Chapter 438 Visiting Again
After finishing everything, Yao Yiyi slipped out of the office and went to his own office while the two of them were not paying attention. If he stayed in Xiang Heng's office again, Yao Yiyi believed that he would definitely Killed by the eyes of two men.

And Xiang Heng looked at the back of Yao Yiyi who was almost fleeing, and said with a bit of a joke in his tone: "Yisheng, did you offend Duoduo?"

Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood what Xiang Heng meant.

"Who knows."

Naturally, Xiang Heng was referring to the fact that Yao Yiyi did not marry him, but what made Shan Yisheng puzzled was that he didn't know why Yiyi was so resistant to getting married.

"Anyway, since Dodo doesn't want to get married now, let's talk about it later..."

Xiang Heng sighed helplessly, as if he was an old man: "Sure enough, I am old. I don't think I can control the affairs of you young people..."

And Shan Yisheng looked at the man's appearance, and there was a little smile in his voice unconsciously: "Yes, you old man, you should take care of yourself early, and leave the affairs of these companies to us young people. .”

The corners of Shan Yisheng's mouth rose, and there was a bit of ridicule in his voice.

Seeing Shan Yisheng's mood brighten, Xiang Heng also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, as long as Dodo can be happy, then everything can be solved.

And Xiang Heng walked back, with a bit of feigned exasperation in his voice: "You think I don't want to, who made you young people useless, and I still let me preside over things, big and small. Look away from me, okay?"

Xiang Heng was addicted to acting, Shan Yisheng smiled and shook his head, then turned his eyes away.

Yiyi, why don't you want to get married?If my guess is correct, it must not be all because of the company's affairs, right?
But I won't force you, because marriage requires the consent of two people. I don't know what you are worried about, but what I firmly believe is that I will definitely be able to wait until that day, when you personally promise us to get married one day……

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng laughed. He never thought that even a dignified president would have such a time. Thinking that Nian himself is also a suave school girl, the people chasing him may be as long as the Great Wall.

Thinking of this, Shan Yisheng shook his head helplessly after all, it was just thinking about the past...

It seems that it is exactly what Xiang Heng said, because he is getting old, so his charm has decreased?

It's just that no matter whether his charm has diminished or not, one thing Shan Yisheng knows is that he has to go back to work now.

"Heng, I'm leaving, I'm going back."

Hearing Shan Yisheng's voice, Xiang Heng sighed first, and then laughed out loud: "I won't stay here anymore, let's stay for a while..."

Naturally, one could hear some teasing in the man's words, but Shan Yisheng smiled helplessly at this moment: "I'm staying here, will you help me with the company's business?"

He asked indifferently, but who knew that Xiang Heng laughed out loud: "I said President Shan, do you know that the company has business to deal with?"

Seeing the disdain on Xiang Heng's face, Shan Yisheng smiled indifferently: "Of course, no matter how much business the company has, it's not as good as one by one, so after knowing one by one After the incident, I rushed here as soon as possible..."

Immediately, no longer nostalgic, turned and walked out of the room.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's handsome back, Xiang Heng shook his head helplessly, if he guessed right...

Sure enough, as Xiang Heng expected, the high-decibel scream of his female staff came out again in the corridor, as if it could burst his eardrums.

Xiang Heng frowned helplessly, although he knew that Shan Yisheng was very attractive, but his little employees were too crazy.

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Xiang Heng shook his head.

In any case, things must have stabilized now, and the relationship between Sheng and Dodo seems to have stabilized, so my most important task now is to do my job well. Strive to be the best, otherwise the consequences of things may not be well done by yourself.

Seeing Shan Yisheng's back gradually disappearing from his sight, Xiang Heng continued to lower his head and concentrate on his work.

Watching Shan Yisheng's car finally leave in his office, Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Even Yao Yiyi himself was surprised that when his brother Xiang Heng mentioned that he was going to marry Shan Yisheng, the first thing that popped up in his heart was not surprise, but surprise.

I'm just surprised, maybe I'm not ready to get married yet.

Although he is Yisheng's fiancée in name, the main problem now is that he doesn't really want to marry Yisheng in his heart, and Yao Yiyi can't tell the specific reason.So I keep telling myself in my heart that maybe I am not ready yet.

It's just that this reason is only for a while, but if Yisheng brings up this matter again next time, how should I face it?
For the same reason, I can't use it in the past or use it in the past, just keep using it.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi frowned slightly and sighed.

But at this moment, Shan Yisheng didn't know what Yao Yiyi was thinking, he just thought that Yiyi was not ready yet, but in the end there was a day when he would promise himself.

The man at this time doesn't know Yao Yiyi's true thoughts. If Shan Yisheng really knows, it is unknown whether he will immediately drag Yao Yiyi to get married...

This matter has not been resolved yet. When he arrived at his company, when he saw the person in front of him, the expression on his face instantly became cold.

"How will you be here?"

On Shan Yisheng's face, there were three big characters of not welcome, but the latter really didn't feel it at all, or just ignored the man's expression.

"President Shan, don't always look at me as if you have seen the plague, okay?"

The person who came was Ning Mengna, at this time Ning Mengna's face was clearly showing some helplessness and sadness.

Hearing Ning Mengna's words, Shan Yisheng raised his eyebrows slightly. If the woman in front of him is really a plague, then it's okay, at least in that case, there is still medicine to cure it, but now, the woman in front of him is not It's just as simple as the plague...

He really didn't want to have the slightest connection with the woman in front of him, Shan Yisheng's face showed a bit of impatience: "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do this time?"

I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel that the woman in front of me is dangling in front of me, I really hate this kind of person.

"Actually, I was the one who lied to you again about what happened that day..." Ning Mengna said, and seeing the man's face turn cold in an instant, Ning Mengna hurriedly said: "Wait, Shan Yisheng, you If you interrupt me now, I won't have a follow-up article..."

Shan Yisheng looked at Ning Mengna, took a deep breath, suppressed his desire to beat up the woman in front of him, and then waited for the woman's next words, but Shan Yisheng didn't agree. What I know is, if Ning Mengna's next words are not what I want, will I beat the woman in front of me...

Seeing Shan Yisheng's appearance, Ning Mengna frowned, then subconsciously moved away from the man in front of her.

When she arrived at a place that seemed relatively safe, Ning Mengna said again: "Actually, what happened last time was that I wanted to provoke the relationship between you and Yao Yiyi. I thought that I would have a chance to get along with Yao Yiyi." You are together, but it seems that you don't know that in the end..."

Ning Mengna looked at the man's gradually gloomy face, and hurriedly said: "Hehe, now I can tell you clearly that Yao Yiyi and Bai Shixin are actually just a cooperative relationship, but what I can know is that Yao Yiyi was She had a crush on Bai Shixin, but it was only because of some reasons at that time that Bai Shixin didn't get together..."

Hearing Ning Mengna's words, Shan Yisheng's complexion became even more gloomy, without any improvement.

What Ning Mengna meant was that she liked Bai Shixin very much at that time, but Bai Shixin didn't agree to it for some reason?

Although I knew that this happened before Yi Yi lost his memory, but I still felt a bit sour in my heart.

That's right, no matter who it is, they must be extremely depressed when they hear that their fiancée didn't like him at the beginning.

But what Shan Yisheng knows very well is that it happened before, but the jealousy in his heart is still unavoidable.

But thinking of Ning Mengna, Shan Yisheng still had some doubts in his heart. Now that Ning Mengna told herself these things again after she knew the truth, what was the reason for it?
Do you still want to alienate the relationship between yourself and Yiyi?
But obviously not, because Ning Mengna told herself these things, not only will not alienate the relationship between herself and Yiyi, but most importantly, it can also help the relationship between herself and Yiyi to be repaired...

That's why Shan Yisheng now has some doubts in his heart, not knowing what Ning Mengna means.

But Ning Mengna naturally saw Shan Yisheng's doubts, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, but there was a bit of a smile in her voice: "President Shan, are you wondering why I am telling you these things now?"

Seeing Shan Yisheng's thoughtful eyes, a smug smile flashed across Ning Mengna's eyes.

"Actually, even if I don't tell you, you know the truth after all, so now you know I'm lying to you, don't you?"

"I know Boss Shan. If you know that someone has cheated you, you will definitely retaliate. I, Ning Mengna, am a sensible person. How could I do such a loss-making business?"

Hearing Ning Mengna's voice, Shan Yisheng's eyes gradually deepened. If he guessed correctly, things would definitely not be so simple.

(End of this chapter)

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