Chapter 444 Good idea

Originally, he hoped that the president would let the president's wife leave the tea room, but who would have thought that the president would say such a thing.They really want to shout up to the sky, don't they just want to drink their saliva, why is it so difficult.

"What do you all mean?" Qin Meihui waited to hear everyone's praise after she finished speaking, but who knew that they all looked a little disappointed.

"Qin Meihui, we just want to drink a sip of water, why is it so difficult?" Those staff looked at Qin Meihui and said in despair, can the wife of the president let them go.

"So you are worried about this matter, so how about you pretend to go in to drink water, and then tell the president's wife how to make delicious coffee. I believe the president's wife will come out soon." Qin Meihui Casually pointing to the other secretary run by the secretary, she actually knew that Yao Yiyi was just trying to save face.

"Is this appropriate? Won't the wife of the president bear a grudge against me?" The secretary who was pointed out said with a look of panic, if she was hated by the wife of the president because of this matter, she would lose more than she gained.

After hearing her words, Qin Meihui couldn't help laughing: "The president's wife is easy to get along with. I thought so at the beginning, but after getting along with her for a long time, I realized that she is actually a nice person. She is not as arrogant as those rich ladies, but Kind of cute. Maybe that's what attracted our president to her, and you'll find out later."

Thinking of the first time she met Yao Yiyi, Qin Meihui couldn't help laughing out, "Pfft, ha ha."

After hearing Qin Meihui's words, those employees all looked suspicious, and then Qin Meihui laughed out loud, and those employees felt even more uncertain.

"What are you laughing at? Qin Meihui, you didn't mean to trick us on purpose, did you?" The female secretary just now looked at Qin Meihui suspiciously and said.Although they also felt that Qin Meihui was not such a person, Qin Meihui's smile just now was too weird, which made them suspicious.

"If you don't believe me, then you don't have to go in." Qin Meihui suddenly suppressed the smile on her face, looked at the female staff who spoke just now, and said indifferently.

They asked her what to do, and she showed them the way.But when she finished speaking, they didn't believe it again.

"Go back to work for me, don't gather here anymore." Qin Meihui turned around and returned to her post, glanced coldly at the people present, and said displeasedly.

They were rude to her, why should she be polite to them.

"Hey, how can you say that you are angry when you are angry. We are just joking, why take it so seriously." Seeing that Qin Meihui was really angry, the rest of the secretaries looked at each other.The last female secretary who spoke just now looked at Qin Meihui with a flattering expression and said.

"Let's work. If we let the president know that we talk about them in private, we will suffer." Qin Meihui glanced at the female secretary lightly, looked down at the documents on the table, and said lazily.

The female secretary who spoke just now, seeing Qin Meihui's appearance, knew that she was making fun of herself.So she rolled her eyes at Qin Meihui, turned around and went to work in her own seat.

Even if they don't drink water, they won't die of thirst. Although the tea room on the top floor is occupied by the president's wife, they can go downstairs to drink.The reason why I complained just now was just to listen to gossip.

And Yao Yiyi, who was still struggling in the tea room, didn't know that there was already a war outside because of her.

Shan Yisheng laughed out loud thinking of Qin Meihui's words just now: "One by one, what should I do there?"

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang, Shan Yisheng tidied up and answered the phone clearly: "Hello."

"Yisheng, Yiyi is a bit too much this time. You can teach her a little bit, and don't go too far." After Shan Yisheng answered the phone, Xiang Heng's voice came over with a slightly anxious voice. .

On the other side, Xiang Heng was sitting on the sofa, holding the phone with a worried expression.In the morning, Shan Yisheng left angrily, Yao Yiyi chased after him and still hasn't come back, how could he not be worried.

"Mind your own affairs." Shan Yisheng said bluntly after hearing Xiang Heng's words.

Even if Xiang Heng didn't call him to warn him, he would not give up and really punish Yao Yiyi, so Shan Yisheng felt that Xiang Heng's call was completely unnecessary.

"I care about you anyway, how can you treat me with this attitude?" Xiang Heng said with a hurt face, but in his heart he was thinking that Shan Yisheng was still the same as before.

"If you are worried about Yiyi, there is no need at all. In fact, the reason why I am so angry this time is not just because of Yiyi's lateness. The most important thing is that Yiyi is too innocent to be used by others. I know. So in order to avoid such things from happening in the future, I must teach her a good lesson." Shan Yisheng said with a sigh, and he believed that Xiang Heng didn't understand the reason behind this.

But what he didn't know was that it was because Xiang Heng understood that he was worried.

"I know what you're saying is right, but there's a saying, haste makes waste. One is pure in nature, and can't be changed in a short time. Didn't I want you to take it easy?" Xiang Heng knew that what Shan Yisheng said was right, but he was pitiful as an older brother, and he still watched his sister suffer with a bit of reluctance.

"I also know that it's impossible to make her change right away. I've got the bottom of my heart. You don't have to worry that even if you hurt me, I won't be able to hurt you." Shan Yisheng said helplessly, he was just Wanting to teach Yao Yiyi a lesson, how come Xiang Heng said it like he abused her.

"With your words, I feel relieved. You don't know that since you left, I'm not in the mood to work anymore." After hearing Shan Yisheng's words, Xiang Heng finally breathed a sigh of relief.This one by one is true, when she comes back, he must teach her a good lesson.

"By the way, there is something I forgot to tell you. Ji Xi promised to find another time to negotiate with us again, but his condition is that he must be present." While he was relieved, Xiang Heng thought of this matter The tone hung again.

He didn't understand why his younger sister was so attractive. She already had a fiancé, and these men actually posted one or two of them.

"I see." But Shan Yisheng's reaction was beyond Xiang Heng's expectation, and he was not as furious as he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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