Chapter 416 Arriving One by One
At this time, Yao Yiyi finally rushed over, but when he saw the two sitting together silently, he was quietly relieved. Although the atmosphere between the two was not very normal, But at least Yisheng hasn't, so this trip isn't in vain.

Seeing his sister finally arrived, Xiang Heng's eyes immediately brought a smile.

"Duoduo..." Immediately, he signaled to Yao Yiyi that he already knew what was going on.

At this time, Yao Yiyi saw his brother giving him a signal, and sighed helplessly in his heart. If he guessed correctly, Ning Mengna didn't know how to tell Yisheng about herself and Bai Shixin, otherwise Yisheng's face now won't be so... smelly!

Xiang Heng quietly gestured to Yao Yiyi to get it done, and then he planned to leave, but Yao Yiyi smiled at the latter, expressing that he could handle it, and Xiang Heng saw Yao Yiyi , the heart has actually let go.

In fact, this matter is nothing, Xiang Heng smiled in his heart, but Yisheng's confidence in Yiyi is really too small, or it can be said that it is not for Yiyi, but for himself.

As for how much position he has in Duoduo's heart, it is estimated that Sheng still has no confidence in his heart.


Xiang Heng got into the car, and through the window, he saw Duo Duo's mouth opening and closing, probably explaining the matter between himself and Bai Shixin.

Forget it, the matter of their young couple is resolved by themselves, it's better for them to avoid it...

Thinking of this, Xiang Heng has already slowly driven the car away...

In the light of coffee, Yao Yiyi sat where Ning Mengna sat, looking at Yisheng.

"Yisheng, if you have any questions now, you can ask me directly..." Yao Yiyi directly entered the topic. If he didn't enter, the gap between the two would become deeper and deeper.

But Shan Yisheng looked out of the window with a cold expression, not knowing what he was looking at.

Yao Yiyi frowned slightly, but still said with a good temper: "Yisheng, I don't know what Ning Mengna said to you, but I hope you don't believe her words, you should know, if you ask me , I will definitely tell you everything.”

"Don't believe her words?" Shan Yisheng finally spoke, but there was an unconcealable irony in his words.

I never knew that Yisheng would talk to herself in this tone. At that moment, Yisheng suddenly became so strange, as if she was a stranger who had never met before.

No, even worse than strangers, because strangers never speak in such a sarcastic tone, and the words spoken between strangers are always alienated.

But now Yao Yiyi would rather Yisheng talk to him in that tone, rather than being full of sarcasm like now.

"Yisheng, can you tell me what happened?"

In fact, what Yao Yiyi wanted to say was, Yisheng, can you stop treating me like this?
"Ning Mengna said, you used to... like Bai Shixin, didn't you?" The man's words were somewhat hoarse, and he spoke with difficulty.

Yao Yiyi's heart trembled, he didn't expect the thing he was most afraid of to happen, if he knew that things would develop into this way, he would have told Yisheng everything on the day he met Bai Shixin.

At first, I thought that Yisheng should be very convinced of the relationship between the two people, and it was all many years ago, so all thoughts about this matter just flashed in my mind, but it made me What I didn't expect was that Ning Mengna took advantage of such a big loophole.

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath: "Yisheng, if I tell you that it's all in the past, do you believe me?"

Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng without blinking his eyes, not wanting to miss any expression on the man's face, as if he would miss the most important expression on the man's face in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Shan Yisheng also turned his head and looked deeply at Yao Yiyi.

The two looked at each other, and time seemed to freeze in an instant, and everything was waiting for a decision at that moment.

But Yao Yiyi kept saying in his heart: "Yisheng, trust me, trust me, but Shan Yisheng's eyes are only bottomless, I don't know what he is thinking.

Yi Sheng, I am so scared now, do you know that?really scared...

And Shan Yisheng also took a deep breath, as if he was obsessed with his own question: "Then, in this way, you still like Bai Shixin..."

Not knowing if it was his own illusion, Yao Yiyi felt that Shan Yisheng was so unreasonable at this time.

You obviously already said that it was a thing of the past, didn't you?
"Yisheng, didn't I tell you, that's already in the past, everything is in the past, the relationship between Bai Shixin and I never started, so it never ended, you know? "

Seeing Shan Yisheng's appearance, Yao Yiyi felt a little anxious at this time, what exactly does Yisheng want me to say, so that you can understand?

Seeing Yao Yiyi's anxious look and the fragile look in his eyes, the stern expression on Shan Yisheng's face finally changed, as if it collapsed in an instant, I know, I know everything, but Yiyi, I'm really afraid that my position in your heart is no higher than that of Bai Shixin...

"Yiyi, I believe in you." Shan Yisheng finally said hoarsely, and Shan Yisheng's answer made Yao Yiyi finally smile, but before the smile reached his eyes, Shan Yisheng Sheng's next sentence completely dissipated.

"I believe you, Yiyi, but I need a little time, you know?"

As Shan Yisheng said, he stood up, at this moment, Shan Yisheng didn't dare to look into Yao Yiyi's eyes, and at this moment, Yao Yiyi's last hope was finally shattered.

"I see."

Yao Yiyi replied that he had never been as powerless as he is now, as if he had been sucked out of all his strength by others, and he was paralyzed at that moment.

Yi Sheng, we have experienced so many ups and downs, and now Bai Shixin is a person who can't make any waves, so he can easily break the bond of love that we have built with great difficulty?
Or, from the beginning to the end, I have placed too much emphasis on our love relationship, maybe our relationship is not as strong as I thought?
Shan Yisheng strode away, leaving only Yao Yiyi sitting in place, but his body lost all strength at that moment.

Yisheng, what I'm most worried about will happen again, and I don't know if we can get through this safely...

The phone rang in an instant, and I saw the caller ID.

"Hey..." Yao Yiyi's voice was a little weak. At this time, Yao Yiyi really didn't have the energy to take care of other things, and his voice was a little weak.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?" Ji Xi's voice came from over there with concern, as if aware of Yao Yiyi's strangeness.

Hearing Ji Xi's voice, Yao Yiyi felt the urge to cry.

There was a bit of choking in her voice: "Ji Xi, this afternoon, I want to take a leave of absence, so..."

"Where are you, I'll go find you now..."

In less than half an hour, Ji Xi had already arrived at the central garden. At this time, Yao Yiyi was sitting on the hanging chair, his thoughts driving to the sky.

Seeing Yao Yiyi, Ji Xi's eyes were slightly surprised.

"Yiyi, what happened to you?"

Seeing Ji Xi rushing over, Yao Yiyi had a sorry smile on his face. In fact, he refused Ji Xi at the time, but he didn't expect Ji Xi to insist on coming, so he let Ji Xi come over .

And what I agreed with Ji Xi was the central garden opposite Time Coffee.

In that place with that man's aura, it turned out to be inexplicably depressed.

"I'm fine, Ji Xi, sit down and stay with me for a while."

Yao Yiyi said with a smile, but Ji Xi could hear a trace of bitterness in it.

For a long time, there was only the sound of the breeze sweeping through the fallen leaves, and in the end it was Ji Xi who couldn't hold back Wen's voice: "Yiyi, did you and Shan Yisheng quarrel?"

Hearing Ji Xi's cautious words, Yao Yiyi felt a little funny. Could it be that his expression was so obvious?
"Yeah." Yao Yiyi did not evade this question at all, in fact Yao Yiyi knew that there was nothing to evade, he was really hot with Shan Yisheng, wasn't he?
Hearing Yao Yiyi's direct answer, Ji Xi was taken aback, and then subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Yao Yiyi also murmured, "I also suddenly want to know why, Ji Xi, why do you say that Shan Yisheng never believes what his own eyes see, but believes what other people's mouths say? Yes, as if everyone else is right and I am always wrong..."

"Ji Xi, I'm really bored now, Shan Yisheng has never looked at me with that kind of eyes, do you know?" Yao Yiyi murmured, "It seems like we have returned to strangers all at once, no , even worse than a stranger, would you look at a stranger with such a sarcastic look?"

"Shan Yisheng, why don't you believe me?"

In the end, still unable to hold back, Yao Yiyi wept softly with grievances, while Ji Xi looked at her tears with nameless distress in his heart.

"One by one, it's okay, trust me, everything will be fine."

Ji Xi patted Yao Yiyi's shoulder lightly, comforting her.

It's just that he knows very well in his heart that such comfort is of no use at all.

At this time, Yao Yiyi was wrapping his hands around his knees, sobbing softly. He seldom cried. He remembered the last time when he was suffering. Ten people actually do what children would do, and that is to cry for so-called love...

Or is it that my mind is not as good as that of a child...

(End of this chapter)

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