Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 369 Shan's Firmness

Chapter 369 Shan's Firmness
It seems that after my mother appeared, she has been tolerant of herself one by one and thinking about herself, so no matter what wronged her, the woman in front of her seems to have never complained to herself, but The more it was like that, the more Shan Yisheng felt very sorry in his heart-one by one.

"Yiyi, don't worry, I will definitely convince my mother that you will always be the only wife in my heart, and no one can take your place..." Shan Yisheng said, with a flash of sternness in his eyes , if Ning Mengna is still pestering her, she doesn't mind using her own way to solve the problem.

"Yisheng, of course I believe in you." Yao Yiyi was held tightly in Yisheng's arms by Shan Yisheng, but a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, if he could really convince Xu Zishan...

But that really seemed impossible.

"Yisheng, I hope you can promise me not to have any conflicts with your aunt, okay?" Yao Yiyi said suddenly, because in Yao Yiyi's heart, every time Yisheng was too impulsive about his own affairs, If there is a conflict with Xu Zishan, the relationship between the two may be really difficult to restore.

"One by one, unless...unless it is a last resort..."

It's just that before Shan Yisheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yao Yiyi, "There won't be such a situation."

Then he added silently in his heart that he would never let such a thing happen.

"Yisheng, she is your mother after all, I don't want to see you and your aunt having trouble, that's why I wronged myself like this, can you understand? Yisheng, don't let my painstaking efforts go to waste, okay?" Breaking free from Shan Yisheng's arms, Yao Yi fixedly looked into Shan Yisheng's eyes, hoping to see a definite answer in them.

"Okay, I promise you." Shan Yisheng sighed helplessly, and finally agreed, and as Shan Yisheng's words fell, Yao Yiyi finally put a hanging heart in his stomach, as long as It's good that Yisheng agreed.

"But that, I've wronged you so much..." A flash of guilt flashed in Shan Yisheng's eyes, and he still felt a little bit distressed.

"I'm fine." Yao Yiyi shook his head, with a bit of relief in his voice.

"Let's go out..." Yao Yiyi said, seeing Shan Yisheng nodding in agreement.

At the dinner table, Xu Zishan looked at the two people holding hands and came out with an unfriendly expression, while Ning Mengna's eyes flashed a gleam when she saw the situation of the two of them.

"Why have you been gone for so long?" Xu Zishan's voice could not conceal the anger, especially when she saw Yao Yiyi still had a faint smile on her face, the anger was even stronger.

But Ning Mengna frowned slightly, and then she winked at Xu Zishan, and Xu Zishan naturally saw Ning Mengna's expression, controlled her anger a little, and said in a cold voice: "Hurry up and sit down." , Yao Yiyi, everything is so inked..."

For Xu Zishan's cynicism, Yao Yiyi pretended not to hear, but he sighed softly in his heart.

When looking at Shan Yisheng, the expression on Xu Zishan's face instantly became extremely gentle: "Yisheng, sit down quickly, you haven't eaten enough just now..."

The contrast in the words was obvious, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, and looked at Yao Yiyi with a bit of worry on his face, but Yao Yiyi smiled at Shan Yisheng, indicating that he was fine.

"By the way, where's the soup for Mengna just now?" Xu Zishan said suddenly, with a bit of disdain and anger in her eyes.

As for Yao Yiyi, he was taken aback, he was only talking about those things with Yisheng in the kitchen just now, but he forgot the real thing.

"Oh, I'm sorry Auntie, I'll serve it right away..." Then he got up and went to the kitchen.

And Ning Mengna also stood up in an instant: "Miss Yao, no need, I'll just go by myself..."

"No need, I'll just go..." Yao Yiyi smiled at Ning Mengna, and then left the dinner table.

Xu Zishan's sneering voice sounded from behind: "Mengna, you are a guest, how can a guest do these things, you just sit here and let Yao Yiyi do it, she always does this, do it Can't do anything right..."

At this time, Yao Yiyi walked towards the kitchen slowly with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. In Xu Zishan's eyes, no matter what he did, it was all wrong.

There was a "bang", but Shan Yisheng suddenly put the chopsticks on the dining table, and said in a very gloomy voice, "Mom, can you restrain yourself a bit, this is really unfair to her..."

"But..." Seeing her son getting angry at that woman again, Xu Zishan felt even more angry in her heart, but suddenly remembered what Ning Mengna said just now, and sighed slightly, "Okay, I will try my best Be fair to her, but Yisheng, there are so many women in this world, I don't understand what is so good about that Yao Yiyi, to make you so fascinated..."

"Look at Meng Na, she already has her own company at such a young age, and has already become a boss. She is really a good match for you. Why don't you think about it?"

Xu Zishan's voice was filled with exasperation, obviously thinking that her son was already dying.

"Auntie..." Ning Mengna's voice sounded, she seemed to be looking at Shan Yisheng with a bit of shyness, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

It seems that Xu Zishan really likes her. If that's the case, her goal now is this extremely handsome man in front of her...

Thinking of this, the corners of Xu Zishan's mouth showed an inevitable arc.

But Shan Yisheng's eyes glanced at Ning Mengna, without stopping for a moment, but his tone was somewhat cold: "Mom, Yao Yiyi is the most perfect woman in the world in my eyes. Love her, I don't expect you to care about me like you care about me, but if you want to arrange another woman for me, unless your son is dead..."

Listening to Shan Yisheng's words, Xu Zishan could no longer control her anger: "You..."

And Ning Mengna stood up and patted Xu Zishan on the back: "Auntie, I don't think Mr. Shan did it on purpose. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. It's important to take care of your body..."

"Mom, Yiyi is here now, I hope you can give Yiyi enough respect, and don't mention this matter again in the future. My heart for Yiyi will never change."

After Shan Yisheng finished speaking, he stopped looking at Xu Zishan's expression.

At this time, Yao Yiyi was already standing at the door of the kitchen, and those words naturally fell into Yao Yiyi's ears without revealing a single word. It was impossible not to be moved, but now I am afraid that the relationship between the two of them After all, he must have been hurt, Yao Yiyi sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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