." Hou Yong felt his mouth tighten, almost telling the truth, with a dry smile on his face, "How dare I lie to Boss Shan..."

"It's best like this." His eyes swept around, but there was no one he wanted to find.

"If we accidentally find that Song Chao here, then we won't be able to talk, right?" Shan Yisheng laughed, but his words were very cold.

Hou Yong only felt that his back was drenched in cold sweat. Under the eyes of these two people, Hou Yong felt that everyone had nothing to hide, and he felt nervous for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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