Chapter 398
Yao Yiyi never knew before that a man was so heavy. It wasn't until he entrusted Zhang Yang into his home and turned on the light that Yao Yiyi realized that Zhang Yang seemed to be injured more seriously than he imagined.

There are dots of blood splattered on the face, and the blood on the abdomen seems to be more serious. Could it be that the injury was on the abdomen?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi suddenly asked: "Zhang Yang, who are those people?"

After a long time, there was no response, "Hey, Zhang Yang..."

Yao Yiyi turned around, only to find that Zhang Yang had fallen asleep for some reason.

Yao Yiyi frowned, this man can't just hang out here like this, he should look for a first aid kit at home...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi hurriedly got up and went upstairs to get the medical kit.

What Yao Yiyi didn't notice after leaving was that Zhang Yang's eyes that were originally closed were opened in an instant, and a deep smile flashed in them.

Almost instantly, the man sat up, but took out a pack of unknown things in his hand, and poured it into Yao Yiyi's drinking cup.

Then he heard the sound of Yao Yi coming downstairs, and immediately lay down again, returning to his original posture.

After Yao Yi came downstairs, he glanced at Zhang Yang who was lying on the sofa, and frowned slightly, with a bit of doubt in his expression, he clearly heard the noise downstairs just now, could it be his own illusion?

Although he was thinking this way, Yao Yiyi quickly took out the bandages and potions, while his right hand habitually picked up the white water on the table and took a sip.

But Yao Yiyi looked at Zhang Yang's injured part with a bit of embarrassment. Didn't he want to strip the man in front of him naked?
Uh, it sounds like I'm a horny ****...

Forget it, this is saving lives, not joking, it's better to be serious, but Yao Yiyi found that his head was a little dizzy, and shook his head fiercely, could it be that he didn't sleep well last night?
Slowly raised his fingers, wanting to lift off the man's clothes, but at this moment, Yao Yiyi found that he had no strength at all, and his eyes were blurred, as if he had fainted in just an instant. He fell asleep deeply.

When Yao Yiyi woke up, he was in a desolate place. Yao Yiyi's first thought was, could he be kidnapped?
Thinking of this possibility, I panicked and hurriedly checked my clothes. Fortunately, the clothes were still intact. The purpose of the kidnapping was nothing more than two, one was for money, and the other was for sex. Now it seems that I am fine. It should be for money...

His hands and feet were bound and he couldn't move, Yao Yiyi moved a little bit, but he felt a piercing pain.

"Tear..." Yao Yiyi stopped struggling immediately, learning to be good no matter what time it is is extremely important.

correct?A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, what happened to Zhang Yang?Could it be that he was kidnapped because of Zhang Yang?

If that's the case, isn't Zhang Yang already in their hands now, and according to the degree of Zhang Yang's injury, it's not good to know now?

Yao Yiyi rang, but there was a sound behind him, followed by the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground.

It should be the person who kidnapped me...

"Where's Zhang Yang? What are you doing to Zhang Yang?"

The person who came was dressed in a black windbreaker to wrap his whole body inside, and a pair of dark sunglasses were worn on the man's face. Obviously, he did not expect that the little woman in front of him would put Zhang Yang in the first place.

"It seems that you care about that kid?"

A man in a black windbreaker squatted down in front of Yao Yiyi, but he didn't know if it was Yao Yiyi's illusion that he felt that the voice of the man in front of him was somewhat familiar, but these were quickly ignored by Yao Yiyi .

Hearing the man's words, Yao Yiyi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly said, "What did you do to him?"

Yao Yiyi's mind trembled, thinking of the worst outcome, his face turned pale for a while.

The man seemed to have noticed the change in Yao Yiyi's face, and there was a hint of ridicule in his voice.

"If it's what you think, what are you going to do?"

Hearing the man's voice, Yao Yiyi was taken aback. Although he calmed down, his voice was still trembling: "You mean, Zhang Yang has already..."

"No, no, if that's the case, why are you arresting me?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head fiercely, apparently in disbelief.

"What are you here for? Hehe, Yao Yiyi, don't you know how important you are to Shan Yisheng?"

Sure enough, as Yao Yiyi expected, the other party arrested him to threaten Yisheng.

"I tell you, no matter what, I will not compromise easily, even if I die, I will not let your plot succeed..."

Yao Yiyi suddenly felt very depressed. If he hadn't been troubled last night, perhaps Zhang Yang would not have died now.

At this moment, Yao Yiyi was obviously in a state of confusion, so he didn't notice the man's expression that turned cold instantly: "Dead? Hehe, how could I let you die..."

The man's voice was sinister, as if a gust of dark wind was blowing over Yao Yiyi's heart.

"Boss, what should I do if this woman really doesn't cooperate?"

When a voice came, Yao Yiyi trembled all over. This person... If I guessed correctly, it was the voice of the man with the scar on his face that I saw outside the ZZ Group that day. No wonder I just I feel that the man's voice is so familiar, it is the man who talked to the scarred man that day...

Aren't they from the ZZ Group?

Everything became clear in an instant, and at this time Yao Yiyi already knew the identity of the other party, so he decided that it was Zhang Yang who killed him by guessing.

While regretting in his heart, Yao Yiyi also forced himself to calm down.

The air slowly fell silent, but Yao Yiyi knew that all the people were around, as long as he made any movement, those people would definitely appear in front of him like ghosts.

"boss Zhang……"

Yao Yiyi finally made a sound, with some tentativeness, he heard the man's cold snort of disdain.

It's just that there seems to be some surprise in addition to the cold snort.

"Boss, how did he know you..."

It seemed to be the exclamation from the scarred man, and it was this exclamation that made Yao Yi instantly confirm their identities.

"It seems that Ms. Yao is really smart. She really is not an ordinary woman. She is still able to maintain a clear and calm mind. Not bad..."

The so-called Mr. Zhang once again gave out admiration, but there was a bit of sarcasm in his words.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for your compliment." Yao Yiyi sneered, "But Mr. Zhang, I would like to advise you that kidnapping is illegal in China. I think Mr. Zhang is so smart that he must know the laws of the country..."

"Of course, I naturally know..." Mr. Zhang showed that sinister smile again, which made Yao Yiyi feel a bad premonition.

"However, if you don't say anything, and I don't say it, then wouldn't it mean that God knows the world, and no one knows..." Mr. Zhang's voice was somewhat smug, but it made Yao Yiyi stunned for a moment. .

There was an unstoppable sneer in the voice: "Mr. Zhang, who do you think you are, if I don't tell you, should I keep it a secret for you? Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you are still really ridiculous..."

"I'm ridiculous..." Mr. Zhang sneered, "Yao Yiyi, don't try to challenge my patience. Before Shan Yisheng came, I had a lot of patience..."

"Did you call Yisheng?"

There was a bit of surprise in Yao Yiyi's voice, but more of it was unbelievable, it seemed that he had never heard the voice of a man calling Yisheng, could it be...

Seeing the unpredictable expression on Yao Yiyi's face, who knew that the so-called President Zhang laughed again, "Miss Yao is really smart, I not only called Shan Yisheng, but also sent a message The video of Miss Yao being kidnapped, but do you think Shan Yisheng will believe it, but Shan Yisheng cares so much about Miss Yao, so she must believe it..."

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something: "Perhaps, Shan Yisheng is on his way now..."

"You are shameless." Yao Yiyi wanted to move, but the restraints on his body made Yao Yiyi unable to move at all.

"Shameless, hehe, Ms. Yao really thinks highly of me." Mr. Zhang let out a sneer, and then turned around, his eyes gleaming coldly under the wide sunglasses.

But at this time, Shan Yisheng was in the speeding car, his mind was full of the man's cold voice just now and the video of being kidnapped one by one, it was only one night, how could this happen matter?
Shan Yisheng's eyes are full of remorse, if Yiyi was with him at that time, it would be great, but there is one thing that Shan Yisheng doesn't understand very much, that video was obviously recorded at Yiyi's home, could it be The kidnapper actually came to Yiyi's home. Could it be that it was a premeditated kidnapping, and the target was himself?
But no matter what, the most important thing for me now is to ensure the safety of Yi Yi, and everything else can be left behind...

At this time, Shan Yisheng's cell phone rang in an instant.

"Sheng, where are you? Is Dodo with you?"

Xiang Heng's voice sounded over there, and there seemed to be a bit of anxiety in the voice.

"Heng, Yiyi was kidnapped, and now I'm rushing to the place agreed by the kidnappers..."


Xiang Heng's voice was full of surprise, obviously disbelief.

"Heng, there is no time, listen to me, if I haven't contacted you after two hours, I must call the police, you know?" Shan Yisheng said in a low voice.

"What should I do now? Are you going alone, Yisheng, where are you now, tell me, I will go too..."

It's just that before Xiang Heng finished speaking, Shan Yisheng interrupted: "Heng, they said they only let me go there alone...but you must remember what I said."

Without waiting for Xiang Heng to speak, Shan Yisheng turned off the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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