Chapter 426 Two Hugs
There is a very inexplicable feeling, which cannot be expressed, but it can be felt.

"I know, thank you, auntie, for trying to accept me." Yao Yiyi sincerely said thank you to Xu Zishan, no matter what happened before, but as long as Xu Zishan can accept herself at this moment, that is her own hard work one of the greatest achievements.

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Xu Zishan waved her hands, with a bit of exhaustion in her voice: "I'm tired too after talking so much, you'd better go upstairs early, or Yisheng should come down later He thought I abducted his future wife..."

Hearing Xu Zishan's words, a slight smile appeared on Yao Yiyi's face.

Then she turned around and went upstairs, and Xu Zishan looked at Yao Yiyi's young back, with a relieved smile on her lips after all, no matter what, Yisheng, I will always choose the woman who is good for you, if Yao Yiyi really If I did something sorry for you, I must be the first to disagree.

At this time, Yao Yiyi felt relieved, and then went upstairs and gently knocked on Shan Yisheng's door, but Shan Yisheng who heard the knock on the door suddenly sat up on the bed. When the person was Yao Yiyi, there was a bit of nervousness in his eyes.

"Yiyi, what did my mother tell you?"

Obviously thought that Xu Zishan had said something bad to herself.

But Yao Yiyi smiled and shook his head, with an unconcealable smile in his voice, he didn't speak.

But just such an expression made Shan Yisheng's eyes more puzzled, and his voice became more and more anxious: "My mother must have said something to you, just wait, one by one, I will go down to find me now ……"

Seeing Shan Yisheng's impulsive appearance, Yao Yiyi's eyes were a little funny, and then he held Shan Yisheng, with a bit of helplessness in his voice: "Yisheng, it's really nothing, it's just that my aunt told me I have something I didn't know before..."

"Things you didn't know before?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng's doubts became more serious.

"En." Yao Yiyi nodded sincerely, with a bit of helplessness in his voice: "Yisheng, why didn't I realize that you are such a person before?"

Yao Yiyi curled his lips slightly, but there was obviously some disgust in his words.

"Who?" Shan Yisheng asked subconsciously.

But Yao Yiyi said seriously: "Yisheng, tell me honestly, did you ever wet the bed when you were eight years old?"

At the end of speaking, Yao Yiyi couldn't hold back after all, and burst out laughing out loud.

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng was stunned, but when he saw Yao Yiyi's smile, Shan Yisheng knew that he must have been tricked by Yao Yiyi, but at this time Yao Yiyi had already escaped man's side.

Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment, then quickly chased after Shan Yao Yiyi, and then the two of them had a quarrel.

In the end, the two of them lay panting on the big bed. In the empty room, only the sound of their heavy panting could be heard.

In the end, Yao Yiyi said with a relaxed mood: "Yisheng, it's really good now, I really like my life now..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng's voice was unconsciously tinged with a little smile and relaxation: "Yeah, it's really good now, I like it too..."

Saying this, the two of them laughed involuntarily.

Yisheng, if time can stay at this moment, I am willing to exchange my whole life for it.

It's just that time is fair to everyone. We can't stay in the beautiful moment forever, just like we can't stay in the sad moment forever.

The next day came quickly, the morning sun shone on Yao Yiyi's body, Yao Yiyi woke up from his sleep, and then saw the man beside him, but it always felt a bit unreal, It was as if he was still in a dream and hadn't woken up.

Looking at the sleeping man, the corners of Yao Yiyi's mouth slightly raised. It turned out that the feeling of waking up next to the man he loved was so wonderful!

The sleeping man lost his usual coldness, his clean face was completely gentle, as if he was a clean big brother.

As if being bewitched, Yao Yiyi stretched out his hands unconsciously to touch the man's face, but his fair and slender fingers hadn't touched the man yet, but his hand was tightly held in the palm of his hand, the scorching temperature It came from the man's hand, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then wanted to withdraw his hand, but unexpectedly, Shan Yisheng held it tightly and did not let go.

"Are you coveting my beauty?"

Hearing the sound of the man not feeling sleepy at all, Yao Yiyi knew that the man in front of him had been pretending to be asleep, but it was obvious that the man wanted to pretend all this to the end, because Yisheng hadn't opened his eyes until now.

"Yisheng, are you awake all the time?"

"of course."

The man answered as a matter of course, but there was a bit of a smile in his voice.

Hearing the man's words, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt an inexplicable depression in his heart. Could it be that the man knew that he would make some small moves, so he didn't open his eyes all this time, waiting to catch his current situation.

If that is the case, it would be too depressing.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi couldn't help sighing, and said, "Yisheng, how do you know?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's gloomy voice, the corner of Shan Yisheng's mouth rose more and more, with an unconcealable pride in his voice, he opened his eyes at that moment: "Hey, like me Such a handsome man, so handsome, even anyone, after seeing me, will..."

He sighed as he spoke, and that obviously meant that you understood.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then rolled his eyes blankly, why didn't he know that Shan Yisheng was so narcissistic.

"Yisheng, how can you be so narcissistic?" Yao Yiyi couldn't hold back in the end and finally said it.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's appearance, Shan Yisheng finally couldn't hold back his smile.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Shan Yisheng laugh out loud, Yao Yiyi finally shook his head helplessly, but still urged Shan Yisheng: "Stop laughing, get up, it's time to go to work..."

Seeing Yao Yiyi urging her, Shan Yisheng shook her head helplessly: "Housekeeper..."

"Are you not convinced?" Immediately, Yao Yiyi's voice rang out viciously in Shan Yisheng's ear, but at this time the man's face could not stop smiling, and there was a bit of pampering in his voice.

"How dare I not be convinced?"

He said so, but Shan Yisheng didn't seem to want to get up at all.

After Yao Yiyi got dressed, she looked at Shan Yisheng, who was still lying on the bed and looking at herself leisurely.

In the end, Yao Yiyi was really helpless, and Shan Yisheng reluctantly got up under both soft and hard measures.

But after getting dressed, the man suddenly hugged Yao Yiyi tightly, and his warm breath rang in Yao Yiyi's ear: "Yiyi, I really want to live like this for the rest of my life..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, but then his eyes felt slightly sour. It turns out that the most beautiful love words in the world are not I love you, but want to be with you, just like now , go on like this forever.

In fact, the sentence that touches a woman's heart the most is not I love you, but that we will be together forever.

After all, I love you is only a temporary confession. I love you, and I can love others, but being together is the longest confession of love to each other. We will be together forever, what a beautiful vow that will be!

Gently patted Shan Yisheng on the back, Yao Yiyi's voice was also choked with sobs: "Yisheng, yes, we will always be together like this, and there will never be any more Anything will tear us apart..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng hugged Yao Yiyi even tighter, "En."

But at this time Yao Yiyi's cell phone rang in an instant, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then picked up the cell phone, it turned out to be a call from Xiang Heng.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?"

Xiang Heng's voice over there seemed to be somewhat anxious: "Duoduo, where are you now?"

"I'm at Yisheng's house, what's the matter, brother, why do you sound so anxious?"

There was some doubt in Yao Yiyi's voice. Why did Xiang Heng's words sound anxious? Could it be that something difficult happened?

It's just that what can make Xiang Heng so anxious now?
It's just that all my thoughts have not had time to open, and they have been interrupted by the man: "Duoduo, there is something wrong with the cooperation case, you need to go back to the company..."

It turned out to be a cooperation case, no wonder Xiang Heng was in such a hurry!
"Okay, wait for me for a while, brother, I'll go back now..."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Yi glanced at Shan Yisheng, and Shan Yisheng naturally knew what Yao Yiyi meant, and smiled, with a bit of understanding in his voice.

"Go back quickly, after all, the cooperation case is very important, isn't it?"

"Well, I see, Yisheng, you should go to work early too."

Hearing that Yao Yiyi didn't forget to tell him to go to work before leaving, Shan Yisheng sighed helplessly.

But there is a sweetness in my heart, the feeling of being cared about and instructed by others is really good, in fact, every word I say is true, if it can go on like this, how much it will be it is good!

After all, Yao Yiyi's figure slowly faded out of his sight, and at this time, Shan Yisheng also slowly turned around to go to work, but when he was at work, he saw someone he didn't want to see, And this person is none other than Ning Mengna who sows discord.

(End of this chapter)

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