Chapter 400 One by one injured
The man with the scar was right, Shan Yisheng really didn't have any power to threaten the two of them at this time.

Shan Yisheng clenched his fists tightly, and his voice was 12 points cold: "What kind of skill is dealing with a woman? If you have the skill, let's go one-on-one..."

The corners of Yao Yiyi's mouth swelled up quickly, and his voice was somewhat weak: "Yisheng, don't..."

Very little effort, almost inaudible.

I don't know if it was Yao Yiyi's illusion, but when he said these words, he seemed to see the body of the man wearing sunglasses trembling.

Immediately, the man wearing sunglasses stood up, with a cruel smile on his lips: "Mr. Shan, you are really brave. However, one-on-one is fine, but Mr. Shan can't fight back."

There was a bit of treachery in the man's voice, which made Yao Yi stunned for a moment, and then shook his head fiercely.

Seemingly seeing Shan Yisheng's hesitation, the man had no choice but to speak again: "If Mr. Shan fights back, Miss Yao will suffer..."

It was a naked threat. Shan Yisheng had never been threatened so uselessly before, but he had no way to resist, because one by one was in the hands of the other party.

"One, two..."

"Okay, I promise you."

Shan Yisheng said, but a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Don't..." As Yao Yiyi's words fell, the man had already punched Shan Yisheng hard in the face, and Shan Yisheng who fell on the ground immediately stood up, ruthlessly He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely.

"Hehe, Mr. Shan, you look very kind..." As he spoke, he knocked Shan Yisheng to the ground again.

On the other hand, Yao Yiyi tried hard to break free from the prison of the scarred man, and wanted to go up to see how Shan Yisheng was doing, but he couldn't break free no matter what, but his voice was somewhat weak: "Yisheng, Don't, don't..."

At this time, Shan Yisheng had been knocked down to the ground by the man again, and the man obviously showed no mercy, because Yao Yiyi saw that Shan Yisheng's face was already covered in blood.

"No, Yisheng, hurry up..."

Yao Yiyi was crying to the point that she wanted Shan Yisheng to leave.

"President Shan, please, please, I'll let you go..."

"Really... People say that Zhang Yang, the general manager of ZZ Group, is the most ruthless. Will you really let me go if I beg you?"

"Of course, Mr. Shan is different from others. As long as you ask for it, I will definitely let you go."

"Okay..." Shan Yisheng stood up tremblingly, and said weakly, "Then I beg you, let her go..."

The direction Shan Yisheng was pointing at was Yao Yiyi!

And Yao Yiyi has been so shocked that he couldn't speak since Shan Yisheng said the word Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang?

A terrible thought suddenly popped up in my heart, but I quickly denied it, it's impossible, how could that Zhang Yang be this Zhang Yang? !

In the moment of being stunned, Yao Yiyi saw Shan Yisheng pointing at him.

"Don't..." At this moment, Yao Yiyi had only one sentence in his mind, which was not to let Shan Yisheng beg for mercy from the man in front of him for himself.

"Let her go, hehe, Mr. Shan is really joking, if you really let her go, will you still be obedient?"

Only now did Yao Yiyi realize how familiar the man's voice was.

"Zhang Yang..." As if wanting to prove something, Yao Yiyi murmured, but Zhang Yang, who wanted to knock Shan Yisheng down to the ground again, stopped his movements instantly.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yi had disbelief in his eyes. He didn't expect that this man was really ostentatious. From this man's actions, everything was already explained...

All the things seemed to return to Dao Zi's mind in an instant, the encounter in the rainy day, and the injury on Zhang Yang's body last night...

Everything was such a coincidence, but I was so naive as to lure the wolf into the room, no wonder I saw Zhang Yang's back in the hospital so familiar, so he was the so-called President Zhang of the ZZ Group!
In fact, I should have seen it when I was in the hospital, but I was deceived by Zhang Yang's hypocritical appearance. Until now, Yao Yiyi hated his wink very much. So much suffering?
Looking at Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi's eyes were full of regret, self-blame and heartache, Yisheng, I'm sorry, if I wasn't too naive, things wouldn't be what they are now?
Yao Yiyi turned his eyes to the man, and said with disbelief in his voice, "I want to know, why?"

Zhang Yang looked at Yao Yiyi's pained and self-reproaching eyes, and suddenly there was a touch of soft-hearted emotion that shouldn't be there, and his voice was still cold: "Why, doesn't Mr. Shan know why?"

If Shan Yisheng hadn't recaptured the contracts that should have been obtained, the current ZZ Group would already be the largest group in the city, but all the plans were destroyed in the hands of Shan Yisheng, should I take revenge on him? Is it time to do something?
But Zhang Yang didn't say these words, but Yao Yiyi understood that when Zhang Yang said Shan Yisheng, she knew why, but there was still a trace of hope in her heart, maybe Zhang Yang was not what she imagined !
But it turned out that it was just my expectation!

"The shopping mall is like a battlefield, Zhang Yang, who do you blame for this matter? If Yisheng didn't fight back, wouldn't he have nothing now? Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs..."

Yao Yiyi shook his head and looked at Zhang Yang with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I don't care, if there is no Shan Yisheng, it must have been successful now, Yao Yiyi, because Shan Yisheng is your man, that's why you said that, if you suddenly become a millionaire one day A worthless pauper who is forced to the point of no return, what will you do? Do you still pretend to be a saint and chant scriptures for the losers? This is how this world is, the weak prey on the strong, so, Shan Yisheng , I have grasped your weakness now, you will never be my opponent..."

Zhang Yang spoke incoherently, and took off his sunglasses, with a bit of madness in his expression.

Looking at Shan Yisheng, there is obviously a bit of complacency in his expression.

Yao Yiyi shook his head helplessly, Zhang Yang couldn't afford to lose so much, no wonder others, it was his own choice, such a person would never be Shan Yisheng's opponent.

But Yao Yiyi was still trying to persuade the man: "Zhang Yang, it's not too late to say anything now."

"Hehe, look back, since you've already embarked on this path, naturally you can't turn back."

There was a bit of weirdness in Zhang Yang's expression, but a bad premonition rose in Yao Yiyi's heart.

Sure enough, from Yao Yiyi's angle, he saw the knife that Zhang Yang took out out of nowhere and put it in his hand, and then slowly approached Shan Yisheng.

"Shan Yisheng, accompany me to hell..."

Almost at the moment when the man spoke, the knife in Zhang Yang's hand also slammed into Shan Yisheng.

And Yao Yiyi didn't know where the strength came from, but he broke free from the scarred man, and then quickly ran to Shan Yisheng's side.

Almost everything happened at the same instant, Shan Yisheng was pushed away by Yao Yiyi, and Zhang Yang's knife stabbed into Yao Yiyi's abdomen impartially.

"Yao Yiyi..."


With two exhausted roars, Zhang Yang was stunned, watching the blood slowly soaking through Yao Yiyi's clothes, completely lost his mind.

Just when he wanted to go forward, he was kicked away by Shan Yisheng, and then there was panic in Shan Yisheng's voice: "Call 120... Hurry up."

Zhang Yang didn't seem to have thought that things would turn out like this. Looking at Yao Yiyi's pale face, he yelled at the scarred man, "Hurry up and call 120."

"Oh." The scarred man responded subconsciously, but then realized, "Boss, if we call 120 now, will our identities be exposed..."

Zhang Yang was taken aback, and then realized his behavior, but when he saw Yao Yiyi's pale face, he gritted his teeth: "Well, let's go, there is nothing for you here, give me the phone... ..."

The scarred man gave Zhang Yang his cell phone in a daze. Although Zhang Yang's hands were trembling, he still dialed 120 accurately.

Shan Yisheng has never felt that time is as hard as it is now, because as long as the time passes by every minute and every second, it means that Yao Yiyi's life is passing by little by little.

"Yiyi, hold on, I'll take you to Yisheng right away, wait..."

Shan Yisheng's voice was extremely trembling, his hands tried to cover the bleeding in Yao Yiyi's abdomen, but it was useless at all, the blood was still flowing out, and Yao Yiyi's body was getting cold bit by bit. .

"Yiyi, don't fall asleep, the doctor will be here soon, wait..."

"Yisheng..." Yao Yiyi moved his lips and made a sound, while Shan Yisheng tightly held Yao Yiyi's palm, "I'm here..."

"Yisheng, it's good that you're fine..." After saying these words intermittently, Yao Yiyi stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to caress Yisheng's face.

But Shan Yisheng held Yao Yiyi's hand tightly, his voice trembling: "Yiyi, how can you be so stupid."

Yao Yiyi suddenly felt a chill on his face, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Yisheng, you... cried... ahem..."

Shan Yisheng only felt that his eyes were blurred, but he still shook his head fiercely, "Yiyi, I don't, I don't, how could I cry."

Although I said this, the tears still couldn't stop staying.

"Yeah, why is Yisheng crying." Yao Yiyi said weakly, with a bit of weakness in his voice, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Yiyi, don't sleep, do you hear..." The sound of an ambulance rang in my ear, and there was a touch of surprise in Shan Yisheng's voice, "Yiyi, did you hear, the ambulance is here..."

(End of this chapter)

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