Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 428 Encountered a Car Accident

Chapter 428 Encountered a Car Accident
The matter on Shan Yisheng's side came to an end, but at this time Yao Yiyi was on his way to the Yao Group, but he didn't know what was going on that made Xiang Heng so hasty.

Yao Yiyi tried to increase the speed of the car as much as possible. In fact, Yao Yiyi didn't drive often. Compared with driving, Yao Yiyi actually preferred to take a taxi, but today's incident seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, so Yao Yiyi One by one, I still want to drive myself to go faster.

The car was on the road at high speed, but the phone rang again in an instant. Yao Yiyi picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Brother, what is it that is so anxious?"

Yao Yiyi's voice was also full of doubts, as if it was in memory, there was nothing that could make Xiang Heng so anxious, even if it was a cooperation case, Yao Yiyi believed that Xiang Heng must be There is a solution.

There was a bit of anxiety in Xiang Heng's voice: "Duoduo, where are you now, have you arrived yet?"

"Enn, that's it, brother, just wait a little longer..."

Saying this, Yao Yiyi increased the speed of the car a little more, but Xiang Heng's voice sounded again from over there: "I don't know, it was Ji Xi who suddenly said that a meeting was going to be held, so now I am more anxious , because Ji Xi didn't say what it was?"

"Oh, that's it, brother, I should arrive at the company in 5 minutes, just wait for me..."

"Well, that's good, we'll wait for you for a while."

Listening to the sound of hanging up the phone over there, Yao Yiyi's doubts deepened. What does Ji Xi mean by having this meeting early in the morning?
But since he is the boss, he can only obey orders, not question him.

Sighing helplessly in his heart, Yao Yiyi was looking forward to arriving at the company soon.

It's just that everything is unexpected in an instant...

Just when Yao Yiyi thought that there would be no accident, the accident still happened.

At the last intersection with a red street light, Yao Yiyi saw with his own eyes a small car go through the red light and collide with a truck!
Everything happened in an instant, and Yao Yiyi reacted relatively quickly. The moment he realized it, he braked hastily, thus avoiding the tragedy of the car slipping under the truck!
But the tragedy was not avoided.

The speed of the big truck is not very fast, but the car is still deeply stuck under the truck and cannot get out. At this time, there are more and more people watching, all looking at the situation inside the car Pointing.

Yao Yiyi just wanted to pull out his mobile phone to call the police, but the police car had already arrived slowly. Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then wanted to leave the scene of the accident, but he could still vaguely hear the noise of people outside.

"Oh my god, there is a pregnant woman in the car..."

"It looks like she's about to give birth, no wonder she's so anxious to run a red light..."

"That's right, but even if a pregnant woman is found out now, it may not be able to rush to the hospital..."

"If only there was a doctor here now..."


The voices of discussion from the crowd finally reached Yao Yiyi's ears little by little. The phrase "It would be great if there was a doctor here..." seemed to be engraved in Yao Yiyi's ears. It can't be waved away.

Yao Yiyi held the steering wheel tightly, and a voice in his heart said, the things here have nothing to do with you, and now Ji Xi is waiting for your meeting, this is a cooperation project that you attach great importance to, don't you really Do you want to give up this cooperation case because of someone for no reason?

But at the same time, another voice slowly sounded in my ear, Yao Yiyi, you were a doctor before, but now you are going to die, have you forgotten everything? Forgot, saving lives and helping the wounded...

The innocent smile of the little boy who died unexpectedly due to a medical accident reappeared in front of him again, and the balance in Yao Yiyi's heart finally got a little bit right. Could it be that you really let the lives of mother and child be sacrificed because of your own hesitation? Disappear in front of yourself?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but opened the car door and got out of the car.

It's just that the scene of the car accident has been controlled by the police. Yao Yiyi walked in front of a policeman, and the policeman's face was obviously serious.

"Miss, this is the scene of a car accident, please don't approach anyone who is irrelevant..."

"I'm a doctor..." Yao Yiyi said, the policeman in front of him frowned, and suddenly reached out his hand with some seriousness: "Please show your ID."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, but thought that after returning to China, he seemed to have never been a doctor again, so where would he have any certificates?But I can't watch the lives of the mother and child go by little by little, can I?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi's voice was somewhat anxious: "Comrade policeman, I am really a doctor. I used to be a doctor overseas..."

"I'm sorry, miss, if you can't show your ID to prove your identity, then I can't help it either."

The policeman seemed to have a bit of helplessness in his eyes, but at this moment Yao Yi's eyes were full of anxiety.

"But, Mr. Police..."

Before he finished speaking, a doctor's certificate suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a familiar voice came: "Comrade policeman, I am a doctor, and this is my assistant."

What Yao Yiyi didn't expect was that it was Bai Shixin!
Turning his head, Yao Yiyi saw Bai Shixin smiling brightly at him!

"Okay, Doctor Bai, please follow me."

The police finally gave way, but to Yao Yiyi's surprise, Bai Shixin was holding a doctor's medicine box in his hand at this time!
Could it be that Bai Shixin came here after knowing that there was a car accident here, but this possibility does not seem to be very great!But why exactly, where does this man want to go?
Sensing Yao Yiyi's gaze, Bai Shixin looked at Yao Yiyi immediately, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"I always have it in my car, as a doctor, you can't do without it."

Bai Shixin naturally saw through Yao Yiyi's doubts and explained casually.

Yao Yiyi suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this!But the situation in front of him at this moment does not allow Yao Yiyi to think too much, finally Yao Yiyi and Bai Shixin finally arrived at the scene of the car accident, when Yao Yiyi saw the pregnant woman, Yao Yiyi was startled, subconsciously Looking at Bai Shixin, he saw a trace of seriousness on the latter's face!

At this time, Bai Shixin put the medicine box on the ground, with a somewhat serious voice.

"Look for Kuai Zhangbu to surround this area, I want to operate on her here..."

Hearing Bai Shixin's words, everyone was stunned, but Yao Yiyi was not among them. Yao Yiyi could naturally tell that the pregnant woman at this time was bleeding heavily. It is life in danger!

The policeman was taken aback, but when he saw that Bai Shixin was not joking, he hurriedly gave orders.

A piece of black cloth kept several people inside, but the pregnant woman had fallen into a coma at this time.

"One by one, open the medicine box and take out the hemostat..."

Hearing Bai Shixin's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, but then handed the hemostat to Bai Shixin. Looking at Bai Shixin's serious side face, Yao Yiyi's heart moved, as if time had returned to a few years ago, when he and Bai Shixin were together. when cooperating.

It is said that men who work hard are the most charming. Sure enough, seeing Bai Shixin's appearance, Yao Yiyi still couldn't help but feel his heart move.

But an inexplicable emotion was slowly rippling in my heart, and all the feelings gradually became clear at this moment. It turns out that what I like is only that hard-working Bai Shixin!

It's not so much liking, but admiration. After all, I was obsessed with studying medicine at that time, so I still admire Bai Shixin's medical skills in my heart!

But now that the work of the year was repeated again, Yao Yiyi suddenly felt inexplicable nostalgia.

The idea of ​​wanting to be a doctor in his heart is ready to move again, but what Yao Yiyi knows is that he will never be a doctor again in this life!
Time passed by every minute and every second, but there were more and more people outside the tarpaulin.

People prayed for the pregnant woman one after another, hoping that Muzi will be safe!The atmosphere became inexplicably heavy.

Until a loud cry broke the silence, the crowd became even more silent, and then there was applause resounding all over the world!

At this moment, the thatch cloth was removed, and Yao Yiyi was holding the newly born little boy in his arms, with gentle eyes.

Yao Yiyi looked at this little boy who was crying and ignorant of the world, and was slightly moved in his heart, little boy, actually your other name is strong.

Being able to survive tenaciously in such an environment, I really want to applaud you.

The applause among the crowd lasted for a long time, looking at Bai Shixin with admiration in his eyes, but more, Yao Yiyi believed, was the inherent kindness in people's hearts.

If it wasn't like that, all the crowds would have disappeared from the moment the pregnant woman was surrounded, but people stayed here quietly, praying quietly for this strong mother and child, how touching !
At this moment, everyone applauded Bai Shixin, everyone applauded this new life!
After all, the crowd dispersed slowly, but Yao Yiyi looked at Bai Shixin with envy and admiration in his eyes. Feeling Yao Yiyi's gaze, Bai Shixin suddenly turned his head.

He met Yao Yiyi's eyes that he couldn't take back in time.

"Sometimes I really envy you..." Yao Yiyi suddenly muttered to himself.

"Yiyi, in fact, you can still come back and be..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yao Yiyi with a flustered expression: "It's bad, Shi Xin, I won't talk to you now, I have something to do now, I have to go to the company, and we can chat some other day." what……"

Yao Yiyi walked quickly towards his car while talking.

My own brain...

Back in the car, I looked at the mobile phone that I left behind. Sure enough, there were more than a dozen missed calls on it.

(End of this chapter)

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