Chapter 430 Apologizing One by One
Xiang Heng looked at Yao Yiyi, naturally he could clearly see the firm look on Yao Yiyi's face, and sighed softly, but he knew in his heart that as long as Yao Yiyi made the decision, no one would will change.

So Xiang Heng didn't intend to persuade Yao Yiyi, but there was still a bit of worry in his voice: "Well, that's fine, but Dodo, you still have to pay attention..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's voice, Yao Yiyi smiled and nodded, indicating that he knew the priority of the matter.

Seeing that his brother finally agreed, Yao Yiyi finally showed a smile on his face. No matter what, since he caused this matter, he should let himself solve it...

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi had a determined look on his face, and finally decided to settle this matter by himself.

Now that this is the case, all I can do now is to try my best to solve all the things, instead of just sitting here and waiting to die.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi turned and left Xiang Heng's office.

At this time, Ji Xi returned to the Xili Group, but with an unconcealable anger on his face.

Sitting in his office, Ji Xi had an unconcealable anger on his face, for some reason, when anything happened to Yao Yiyi, his emotions would become uncontrollable, obviously everything was nothing , Didn’t I also encounter this kind of situation, everyone will encounter urgent matters, so they can’t make it to the meeting, but I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but this happened to me and Yao Yiyi Things did suddenly become uncontrollable.

At that time, I left Yao Shi Group in a huff, which was the result I didn't expect.In fact, I have always been kind in front of others, but like now, my emotions have become so uncontrollable. Obviously this is the first time. Thinking of this, Ji Xi actually felt a little incredible, What kind of ecstasy soup did Yao Yiyi feed himself, so that he turned into what he is now?

Thinking of this, Ji Xi showed a wry smile on his face. If he had guessed correctly, he would not give up on Yao Yiyi after all. If not, why was his attitude towards Yao Yiyi so unsteady? ?Just like what happened this morning, if it was someone else, I must be smiling gently now, but this morning it was the first time I lost my composure in front of everyone.

At that time, there was a vague feeling in his heart, that is, Yao Yiyi ignored himself again.

Once this feeling arose at that time, it spread like boundless weeds, entwined itself tightly, and then began to be out of breath, and it was this feeling that directly made me make the worst mistake. Decided, that is to leave Yao Shi Group angrily...

The problem now was that if Yao Yiyi could come and apologize to him, nothing would happen, but if Yao Yiyi didn't come, would he just apologize to Yao Yiyi?
Thinking of this, Xiang Heng frowned slightly, it must be impossible.

However, this cooperation case definitely cannot end like this, but I don't know how Yao Yiyi will choose now?

Thinking of this, Ji Xi suddenly felt disappointed, but it was fleeting.

If his guess was right, Yao Yiyi would definitely come to apologize, because Yao Yiyi cared more about this cooperation case than he thought.

Thinking of this, an elegant smile appeared on Ji Xi's face again.

If Yao Yiyi came to him again, he would never be able to do such a thing again.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly hid his emotions into the bottom of his heart, but there was still a bit of unease in his voice.

At the same time, a sense of helplessness rose in my heart, no matter what it was, as long as I met you Yao Yiyi, it seemed that it would become troublesome.

Thinking of this, Ji Xi sighed softly in his heart, and then heard a knock on the door.

"President Ji, Miss Yao is looking for you."

It was the assistant's voice, but when he heard the assistant's words, there was a smile on his face. In fact, he still knew Yao Yiyi a little bit, didn't he?

At least according to what I thought, Yao Yiyi would definitely come to find him, and now she really came...

What they just don't know is how things are going now, and what is the purpose of Yao Yiyi's visit this time?
But she's here anyway, isn't she?

"Let her in." The man said suddenly, his voice was still low and hoarse, but he was a little cautious when he listened carefully.

Footsteps gradually sounded outside the door, but Ji Xi did suddenly become nervous.

At this time, Yao Yiyi came to look for Ji Xi, but what he didn't know was that Shan Yisheng went to look for Xiang Heng.

At this time, Shan Yisheng had just arrived at Xiang Heng's office, but there was a bit of anxiety in his voice.

Pushing open the door, "Heng, what did you say happened?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's voice, Xiang Heng seemed a little dumbfounded, but then realized that it was he who called Sheng.Because the situation was too urgent at that time, and I really couldn't get in touch with Yao Yiyi, so I called Shan Yisheng at that time. I thought Yao Yiyi would be at Shan Yisheng's place, but I found out afterwards that he was not there, but Unexpectedly, Yi Sheng ran over in a hurry!
Looking at Shan Yisheng, to be honest, Xiang Heng was quite surprised!

"Oh, Sheng, Duo Duo is fine, I thought she would be with you, that's why I called you..."

Xiang Heng frowned slightly, and then explained.

It's just that Shan Yisheng looked at Xiang Heng, and there was still some disbelief in his voice, because what Shan Yisheng didn't believe was that Xiang Heng's tone at that time was so anxious after all!
"Where is Yiyi now?"

Shan Yisheng finally asked.

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Xiang Heng knew that the man must have somewhat distrusted him, but fortunately, he had really found Yao Yiyi now.

"It's true, Sheng, don't you believe me?"

Xiang Heng smiled easily, "Because there was a problem with the cooperation, I went to Ji Xi's company one by one now, but I believe that I will definitely come back soon..."

Speaking of this, Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng still frowning in disbelief, and jokingly said: "Sheng, if you don't believe it, you can call Douduo now..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Shan Yisheng believed that Xiang Heng would not deceive herself, after all, she was also his own sister, wasn't she?
A smile appeared on his face, and then he sat down on the sofa in the office.

"Sheng, what do you mean?"

Hearing Xiang Heng's question, Shan Yisheng's face will always be filled with a charming smile.

"Of course I'm waiting here one by one..."

Said these without blushing and out of breath, but Shan Yisheng had an unconcealable smile on his face.

Hearing Shan Yisheng's cheeky answer, Xiang Heng frowned slightly, and then said, "Your presence will affect my work..."

In fact, it wasn't that Xiang Heng wanted to drive away the man, but if it was Shan Yisheng who stayed here, I don't know how many nympho staff members would stare at Shan Yisheng and look at the door helplessly. Xiang Heng frowned at the increased figures and the scorching gaze that could still be felt through the glass door.

"Boss, don't make trouble here, okay?"

Following Xiang Heng's line of sight, Shan Yisheng was naturally able to clearly see a group of nympho girls outside staring here to their heart's content.

But Shan Yisheng shook his head with a smile: "There is no way to do this, who makes this young man so attractive..."

Hearing the man's narcissistic voice, Xiang Heng wrinkled helplessly, but still laughed out loud.

"Let me assure you, okay, Sheng, Yiyi really went to Xili Group, if you don't believe me, you can go and see now..."

Of course, Xiang Heng is naturally able to know the little thoughts of the man, and of course he knows it, but Xiang Heng still feels very helpless about the fact that the man does not believe in him.

Does he look like he cheated on Shan Yisheng's adopted son?

Thinking of this, Xiang Heng smiled helplessly.

Since Shan Yisheng decides to watch here, there is nothing he can do about it, so no matter what, let’s leave this matter as it is for the time being. If you want to blame it, blame yourself for giving Shan Yisheng this morning for no reason. Made a phone call.

But the most important thing now is that as long as Duoduo comes back, things will be easy to handle.

And the reason why Xiang Heng's natural way and Shan Yisheng didn't call Dodo, that is, if Dodo was really talking about something with Ji Xi, it would be very impolite to call like this.

Thinking of this, Xiang Heng smiled helplessly.

For Shan Yisheng, no matter who it is, there will be nothing that can be done at that time.

In fact, to be honest, Xiang Heng suddenly realized in his heart that in fact, sometimes, Dodo and Shan Yisheng in front of him naturally have the same place, that is, the two people are equally stubborn, as long as it is a matter of their own decision, unless it is If you want to, no one can change it.

In this regard, the two are exactly the same.

At this time, Shan Yisheng had an elegant and decent smile on his face, and he definitely didn't know what he was looking at, but what the two of them did know was that it made the nympho girl outside the door scream .

In the end, it was Xiang Heng who couldn't take it anymore, walked over and closed the door, and then said helplessly to Shan Yisheng: "Brother, can you please help me, old man? Can you stop laughing, you haven't seen the person in our office?" The small staff have already started to strike?"

Regarding Xiang Heng's request, the smile on Shan Yisheng's face became brighter and brighter, "The eyes are on their own bodies, and I can't control it..."

But there is still a bit of pride and complacency in his expression, and it is indeed something to be proud of to be able to have someone crazy for himself, isn't it?

Xiang Heng sighed helplessly, but he was depressed for a long time, why didn't anyone go crazy for himself once?

(End of this chapter)

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