Chapter 411
"But..." A smile flashed across Ning Mengna's eyes, but there was a bit of melancholy on her face: "I just don't know what way to do it. This is a long-term thing. Endurance is definitely not going to last..."

"I believe that as long as it is what I Bai Shixin wants to do, I will be able to do it successfully. No matter how long it takes, I will definitely stick to it."

And Ning Mengna raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a hint of a successful plot smile.

"Well, I'll wait for your good news." Ning Mengna smiled.

Bai Shixin nodded slightly. In fact, he was very clear in his heart that Ning Mengna was just using her, but she didn't show it, so in Ning Mengna's view, she was just being used by her.

But only Bai Shixin knows, and he understands everything very well. Ning Mengna just wants to use her to achieve her goal of getting Shan Yisheng, but if that is the case, her goal is the same as hers, so Bai Shixin did not. show up.

Yao Yiyi finally returned to the Yao Group, and what surprised Yao Yiyi was that Ji Xi was here!
Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, then went up to greet him kindly: "Ji Xi, why are you here?"

There was a bit of joy in the voice, I don't know if it was the reason why Yao Yiyi was on the edge of life and death, at this time, Yao Yiyi felt extremely kind when he saw anyone, but his shoulders were tightly held by the people around him. Embracing him, Yao Yiyi could even feel the man's strength gradually increasing.

Yao Yiyi was stunned, and suddenly thought of the man's inexplicable anger and sourness, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

What's the matter with this man?

"I heard that you are coming back today, so I welcome you on behalf of the Xili Group..."

There was always a gentle smile on Ji Xi's face, but there was a bit of worry in his eyes, and he avoided Yao Yiyi's eyes in the slightest.

"Ji Xi, what's wrong with you?"

There was some doubt in Yao Yiyi's voice, what was the worry in Ji Xi's eyes?worry about myself...

Could it be that you know your own affairs?But didn't Xiang Heng tell Ji Xi that he went to Hainan?

Although there was some doubts in his heart, there was still a smile on his face.

"I'm fine. I'm really happy to see you back." Ji Xi's eyes were full of smiles, but he felt a strong hostility gradually surrounding him.

Looking along the line of sight, it is Shan Yisheng!
And Shan Yisheng just happened to look over, and the eyes of the two met in the air, with hostility in their eyes.

Yao Yiyi frowned, could this be regarded as meeting enemies and being extremely jealous?In my heart, I feel somewhat regretful that Shan Yisheng sent me here...

Even though he thought so, Yao Yiyi still had a dry smile on his face.

"Well, I'm going to work, Yisheng, you should go back early." Yao Yiyi said softly to Shan Yisheng, with a bit of helplessness in her voice.

"Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll come pick you up for dinner after you get off work."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yi subconsciously wanted to refuse: "No need, I'll just find a place to eat by myself..."

"Wait for me after get off work." But Shan Yisheng didn't give Yao Yiyi a chance to refuse, so he turned and left after leaving this sentence.

Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng's back, why didn't he realize that Yisheng was so domineering in front of him?But to be honest, there is still a bit of joy and sweetness in my heart.

But when he turned his head, he saw Ji Xiapply looking at him unpredictably, which made Yao Yiyi feel a little panicked, and finally the man couldn't help but make a sound.

"Yiyi, is your wound healed now?"

Hearing Ji Xi's hoarse voice, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and sure enough, Ji Xi still knew...

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's all right now, Ji Xi, don't worry. Let's go in."

"Then I won't go in. I'm relieved when I see you come back. You can go in by yourself. Then I'll go back first."

Listening to Ji Xi's words, a trace of surprise flashed in Yao Yiyi's eyes.

"What, you didn't come to see my brother?"

"Well, ahem, I came to see you." Ji Xi seemed to have a bit of embarrassment in his eyes, "I see that you are fine now, so I should go too."

Ji Xi's face was a little flushed, but at this time Yao Yiyi was a little moved in his heart.

"Ji Xi, thank you." Yao Yiyi suddenly said softly, only to see Ji Xi's leaving figure pause slightly, and seemed to be a little stiff.

"No, Yiyi, I thought there was no need to say thank you between us."

Immediately, without turning around, Ji Xi walked out of the Yao Group quickly.

Looking at Ji Xi's back, Yao Yiyi sighed deeply again.

Ji Xi, I originally thought that I had made my words very clear in the past, but I didn't expect that you still had some illusions. If it was Yisheng, I would definitely not say thank you, but except Yisheng and Outside of those closest to me, I need to say thank you politely.

For your affection, Ji Xi, I can only say sorry!

No matter what, it is a kind of happiness for me to be able to come back and stand here now, so I should cherish this kind of happiness.

Just as Yao Yiyi was about to go upstairs, he ran into Xiang Heng who was coming down the stairs.

I just wanted to say hello to my brother, but the man suddenly laughed and said, "Welcome Duoduo back..."

After Xiang Heng finished speaking, he saw many employees surrounded him from all sides of the hall, and the colored bars fell on him. Yao Yiyi was almost frightened by this sudden surprise. A deep warmth rose in my heart due to my care and worry.

And Xiang Heng watched his sister being held in the center by everyone, with such a pure smile on her face, and let out a long breath.

Dodo, it feels really good to have you back...

Yao Yiyi covered his mouth, his voice choked with sobs: "Thank you, thank you..."

Looking at all kinds of little faces, Yao Yiyi has never felt so kind. Although he often worked together before, he has never felt this moment of peace of mind.

Perhaps, it is true that people will feel the preciousness of life, the preciousness of friendship and family affection after they have experienced a catastrophe!
And these were things Yao Yiyi had never experienced before.

What Yao Yiyi didn't know at this time was that after Shan Yisheng walked out of the Yao Group, he met a woman, a woman he wanted to avoid but could not avoid.

It was Ning Mengna.

(End of this chapter)

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