Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 374 Negotiating with Xu

Chapter 374 Negotiating with Xu
"By the way, Dodo, I'm going to start formal negotiations with the Xili Group this weekend. I wonder how your preparations are going?" Xiang Heng said suddenly, looking at Yao Yiyi with a bit of worry in his eyes.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, then lost his voice and said, "Why so fast, isn't there still two months left?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Xiang Heng explained: "Originally scheduled for two months, but yesterday Ji Xi called in person, saying that he is very satisfied with your work efficiency and quality, so we need to negotiate formally in advance, probably On that day the contract will be formally signed..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback again, he didn't expect that things would develop so fast.

Yao Yiyi admitted that he really wanted to sign a contract with Ji Xi, but if it was now, Yao Yiyi tightly clenched his palm...

"Duoduo, is there a problem? If there is really a problem, I can tell Ji Xi to delay for a few days, I believe he will understand..."

As Xiang Heng said, he looked up at Yao Yiyi, but found that the latter didn't look at him at all and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Duo Duo, are you listening?" Xiang Heng frowned slightly, not knowing what his younger sister was thinking.


Finally, Xiang Heng's voice interrupted Yao Yiyi's thoughts, and Yao Yiyi smiled dryly: "Brother, um, what did you just say?"

Seeing his sister's dumbfounded look, Xiang Heng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, with a doting smile, "Duo Duo, I'm asking if you're ready, if not, I can tell Ji Xi to delay A few days..."

"No, brother, to be honest, although I'm not fully ready, but after all, today is only Tuesday, and it will still be a few days until the weekend. I believe that in these few days, I will definitely do my best ..."

Yao Yiyi looked at Xiang Heng with a confident smile on his face.

"This is just like my sister..." Xiang Heng smiled, then stood up and patted Yao Yiyi's shoulder: "Duo Duo, prepare well, brother believes in you..."

Naturally, he could feel the encouragement from his brother. The smile on Yao Yiyi's face disappeared, and an unknown warm current rose in his heart. Xiang Heng is the person closest to him in the world, and he will definitely not let him down.

Thinking of this, he secretly cheered in his heart, Yao Yiyi believed in himself, you must be able to do it.

Watching Yao Yiyi's figure disappear from his sight, a smile appeared on Xiang Heng's face.

One of the busiest coffee shops in the city, sitting in the center of the city, with coffee-colored curtains in front of a few quiet and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, stands quietly, and the mysterious coffee color covers every corner, giving people an indescribable comfort and relaxation .

At this time, Xiang Heng was sitting gracefully on a back seat next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, but his eyes were looking at a certain place in the distance, as if he had fallen into deep thought.

"Mr. Xiang, I don't know what to do today?"

Suddenly a voice rang in his ears, Xiang Heng withdrew his thoughts, and when he looked at the person who came, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, evoking a mocking arc.

The person who came was Xu Zishan, even Xiang Heng couldn't help admiring, the woman in front of her was indeed a strong woman in the shopping mall, and she was also a woman who still had charm, even though Shan Yisheng was already so old, it seemed that the years were not in front of her eyes How many traces are left on a woman's body.

"Auntie, what would you like to drink?"

With an incomparably elegant smile on Xiang Heng's face, he looked at the waiter who came over.

"A cup of cappuccino. Thank you." Xu Zishan smiled gracefully. Xu Zishan admitted that she didn't like Yao Yiyi very much, that's why she showed her real side in front of Yao Yiyi, but in front of others, she still It's that noble and elegant woman who won't show any flaws.

"Where's Mr. Xiang?" Xu Zishan looked at Xiang Heng with an elegant and decent smile on her face, but her tone was alienated.

In Xu Zishan's memory, it seems that there is no such person as Xiang Heng, so when she received a call from Xiang Heng, Xu Zishan expressed that she was surprised, but Xiang Heng soon mentioned that she belonged to that person. Brother, Xu Zishan came to the appointment unexpectedly, perhaps subconsciously, Xu Zishan wanted to see what kind of tricks this Yao Yiyi was playing...

Naturally, Xiang Heng could feel the alienation and indifference from Xu Zishan, but Xiang Heng's face was still relaxed, as if he didn't care about anything: "I didn't expect my aunt to like...something that young people often share..."

Xu Zishan raised her eyebrows, as if she was somewhat displeased with Xiang Heng's words: "What do young people like? Why, am I very old in Mr. Xiang's eyes?"

Xu Zishan smiled, but there was no hint of a smile in her tone.

"Naturally... no." Xiang Heng didn't seem to expect Xu Zishan to care so much about this matter, so he could only laugh, "Auntie, you are so young, besides, no one can break the record that Auntie set in the mall. It is really worth learning for us juniors..."

"I want a cappuccino, too." Xiang Heng smiled gracefully at the waiter, and then looked at Xu Zishan with slightly complacent eyes.

But he sighed helplessly in his heart, as expected, he is old and always takes his past achievements as the capital of his pride now...

It's just that Xiang Heng dare not say these words now.

"Tell me, are you looking for me today because of Yao Yiyi's affairs?"

Xiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Xu Zishan to go straight to the point. If so, if he didn't admit it, he would appear stingy.

"Since my aunt said it directly, then I'll tell the truth directly. What my aunt said is right. I invited my aunt to gather for my sister Yao Yiyi..."

Xiang Heng raised his eyebrows and leaned back slowly, but his eyes kept observing Xu Zishan's every move, but it was no surprise that when Yao Yiyi was mentioned, Xu Zishan's eyes flashed with disgust.

This made Xiang Heng frown slightly, it seemed that the matter was much more serious than what he imagined, Dodo, how much did you suffer from the old woman in front of you?
Thinking of this, Xiang Heng only felt a pain in his heart.

"Then tell me, what is it for?"

"Auntie, as a junior, I hope I can ask you one thing, don't always make things difficult—okay?"

Xiang Heng's voice was full of pain and confusion, and he looked at Xu Zishan with anticipation in his eyes.

But Xu Zishan tensed her face in an instant, and let out a very light sneer: "Everyone of you begged me to let me let Yao Yiyi go, but I really want to know , Where did I not do well enough to make you think that I have been bullying Yao Yiyi?"

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in Xu Zishan's voice, obviously dismissive of the words proposed by the man in front of her.

Hearing Xu Zishan's words, Xiang Heng's voice unconsciously carried a bit of coldness: "Auntie, I think you know better than me what is going on. I think it's better not to disclose some things. If Auntie If I really feel that this matter is not easy to discuss, then I, Xiang Heng, will naturally have my own method to protect my sister from harm..."

Xiang Heng spoke slowly, but the sneer on the corner of his mouth grew bigger and bigger: "Even if that would make me lose one... my best friend."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Xu Zishan only felt a rush of blood rushing directly to her forehead, she stood up almost at that moment, and pointed at Xiang Heng with her white fingers trembling slightly: " are threatening me? ?!"

There was obviously a bit of panic in the voice, as if he had never thought that someone would dare to threaten him like this. In his memory, it seemed that no one had dared to speak to him like this.

Unexpectedly, seeing Xu Zishan's distraught look, Xiang Heng also stood up slowly, with a casual arc on the corner of his mouth, "Auntie, I didn't threaten you, I just told you another fact, if Auntie really disagrees with my suggestion , then I will protect my only sister Yao Yiyi in my own way."

Xiang Heng bit the only two people very hard, and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile in his eyes.

"Actually, if the matter goes so far, no one's face will look good, so I think Auntie should listen to my advice." There was a smile on Xiang Heng's face, but a sneer flashed in his eyes.

And Xu Zishan is worthy of being Xu Zishan, but she just hid all her emotions in an instant, and her face regained her composure, "Mr. Xiang, you have to have evidence for what you say. If you threaten me like this now, I'm not afraid that I will sue you for threatening." ?"

Hearing Xu Zishan's words, the smile on Xiang Heng's face became wider, and there seemed to be a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"Threat crime? Hehe, Auntie, when the time comes, you will know that what I said is not only the truth, but also..."

Xiang Heng didn't say it directly, but looked at Xu Zishan's slightly discolored face, and said: "Sorry, Auntie, I don't think you may know that besides being Yao Yiyi's brother, I am also a lawyer. ..."

Seeing Xu Zishan's slightly pale face, Xiang Heng just smiled, "Auntie, I won't talk nonsense until there is not enough evidence, so, the severity of the matter, Auntie should decide..."

Xu Zishan moved her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it, but Xiang Heng said again: "It seems to be a long time to come out this time, auntie, drink your kabob slowly Kino, I will not accompany you, so I will take my leave first."

Xiang Heng always had a smile on his face, but when he left the coffee shop, his expression darkened instantly.Xu Zishan, I hope you can restrain yourself a little bit in the future, otherwise, when the situation gets too bad, I, Xiang Heng, will never show mercy because you are Sheng's mother.

Because Xiang Heng would do anything for Yao Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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