Chapter 436
But the problem now is that Shan Yisheng seems to have something to do, but the problem is that he doesn't tell himself.

This is what Yao Yiyi is most worried about now. If that is the case, he will not even have a chance to defend himself, so Yisheng, do you know that misunderstandings often occur like this, so let's not do this, Everything should be fine, both of us should be transparent in front of each other, only in that way, there will be no secrets between us, only in that way, there will be no grievances between us.

But now Yisheng, why don't you believe me, why don't you believe Yiyi?
Yao Yiyi finally sighed helplessly, but Shan Yisheng's body froze when he heard Yao Yiyi's sigh.

There was a flash of depth in Shan Yisheng's eyes, but it was fleeting, but there was a bit of pain in his eyes, and he hugged Yao Yiyi tightly in his arms.

"Yiyi, it's not that I don't believe in you, it's just that sometimes, I clearly feel that you are by my side, but I can feel that your heart is so far away from me..."

"Do you know, Yiyi, sometimes, I'm really scared, I obviously feel your presence, but I always feel the vague distance slowly spreading between us, as if A rope will lock us in different places in the end, you know?"


Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his backhand to the host's man tightly, "I know, of course I know everything, but Yisheng, I have always been by your side, do you know?"

"There has never been a distance between us. Even if there is, it is just your own imagination, you know, but from now on, I will not allow you to imagine..."

Yao Yiyi smiled and patted the man on the back lightly.

"Now we are hugging each other, can you feel my warmth?"

There was a bit of helplessness in Yao Yiyi's voice, and he knew in his heart that Shan Yisheng was acting so aggressively because he cared about himself, but to be honest, this kind of Shan Yisheng is the most humane Yisheng isn't it?

The current Shan Yisheng is not that high-ranking CEO, not that tall and indifferent man, but just an ordinary man, a man who is afraid of his girlfriend being snatched away...

This kind of Shan Yisheng is the most real Shan Yisheng, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi felt a bit of a smile in his heart.

But there was a bit of seriousness on his face: "Yisheng, if this is the case, you won't be allowed to say it again, do you understand?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng's face finally relaxed.

In fact, I have always known that Shan Yisheng cared about me very much, but I never knew that I cared so much about myself, but Yao Yiyi was really moved in his heart, and even though he was moved, he still felt a little uneasy.

But this anxiety disappeared quickly, as long as I carefully maintain this relationship, things will definitely get better, right?

"Yiyi, what did you do this morning? Why did you spend so long on the road?"

Hearing Shan Yisheng's question, Yao Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Yisheng, how do you know?"

But after the words were spoken, Yao Yiyi felt that it was a bit unnecessary, because even if he didn't say it, his brother must have told Yisheng about it, otherwise Yisheng would not be here now here.

Thinking of what happened in the morning, Yao Yiyi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He told Shan Yisheng the general history of the matter, but he saw that the latter's face became ugly again, but Yao Yiyi's voice was somewhat puzzled.

"Yisheng, do you think I did something wrong?"

There was a bit of caution in the words, but at this moment, Shan Yisheng looked at the little woman in front of him with a bit of a smile, and said lightly: "It's not wrong, but every time I hear you and Bai Shixin are together When we are together, my heart..."

Shan Yisheng sighed softly, but still said, but Yao Yiyi understood the man's meaning in an instant.

Yao Yiyi looked suddenly enlightened, and said with a teasing smile in his voice, "I see, I'm jealous, right?"

Originally, I just wanted to tease Shan Yisheng, but what I didn't expect was that Shan Yisheng looked at himself deeply, and then nodded without hesitation: "Yes, I'm jealous, so one by one , you don't want to be alone with other men in the future..."

Shan Yisheng's admission without hesitation made Yao Yiyi stunned. No matter what happened, Yao Yiyi never thought that the man in front of him would admit without hesitation, so the man's answer was not within Yao Yiyi's expectation at all. Therefore, Yao Yiyi just looked at the man stupidly, with a bit of dullness in his eyes.

Seeing Yao Yiyi's appearance, Shan Yisheng finally laughed out loud, with an undisguised pampering in his voice: "Yiyi, do you know what you look like now..."

Shan Yisheng didn't continue, but Yao Yiyi really wanted to know how the man described himself?

"How does it look now?"

Hearing Yao Yiyi's question, a slight smile appeared on the man's face, "Of course you are stupid..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi couldn't hold back after all, and directly punched the man on the chest.

"One by one, there will be no more secrets between us in the future."

Shan Yisheng spoke suddenly, but sighed softly again.There seemed to be a bit of helplessness in the voice.

It's just that Yao Yiyi at this time is somewhat helpless.

"Yisheng, we have never had any secrets, okay? At least I have never kept anything from you."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's swearing words, Shan Yisheng raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not believing it.

Seeing Shan Yisheng's appearance, Yao Yiyi was anxious: "Yisheng, do you not believe me?"

Seeing Yao Yiyi's anxious look, Shan Yisheng thought it was a bit funny, and just wanted to speak, but at this moment, Shan Yisheng suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, there is actually one thing I didn't tell you." Yao Yi paused, but continued, "That is, after finishing work with Ji Xi this morning, I will go talk to Ji Xi We had dinner together..."

Seeing Yao Yiyi's frank and lenient appearance, Shan Yisheng felt a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that Yiyi would tell him this matter, but he didn't show it on his face. With a slightly hurt expression: "Yiyi, didn't you just say that you never lied to me? It seems that you all lied to me, right?"

Hearing the man's voice, Yao Yiyi's voice was also somewhat anxious.

"This incident was an accident..."

Yao Yiyi frowned, as if he was thinking about how he should tell this matter.

"I also didn't expect that today is Ji Xi's mother's death day."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment, but then a deep look flashed in his eyes, his mother's death day, but he went to talk to Yiyi, what does that mean?
Obviously, I can know that Ji Xi's feelings for Yi Yi are definitely not normal. Maybe it can be said that I have always known that Ji Xi has always liked Yi Yi, but she has hidden it very deeply. Maybe Ji Xi has never hidden it. And if he guessed right, he should know one by one, he should know that Ji Xi likes him.

It's just that if Yiyi can handle things, it's better for me not to intervene, even if I don't believe in Ji Xi, at least I still believe in Yiyi, right?
Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng didn't speak, but quietly listened to Yao Yiyi's slow talk.

"Do you know, Yisheng, I have never seen Ji Xi as fragile as today. The Ji Xi we see on weekdays is gentle, humble, polite and demeanor, but today Ji Xi is like a person who is loved by the whole world. Abandoned people are so lonely and helpless, so distressing..."

"So at his request, I went out to eat noodles with him, and Ji Xi told me a lot, never knowing that Ji Xi would have such a hurt side..."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng can admit, is he jealous?

That's right, it was impossible not to be jealous when seeing the distressed flash in Yao Yi's eyes, but Shan Yisheng knew clearly that Yi Yi was always flooded with inexplicable sympathy, For example, when he saw a stray cat or dog on the street, didn't Yao Yiyi overflow with sympathy?
Thinking of it this way, the man only felt that his heart felt better. If he didn't think so, he would be a little jealous...

But Yao Yiyi didn't notice Shan Yisheng's emotional changes, his mind was full of Ji Xi's hurt eyes and expression, frowning slightly, he didn't expect that a man with a glamorous appearance would have such a time?
Sighing softly, Yao Yiyi finally turned his gaze to the man.

At this time, Shan Yisheng also looked at Yao Yiyi, with a bit of helplessness in his voice: "Yiyi, sometimes, too much sympathy is not a good thing..."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Yao Yiyi was stunned.

"Yisheng, this is not sympathy, but an indescribable feeling, you know?"

Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi frowning and trying to speak, and couldn't help laughing: "Now we don't care about anything, just take care of our own affairs, okay?"

"Okay." Yao Yiyi sighed softly. In fact, no matter what, the most important thing for him now is to manage his own affairs well. As for other matters, they are no longer under his jurisdiction. Inside.

Glancing at Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi finally nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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