Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 371 Misunderstanding

Chapter 371 Misunderstanding
Is the man in front of me still a man?Ning Mengna curled her lips slightly, dressed like this, is it really not attractive at all?
Thinking of this, a flash of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but then a flash of a smile.

Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, unexpectedly Ning Mengna blocked her way.

There was a bit of coldness in the voice: "Get out of the way."

There was no trace of emotion, but a sly smile flashed in Ning Mengna's eyes, and then she smiled and said: "Okay, since Mr. Shan has spoken, I naturally have to get out of the way..."

Shan Yisheng glanced at Ning Mengna without a trace of emotion, feeling even more disgusted with the woman in front of him.

"Oops..." With a sound, Shan Yisheng only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and almost subconsciously hugged Ning Mengna.

And almost at the moment when she hugged Ning Mengna, when Shan Yisheng saw Ning Mengna's smile in her arms, she knew that she had been fooled, with an angry look on her face, and then she wanted to shake off The woman in front of me.

But Ning Mengna tightly held the man's thin waist with both hands, and she couldn't shake it off no matter what.

"Let go..." Shan Yisheng's voice seemed to be stained with frost, making it even more ruthless, with an undisguised disgust in his eyes.

But Ning Mengna didn't seem to see it, her red lips parted slightly, and she looked behind Shan Yisheng, with a bit of charm in her voice, she approached Shan Yisheng's thin lips while talking: "President Shan, Such a beautiful moonlight, why not..."

It's just that before Ning Mengna could finish her words, she was thrown away fiercely by Shan Yisheng. At this time, Shan Yisheng no longer cared that the person in front of her was a woman, and almost exhausted all her strength to directly move The woman was thrown on the ground, and the moment Ning Mengna was thrown away by Shan Yisheng, there was a flash of anger on her face, but it was fleeting.

And Shan Yisheng didn't care about Ning Mengna's face anymore, and directly stepped over Ning Mengna and went upstairs.

But Ning Mengna's voice sounded again from behind: "Shan Yisheng, I, Ning Mengna, have decided to chase you, you are destined to be mine."

There was some provocation in Ning Mengna's voice, which finally made Shan Yisheng turn around, a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Ning Mengna, I advise you to stay away from me, otherwise..."

Shan Yisheng didn't continue, but the light in his eyes shone fiercely, enough for ordinary people to retreat timidly.

But Ning Mengna is not an ordinary person after all, I saw Ning Mengna slowly stand up on the ground, her voice was unhurried, with a charming smile on her face: "Of course I know, President Shan is not a pretty person, But I have the confidence to conquer you, so could it be..."

Looking at Shan Yisheng's darker eyes, Ning Mengna's smile became brighter and brighter: "Could it be that Shan Zong is afraid of being conquered by me?"

Ning Mengna's eyes were provocative, and Shan Yisheng's voice became more and more cold: "Ning Mengna, I advise you to stay away from me just to tell you that I will never show mercy to a woman like you ..."

"Hehe." Who knew that Ning Mengna laughed, "It seems that in Mr. Shan's eyes, I, Ning Mengna, are still special. Should I feel honored?"

"Hmph." Shan Yisheng just wanted to turn around, but Ning Mengna threw herself on the man again in an instant, but at this time, Shan Yisheng didn't make a move, but Ning Mengna held her arm tightly. He hugged the man's neck tightly.

"Ning Mengna, has anyone ever told you that it's stupid to use one method twice."

Shan Yisheng made a sarcastic statement, just about to push Ning Mengna away, but she saw a smug smile on Ning Mengna's face, and then a woman's voice rang in her ears: "Of course it depends on who In front of... Mr. Shan, I think this is the least stupid thing I did today..."

For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, especially when he saw the smug look in Ning Mengna's eyes, he frowned.

Soon, Ning Mengna's voice sounded again, as if she was acting like a baby: "President Shan, how can you do this, you don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all..."

It seems to be talking to others, but who else is there besides herself and Ning Mengna?

I saw Ning Mengna looking at a direction behind her with a provocative smile in her eyes, and Shan Yisheng also reacted in an instant, and almost at the same time, pushed away the woman who was half hanging on her body.

Turning his head quickly, he saw Yao Yiyi standing at the door with a pale face, with a look of shock in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what happened in front of him.

"Yiyi..." Shan Yisheng was about to explain, but Yao Yiyi turned around with a pale face, and walked into his room again.

And Ning Mengna's voice sounded in an instant: "No, the trust between Mr. Shan and Ms. Yao doesn't seem to be very high..."

As the words fell, Ning Mengna found that her neck was tightly held by the man, and the temperature of her big palm seemed to disappear at that moment. Shan Yisheng seemed to be Shura who had transformed into darkness in an instant, The voice was cruel and cold: "Ning Mengna, don't challenge my bottom line, you know, otherwise you won't even know how you died..."

Ning Mengna admitted that she was scared at that moment, almost at that moment Ning Mengna really felt the feeling of death, the cold and cruel feeling so close.

But seeing Shan Yisheng's slender and cold figure finally disappearing at the turning of the stairs, he was relieved, but at the same time, he strengthened his belief that he must get this man...

Standing in front of Yao Yiyi's door, Shan Yisheng frowned slightly. How would he explain what happened today? Will Yiyi believe it?

He stretched out his hand in mid-air, but stopped. He wanted to say something so that the embarrassment between the two people would no longer be embarrassing. Otherwise, wait until tomorrow. Maybe after tomorrow, all the problems will disappear. One by one time alone, but also give yourself time to think alone.

However, if the explanation of today's problem is not clear, will there be a hurdle in my heart in the future?
Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng still knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside, as if Yao Yiyi had fallen asleep.

Knocked on the door again, this time Shan Yisheng spoke directly, because Shan Yisheng knew that the people inside were not asleep at all, "Yi Yi, what happened today was just a misunderstanding, that Ning Mengna... Anyway, Yi Yi ,You have to believe me……"

Shan Yisheng suddenly didn't know how to speak, but he firmly believed in his heart that he would definitely believe in him.

After a long time, just when Shan Yisheng was about to turn around and leave, the door was opened from the inside, and Yao Yiyi stood in front of him with red and swollen eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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