Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 433 Ji Xi's Thoughts

Chapter 433 Ji Xi's Thoughts
When he actually arrived at the noodle shop, Yao Yiyi was taken aback. At first he thought that Ji Xi would at least choose a four-star hotel, if not a five-star hotel. But what surprised Yao Yiyi was Ji Xi unexpectedly chose an ordinary small noodle restaurant, Minmin Restaurant.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's surprised look, Ji Xi couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Are you surprised?"

It's just that there was a bit of nostalgia in his eyes suddenly, but at this time Yao Yiyi didn't notice the man's look, and there was only surprise in his eyes besides surprise.

"Very surprised..." Yao Yiyi told the truth. In fact, what Yao Yiyi said was the truth. When he saw the place the man chose, it was impossible for him not to be surprised. When she looked thoughtful, she still frowned slightly. If she guessed right, there must be an unspeakable story in Ji Xi's heart.

It's just that this matter doesn't seem to have much to do with me, it's better for me to keep my mind off my own business.

"Hehe, but since our President Ji is so close to the people, it might not be a good thing..."

Yao Yiyi smiled. In fact, what Yao Yiyi is saying now is the truth. Some leaders are just standing at the top and talking empty words, but if they really go into practical activities, they are definitely not as good as their front-line laborers. By.

But Ji Xi was obviously interested in Yao Yiyi's words, so he didn't get off the car, but there was an unconcealable smile in his voice.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Hearing Ji Xi's voice, Yao Yiyi smiled: "Most leaders now only know to stand at the top and direct people to do this and that, but what they never know is that because of their words, the people below How much power is needed, so being close to the people is a good thing, at least you can understand what the people at the bottom need most, right?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Ji Xi just smiled and said nothing.

"We just came here to eat noodles today, but we didn't expect to hear some philosophical words..."

"Hehe, Ji Xi, stop teasing me..."

When the two of them walked into the small shop, it was already full of voices and smoke.

The smaller the place, the more lively it is. This is one of the reasons why Yao Yiyi likes this kind of small noodle restaurant, but the most important thing is that he can abandon his status and everything that belongs to the upper class when he is here. Politeness and etiquette, you can speak loudly, you can speak loudly with a rough voice, as if you are the same as the world...

After ordering two bowls of ramen, Yao Yiyi looked at Ji Xi through the smoke. Ji Xi seemed to be extraordinarily silent today. Could it be that something happened that he didn't know about?
Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi felt somewhat amused in his heart, even if something happened to Ji Xi, what did it have to do with him.

How much does he know about Ji Xi?

But Yao Yiyi still heard his concerned voice slowly sounding in the air: "Did something happen to Ji Xi?"

It's just that after the words were spoken, when he saw Ji Xi's eyes that instantly became confused, he regretted it.

"Yao Yiyi, did you know that today is my mother's death day."

All Yao Yiyi's actions froze when he heard Ji Xi's words, Ji Xi's mother's death day?No wonder seeing that look on the man's face, no matter what it was, what I didn't expect was that today was Ji Xi's mother's death day.

"I'm sorry, Ji Xi, I didn't mean to, I don't know..."

"It's okay." The corners of Ji Xi's mouth slowly raised, but with a bit of bitterness, "Yi Yi, do you know why I want to eat noodles?"

In fact, Yao Yiyi could feel the man's mood at this time, but when he heard the man's words, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It's just that Ji Xi obviously didn't want Yao Yiyi to answer, and then he said to himself: "Actually, my mother liked to eat noodles very much when she was alive, so every year on this day, I would sit quietly. In a small noodle shop, and quietly finished eating a bowl of noodles..."

"It's just that in the past few years, with the expansion of the company's business, such leisurely days have become less and less..."

"Actually, sometimes, I wonder if my mother has a spirit in the sky that made me meet you, do you know? I feel that the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you..."

Hearing Ji Xi's words, Yao Yiyi finally didn't have the heart to interrupt him, but frowned slightly. He had never seen Ji Xi like this before, and he really didn't know how to deal with it is it?
When he saw Yao Yiyi frowning, a smile suddenly flashed in Ji Xi's eyes, but it was full of bitterness.

"Hehe, I shouldn't have told you about these things..."

Hearing Xiang Heng's words, Yao Yiyi frowned, and then said with a smile: "Actually, sometimes it's a better way to speak out what's on your mind. It's always better to soothe your mood than to talk about everything. It’s good to keep it in your heart.”

"Actually, I'm very happy to be your listener. As your good friend, Ji Xi, I very much hope that you will be able to express your condolences. I think even if my aunt is alive, I don't want to see you in such pain, do you?" ?”

"Thank you, Yiyi."

The man said suddenly, with a bit of relief in his voice.

"Actually, I've always known, one by one, that it's impossible between us, but sometimes, there is always a trace of fantasy in my heart, but I know that the relationship between you and Shan Yisheng cannot be achieved by one person alone. Inserted, but even so, but one by one I still want to tell you that I like you, from the first moment I saw you..."

Yao Yiyi's eyes were naturally filled with unconcealable surprise, and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ji Xi: "Yiyi, don't interrupt me now, these words have been suppressed in my heart for a long time Now, and now is the right time, so I hope to be able to tell you everything in my heart."

Yao Yiyi frowned, but still listened carefully.

"I said these not to cause trouble to you, one by one, but I hope to be able to tell you all the words in my heart. After today, you can forget about this matter."

Hearing Ji Xi's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and then there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's easy to say, let me forget things after today, is it possible that I will have a car accident and lose my memory again?
But when looking at the sadness on Ji Xi's face, he wisely didn't speak.

Yao Yiyi knew that everyone had a difficult time when he didn't want to talk, and during that time, he just wanted to be alone, and he would feel very uncomfortable when he saw anyone around him. Ji Xi is in the current situation, the only thing he can do now is to be a good listener.

(End of this chapter)

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