Chapter 359 Intimidation

"Brother, so don't tell Yisheng about this, okay?" Seeing the anticipation in Yao Yi's eyes, Xiang Heng finally nodded helplessly.

But Yao Yiyi was still reminded: "Duo Duo, I can't hide this from Sheng because I can keep it a secret. Don't you think that when the woman you love is hurt, Sheng can still sit still?"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Sheng will definitely go to the prison to investigate the truth of the matter, so it is impossible to hide this matter..."

Xiang Heng's tone was full of worry. Even if he wanted to hide this matter one by one, it might not be so easy. Fortunately, before he left the prison, he had warned the police officers not to talk nonsense. , I don't know if it can have some effect.

And just as Xiang Heng expected, Shan Yisheng slowly walked out of the police station at this time.

Looking at the cars coming and going by the side of the road, I took a deep breath. Naturally, I didn't get any results at the police station, and Song Chao, the only person involved, stopped talking. No matter what method you use, Song Super dull expression.

only?A flash of light flashed in Shan Yisheng's mind, it seemed that Song Chao was not the only witness...

"Yisheng, how is the investigation going? Has someone slandered and framed Yao Yiyi?"

Xu Zishan's voice came from afar, Xu Zishan walked slowly in front of Shan Yisheng, clenched her fists tightly, looked at her son's expressionless face, but held her heart high.

In fact, after seeing Yao Yiyi leaving, Xu Zishan wanted to come to the prison to see what was going on, but what she didn't expect was to see her son's car parked outside the prison, so Xu Zishan knew that Yisheng must be here now. In the prison, Xu Zishan hid not far away, watching people coming in and out...

And finally saw her son come out with a blank face, and the reason why Xu Zishan came up was just a gamble, betting that Song Chao didn't betray herself...

"Mom, why are you here?" Shan Yisheng couldn't hide the surprise on his face, as if he didn't expect that his mother was also at the gate of the prison.

"I... I'm fine. I just passed by and saw your car, so I'm waiting for you here..." Xu Zishan smiled, but the tension in her heart gradually relaxed. It seems that she really made the right bet , that person did not betray himself.

He took a deep breath, and now his heart was finally placed in his stomach.

"Mom, you seem to be very nervous?" Naturally noticing his mother's movements, Shan Yisheng expressed doubts.

Naturally, Xu Zishan couldn't express her true thoughts, but just changed the subject: "By the way, son, you haven't told me how things are going?"

"Oh." Shan Yisheng couldn't hide the disappointment in his words, "Song Chao is delirious. According to the police, he hasn't received any effective information so far..."

Hearing her son's words, Xu Zishan pretended to be regretful and said, "It's such a pity..."

"Mom, you go home first, I still have something to do..." Shan Yisheng looked at the time, and then said to Xu Zishan.

At this time, Xu Zishan was in a very beautiful mood, because her matter had not been found out, and the most important thing was that it seemed that she would never find out again, so she waved happily at Shan Yisheng: "Oh, then Yisheng, you go busy..."

Seeing her son's car disappear into the street, Xu Zishan had a smug smile on her face.

Yao Yiyi, even if you doubt it, what's the use of it, now it's different and you can't find anything...

At this time, Xu Zishan naturally didn't know that all her affairs were under Xiang Heng's control, so she naturally had no worries in her heart, and the main thing Xu Zishan thought of now was to take Ning Mengna to Yisheng's home, so that the two Sparks fly between individuals.

Looking at the building in front of him, Shan Yisheng didn't expect that he would have to come here again today. He walked through the lobby, but he was worried about Yao Yiyi in his heart, and he didn't know what was going on now. I was too excited, I had to find an opportunity to apologize to each one, but the most important task now is to find out who is behind it.

Besides Song Chao, there was naturally another person, Hou Yong.

At this time, Hou Yong naturally did not expect that Shan Yisheng would come again.

When he saw Shan Yisheng standing in the backstage of the TV again, Hou Yong's face turned pale again. What happened to this great god? My temple is small, but it can't accommodate you...

Although he thought so in his heart, he still smiled and stepped forward respectfully: "I don't know Mr. Shan, what's your order?"

"Hou Yong, I'm asking you a question, you have to answer honestly, you know?" Shan Yisheng's expression was flat, not unsightly.

However, Hou Yong felt that his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept nodding his head: "Hou must know everything..."

"Who is the person behind Song Chao?" Shan Yisheng asked his own question directly, without the slightest hesitation, his eyes were fixed on Hou Yong's every move, not letting go of the slightest expression on the man's face.

"This, this... Hou really doesn't know..." Hou Yong didn't look at Shan Yisheng, his voice lacked confidence at all.

"really do not know?"

"really do not know."

"Mr. Hou, I heard that the capital chain of the TV station has been slowly breaking down recently. You said that if our group funds the TV station, can it help Mr. Hou to tide over the difficulties?"

Shan Yisheng spoke leisurely, looking at Hou Yong with a leisurely smile on his face, but sure enough, he saw a greedy look on the man's face.

"That... Mr. Shan, if I say so, can you really give the TV station financial assistance?"

Hou Yong asked cautiously, his voice obviously contained a bit of disbelief, he couldn't believe that such a good thing just fell on top of his head.

"That's natural..." Shan Yisheng laughed, "Then see if Mr. Hou's answer satisfies me..."

"I just overheard Song Chao saying that a woman gave Song Chao these materials, saying that... she said it could help Song Chao become famous..." Hou Yong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked There was no evasion in Xiang Shan Yisheng's eyes.

Shan Yisheng knew that Hou Yong was telling the truth at this time.

"A woman..." Shan Yisheng repeated slowly, but who could this woman be?

Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but Hou Yong's voice rang in his ears: "That's right, Song Chao once said that she was a woman, so, now Mr. Shan, the matter of funds..."

Shan Yisheng smiled, and got up randomly: "I, Shan Yisheng, always keep my word. Tomorrow you can go to Sy Group to find my secretary. He will help you with everything..."

Looking at the back of Shan Yisheng leaving, Hou Yong showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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