Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 405 Chapter 11 Discharge

Chapter 405 Discharged One by One
Time seems to be the blink of an eye, fleeting.When Yao Yiyi woke up, Shan Yisheng was already standing beside him.

"Yisheng, so early?"

"The sun is drying my butt..." Shan Yisheng said dotingly.

For some reason, after experiencing this incident, Yao Yiyi always felt that Shan Yisheng seemed to regard him as a child.

But the feeling of being pampered by others is really good.

The sunlight hit the man's handsome face, Yao Yiyi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Yisheng, you are so perfect, what if one day you don't want me?"

"How come, what should I do if I don't want you anymore?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, but a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Yisheng, can I translate this sentence into, without me, you don't know what to do, okay?
Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi's pensive look, his heart moved, and he kissed Yao Yiyi's face lightly.

"Okay, get up quickly, we're leaving the hospital."

Yao Yiyi smiled and got up immediately.

And when everything was dealt with, Xiang Heng also rushed to the hospital, watching Yao Yiyi standing in front of him full of energy, with a bit of ridicule in his voice: "Sure enough, it's better to watch my sister look alive and well." Comfortable..."

Seeing Xiang Heng making fun of himself again, Ji Ming sighed helplessly.

Everything went smoothly. As the president of Sy Group, Mo Di didn't need to do these things himself, and all the discharge procedures have already been completed.

What made Yao Yiyi feel funny was that when he was discharged from the hospital, a lot of young nurses came to see him off one after another. Yisheng's.

This Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but slander, it seems that being too handsome doesn't seem to be a very good thing...

Finally, when he saw more and more beautiful nurses, Yao Yiyi still couldn't help muttering: "Shan Yisheng, you are too enchanting..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's whispered words, Shan Yisheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth: "Of course it's because your husband is so charming, Yao Yiyi, do you feel that you've made a lot of money now?"

Listening to the man's narcissistic words, Yao Yiyi couldn't help rolling his eyes after all, but there was still a bit of a smile in his tone: "Yeah, I've made a lot of money, okay, handsome..."

Xiang Heng was at the side, watching the two people bickering, the corners of their mouths raised slightly.

It would be great if the days could really be simple and flat...

It's just that life has to go on, so it doesn't have to be plain and ordinary.

In the car, Yao Yiyi looked at the corner of Shan Yisheng's mouth that couldn't help but couldn't restrain his curiosity in the end.

"Yisheng, is there anything good today?"

“How come you see?”

Shan Yisheng didn't answer, but Xiang Heng in the back seat returned.

"Because the corners of Yisheng's mouth are always slightly raised, it seems that he is in a good mood."

Yao Yiyi replied honestly, with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi's serious look, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Of course there are good things..."

Xiang Heng took a deep look at Shan Yisheng, and then said meaningfully, but it was Xiang Heng's mysterious appearance that instantly aroused Yao Yiyi's curiosity.

"Brother, what's the good thing, tell me quickly and listen..."

There was obviously a bit of impatience in the voice, but Xiang Heng was more and more secretive.

"Okay, let me tell you, isn't it a great thing that you are discharged from the hospital?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's voice, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, but then smiled: "As long as the time is up, he will naturally be discharged from the hospital. Is this a good thing?"

Yao Yiyi was talking, but he couldn't help but glanced at Shan Yisheng, and the latter also looked at Yao Yiyi, the eyes of the two met in the air, and then they were tightly entangled.

In the end, it was Xiang Heng who had to interrupt the "lovely" of the two to remind Shan Yisheng to drive well.

"Duoduo, I'm afraid you've never seen Yisheng anxious, that man who didn't change his face even when the sky fell, during the ten days you were in a coma..."

"Ahem..." Shan Yisheng coughed suddenly, with a bit of uneasiness in his voice, "Yi Yi, what do you want to eat later?"

It was obvious that he wanted to change the subject, but Xiang Heng was a little bit reluctant: "Sheng, your ability to change the subject is really too bad..."

"Brother, you still said Yisheng, the reason you dismissed Yisheng yesterday was too bad..."

Xiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect to hear his younger sister's "contempt", a hurt look instantly appeared on his face, and he looked at the two people with "bad intentions."

"Yiyi, you say that, brother is really sad. He originally wanted to help you, but now it seems that there is no need for it..."

Pretentiously sighing, Xiang Heng clutched his chest, expressing that he was really hurt.

"Enough, Heng, your ability to deceive people is getting stronger and stronger now..."

After all, Shan Yisheng still couldn't hold back, and said with a smile.

And Xiang Heng also recovered his serious expression in an instant, which startled Yao Yi one by one.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Xiang Heng's suddenly serious look, Yao Yiyi was a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, didn't Sheng tell me not to lie, so should I be more serious..." Xiang Heng said this sentence in a serious manner, and then laughed out loud after finishing speaking.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed along with Xiang Heng.

And Shan Yisheng looked at the cheerful little woman who was smiling, with a bit of pampering in her eyes.

There was laughter all the way in the car, but all the laughter stopped when Shan Yisheng received the call.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

When Yao Yiyi heard Shan Yisheng's words, he stopped, looking at Shan Yisheng's frown, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"I just got out of the hospital one by one today, so we can just eat outside. Mom, you can eat first."

As Shan Yisheng spoke, he wanted to hang up the phone, but it seemed that the people over there were not forgiving.

"Then I will discuss with Yiyi again and again."

After saying this, Shan Yisheng immediately hung up the phone, and the happy atmosphere in the car disappeared without a trace.

"Auntie wants us to go home for dinner?"

In the end, it was Yao Yiyi who spoke, seemingly with some uncertainty.

At this moment, Xu Zishan asked herself to go back to have a meal, what exactly did she mean?
"Yiyi, if you don't want to, we can eat outside..."

It's just that before Shan Yisheng finished speaking, Yao Yiyi interrupted him.

"Let's go back." Then he turned around, "Brother, let's go to Yisheng's apartment first, let's get together some other day..."

Yao Yiyi said, and then saw Xiang Heng nodded in understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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