Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 421 Looking for each other

Chapter 421 Looking for each other
It's just that the slightly icy voice from over there made Yao Yiyi stunned.

"Yi Sheng is not here."

Xu Zishan's voice came from over there, and Yao Yi subconsciously said, "Auntie, isn't Yisheng here?"

After the words were spoken, Yao Yiyi actually regretted it, because just now Xu Zishan clearly told herself that Shan Yisheng was not there, but she still asked such an idiot question here. While feeling remorse in her heart, Yao Yiyi knew If nothing else happened, Xu Zishan's opinion of herself must be even bigger now, if nothing else, Xu Zishan would definitely sneer at herself.

Yao Yiyi, who was hesitating whether to hang up the phone or not, was shocked by Xu Zishan's words again in an instant. Xu Zishan didn't make the sarcasm that he thought of!

"I don't know, I went out in a hurry, it's not that I didn't even bring my mobile phone..."

Hearing Xu Zishan's words, Yao Yiyi was somewhat shocked. When did Xu Zishan change her sex? Could it be true what she said last time, that she was going to try to accept herself?
Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi was stunned, as if he didn't know what to say in his voice: "That's right, Auntie, I'm going to find Yisheng now..."

"Enen, find Yisheng earlier, remember to call me back..."

Yao Yiyi didn't know how he hung up the phone, but a little joy suddenly rose in his heart. Does this mean that Xu Zishan has begun to accept him slowly?
No matter what, at this hurdle I can be considered to have broken through...

I hope things will go smoothly in the future, but what I need most now is to find Yisheng quickly!

This Yisheng, I forgot to bring my mobile phone when I went out!

Although he was very anxious, Yao Yiyi still forced himself to calm down, remembering where the man would go, but at this point in time, where would Yisheng go.

Slowly let go of his eyes, and then looked at a cafe on the side of the road.

The small cafe glowed faintly in the dark night, but a flash of light suddenly flashed in Yao Yiyi's mind, and he suddenly thought of something, "Master, go to Time Cafe."

If I didn't guess wrong, Yisheng should be there at this time.

Thinking of this, the meaning that Yisheng would be there became more and more clear in my mind, and there was an intuition in my heart telling myself that Yisheng must be there now!
Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, the taxi turned around in an instant and drove to Time Cafe.

Hope I guessed it right!Yao Yiyi kept praying in his heart, Yisheng, where are you going?

At this time, Shan Yisheng really did what Yao Yiyi thought, and hurried to the cafe where he was at noon. After arriving here, Shan Yisheng opened the door and got out of the car. The mobile phone called Yi Yi again, but found that he didn't have the mobile phone with him, Shan Yisheng felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, how could he forget to wait for the mobile phone at this time!
But after all, this place is still relatively far away from where I live, so I'd better look for it first and then talk, maybe it's here one by one...

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng has already stepped into the coffee shop.

Tall and handsome men are always the focus of women's attention, and as soon as Shan Yisheng walked into the cafe, he undoubtedly became the focus of praise from everyone again, and naturally it was also the source of men's jealous and envious eyes.

But at this time, Shan Yisheng didn't care about what people think of him, he just browsed the small cafe, and there was no one there!
Could it be that Yiyi is not here!
Thinking of this possibility, Shan Yisheng felt disappointed, but he still didn't give up, and immediately grabbed a waiter, "Is there a Miss Yao here?"

Perhaps, at this time, Shan Yisheng still has some expectations in his heart, maybe one by one is now in a corner that he can't see, or in a box, isn't it?
But the little waiter who was caught by Shan Yisheng looked at Shan Yisheng with a bit of nympho, and his tone stuttered a bit: "Sir, we never check names here..."

Hearing the little waiter's voice, Shan Yisheng was a little stunned. She really was concerned about it, but she didn't expect that she would make such a low-level mistake. How could there be a guest's name here?

There was a bit of annoyance in Shan Yisheng's eyes, then he let go of the waiter and walked out with big strides.

But the little waiter looked at Shan Yisheng's back, and didn't recover for a long time.

Shan Yisheng looked at the brightly lit city, but suddenly felt a little dazed, one by one, where are you now?Thinking of his indifferent eyes and the pain in his eyes at noon, Shan Yisheng wanted to slap himself a few times, how could he not believe it, how could he do such a bastard thing?
Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng walked slowly along the street, the breeze carried a bit of coolness, but it also blew Shan Yisheng's mind clearly in an instant.

Yes, everything became clear at this moment, that is, who is it, shouldn't I be clearer than anyone else?There have been so many ups and downs between me and Yiyi, but at this time, because of the new insertion of a Bai Shi, did I lose all my space?
Shan Yisheng, if that's the case, you are too sorry for Yiyi, and you are too sorry for yourself...

But now, the most important thing is to find Yiyi and explain everything clearly. Shan Yisheng thinks that he must have been in a daze at noon, otherwise why would he believe Ning Mengna's nonsense?Don't you know that Ning Mengna has always had plans for you?

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng once again regretted it a thousand times, ten thousand times...

Yiyi, where are you?
By the way, if Yiyi didn't go to work in the afternoon, Ji Xi must have asked for leave. Maybe if he knew where Ji Xi was, he would know where Yiyi was, right?

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng seemed to have found a life-saving straw, but just when he was about to take out his mobile phone to call Ji Xi, he remembered that he hadn't brought his mobile phone out at all...

Annoyance arose in my heart, but there was nothing I could do about it, and there was no public telephone booth nearby, so now I had no choice but to find someone to borrow my mobile phone.

It’s just this point, who is it better to borrow a mobile phone from?
Thinking in this way, Shan Yisheng found a man and a woman coming from the opposite side, they seemed to be a couple, Shan Yisheng hesitated to move forward, trying not to sound so blunt.

"Hey, hello, can I use your phone?"

Although he told himself not to be so blunt, but after all, he had never done such a thing before, so Shan Yisheng still felt very awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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