In those years, we were not together

Chapter 17 1 half bright and 1 half sad

Chapter 17 Half bright half sad (1)
1. The injury is serious

On the way Lily and Li Lei were rushing back, in the hospital, Han Meimei was lying quietly on the hospital bed, wearing an oxygen mask, her face was pale, motionless, she looked very pitiful.

There were many people standing beside the hospital bed, including friends, colleagues, Lin Tao and Wei Fang.

"Mom, Sissy and I came to see you!" Keke said while holding Meimei's hand.

"Mom, why don't you talk?" Sissi had never seen such a scene before, and she was so frightened that she cried.

At this time, the doctor came in and said, "Which one is the family member of the patient?"

"I am!" Han Gang stood up.

"Come with me." The doctor said as he walked out of the ward.

"Doctor, how is my wife's injury?" Han Gang asked as he walked.

"The patient's injuries are very serious. Because of the impact on the head, he can't wake up for a while."

"Then when will she wake up?" Han Gang asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure about this. If it's fast, it's two or three days, and if it's slow, it's a week or two." The doctor said.

Han Gang was a little depressed. At this moment, he was complaining in his heart, blaming himself for not having time to pick up Keke and Qianqian in the afternoon. If it wasn't like this, nothing would happen to Meimei...

In the afternoon, Li Lei and Lily rushed to the hospital.

"How is Meimei doing now?" Lily asked Lin Tao.

"I don't know. She was in a coma when I arrived in the morning, and she hasn't woken up yet," Lin Tao said.

"When did the car accident happen?" Li Lei asked.

"Yesterday afternoon." Lin Tao said.

At this time, Lily grabbed Han Gang who had just entered the ward, and asked, "How is Meimei now? Is the injury still serious?"

"The doctor said that the injury was very serious. He hit his head, so he was in a coma and couldn't wake up for a while." Han Gang said sadly.

"How could such a thing happen? Meimei's driving skills have always been good!" Lily said.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault... I shouldn't have let Meimei pick up Keke and Qianqian alone..." Han Gang began to cry as he spoke.

The whole ward was extremely quiet, so it seemed that Han Gang's voice was extremely loud.A man, a man with such an excellent career and family, actually cried in front of everyone.

Everyone was very upset, and at this point the nurse came in and said, "I'm sorry, the patient needs a quiet place to rest, so please get out, please?"

So everyone walked out of the ward one after another. After all, even staying there at this time is useless.

"I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Looking at Meimei's appearance, I feel really uncomfortable." Lin Tao said.

"Yeah, I've never seen Meimei lying on the bed with a pale face and such a quiet look. The moment I saw her, I felt fear in my heart..." Lily said.

Li Lei didn't speak, he was thinking, maybe what happened to Meimei was related to him?Because when I was chatting with Meimei the night before, my temper was not very good, which caused Meimei to be in a bad mood. Perhaps this is the real reason!
Several people were in a state of disarray. Although the sun was shining brightly at this time, no one was in the mood to appreciate it.

"Why is Lily back?" Lin Tao asked.

"Li Lei went to Shanghai, and I came back with him." Lily said.

"You boy, you finally got the hang of it! If you don't go to Shanghai, I'll watch you cry for the rest of your life!" Lin Tao joked.

"Hehe." Li Lei touched his head and smiled.

"How long can Lily stay this time?" Lin Tao asked.

"It depends on the situation. The company happens to be free these two days, but we must leave on Wednesday." Lily said.

"Come to my house for dinner today!" Lin Tao suggested.

"I still don't want to go! My sister-in-law is pregnant, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient to cook, and I'm going to bother you." Li Lei said.

"It's okay, if I call her to come out, we can eat outside. Lily finally came here, we have to eat something good!" Lin Tao said.

"Okay, I'll be the host today." Li Lei said.

"Look at what you said, how can I let you treat me? I'll come." Lin Tao said generously.

"Look at the two of you, you are so kind to me, the little girl is really lucky." Lily deliberately acted like a maid, causing the two of them to laugh.

2. Lively dinner

In the evening, I ate at the Northeast restaurant downstairs of Lin Tao's house.Originally, Lin Tao proposed to eat hot pot, saying it was lively.But Lily said that she just ate hot pot two days ago and wanted to eat something creative.

This stumped Lin Tao, and it was Li Lei's idea to take Lily to eat Northeast dumplings.

Lily immediately became happy when she heard about eating dumplings.I remember when I was in middle school, I heard about dumplings for the first time and didn’t know what they were. When I saw dumplings for the first time, I felt very novel. Chinese people are so smart that they can wrap vegetables and meat in noodles and cook them. It will not break the skin.Dip some vinegar or chili when eating, not to mention how delicious it is!
Since then, Lily has liked dumplings very much.Therefore, whenever the classmates in the class make dumplings, they always bring some for Lily.

I remember when I was in middle school, it was Han Meimei who often brought Lily dumplings to eat.Thinking of Meimei, Lily's originally excited eyes suddenly dimmed.It is really unbelievable that such a thing can happen, life is really short and fragile!So she closed her eyes and silently prayed to God to bless Meimei to wake up earlier.

"Wow, what delicious dumplings!" Lily couldn't help shouting as the steaming dumplings were placed on the table.

"Come on, sister Gao Hui, you eat first!" Lily first made a dumpling for Gao Hui.

"Hehe, thank you Lily, you don't need to greet me, I will eat by myself." Gao Hui said.

"Then, I won't take care of the two gentlemen!" Lily said while eating on her own.

At this moment, Li Lei's cell phone rang.

"Li Lei, have you come back yet? I'm still waiting to buy gifts with you!"

"I have something to do outside now." Li Lei said.

"So you've come back?" Sun Yifei asked.

Seeing that Li Lei didn't answer, she guessed that she had a good guess, so she went on to say, "I'm in Shimao now, can you come over now? I'm alone, and I don't know what to buy."

Hearing that Sun Yifei's voice softened, Li Lei also felt embarrassed. He was embarrassed to refuse, but if he didn't refuse, there was another dinner, and Lily was there, so he said, "I'm having dinner with some friends now, and I can't leave. , buy it yourself first! I'm sorry!" After speaking, Li Lei hung up the phone.

Sun Yifei was completely out of breath, so she made two more phone calls in a row, but Li Lei didn't answer them.

Seeing this, Lin Tao asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, just a friend, nothing serious." Although Li Lei said so, he didn't think so in his heart.Although he has a preliminary pursuit of Lily now, he doesn't know what to say to Sun Yifei.Perhaps, I am really like what my friends said, I am a fool in front of feelings!

"If you have something to do, you can leave first. I'll find a place to live by myself later." Lily looked at Li Lei and said.Although Li Lei didn't make any promises to herself, when he went to Shanghai to find her, Lily decided that if she gave herself a chance, she would also give Li Lei a chance.Sometimes, in the face of feelings, trust and tolerance are the biggest shackles.

"How can this be done?" Li Lei said, "I brought it here for you, of course I will be responsible to the end!"

"Look at you two being nasty." Lin Tao said with a smile, and then turned to Gao Hui, "Honey, I'm so envious and jealous!"

"Fuck you, you'll know you're poor!" Gao Hui said while lovingly handing him a dumpling, and said, "Eat this, and shut your mouth!"

"Honey, how could you say that about me? If it weren't for my sweet little mouth that can speak well, how could you marry me, how could you be so happy every day..."

Everyone present laughed, and Lin Tao also laughed, and then said: "All along, your happiness is my greatest happiness!"

In a word, the few people present here were quite moved and felt warm in their hearts.What can be happier and more contented in one's life than having a few friends who can make friends with each other?

3. How to refuse
In the evening, after Li Lei sent Lily to the hotel, and made an appointment to call her tomorrow, he drove home.

On the way home, Li Lei felt that he should not hang up Sun Yifei's phone on purpose twice, so he called Sun Yifei.

"Sun Yifei?" Li Lei asked after the call was connected.

"Oh, Yifei, you're on the phone!" There was a baritone voice on the other side of the phone.

"Wait a moment."

"Hello, hello!" Sun Yifei answered the phone.

"I'm Li Lei."

Sun Yifei didn't speak, which made Li Lei more uncomfortable than talking.The two were silent for a while, and it was Sun Yifei who said, "Why did you call me?"

"I just want to say sorry to you." Li Lei said.

"No need, you have nothing to apologize to me, it's my fault, I bother you when you are busy, I'm sorry!" Sun Yifei's tone was full of complaints, anger, and a trace of reluctance.

"I'm sorry, I've been really busy these two days, so I couldn't do what I promised you. I'm very sorry!" Li Lei still said apologetically.

"I said I don't want you to apologize to me, why do you still have to apologize to me..." Sun Yifei cried on the other end of the phone.

Li Lei quickly parked the car to the side of the road and said, "What's wrong with you? Where are you now?"

The other end of the phone still didn't speak.After a long time, I said: "It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable suddenly, it's okay, I'm at home."

"Oh." Li Lei suddenly softened his heart. He didn't particularly like this girl, but he didn't dislike her anyway. After all, she was introduced by her mother, so she shouldn't offend her!So, he thought for the last time and said, "Alright then! I'll accompany you to buy gifts after get off work tomorrow afternoon."

"Really?" Sun Yifei was happy.

"Yes." Li Lei said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Lei suddenly felt that he had made a mistake again. Why did he want to contact Sun Yifei when he decided to stay with Lily?But if he didn't contact him, Li Lei felt that he was too heartless.

Standing at both ends of the balance, the same dilemma - Li Lei suddenly felt that these two lines of lyrics could particularly reflect his current state of mind.

When they got home, their parents were still watching TV. When they saw their son came back, Li Lei's mother kept asking for his health, as if her son had traveled far away.

Li Lei's father sat there without saying anything, but instead blamed Li Lei's mother for doting on the child too much.

"Your own son doesn't care, so I don't care, can it work?" Li Lei's mother said.

"Mom, I'm going back to bed first." Li Lei finished washing and went back to the room.

"Okay, son, Mom will warm up the milk for you!"

"No need, Mom. I drank outside today." Li Lei's voice came from the bedroom.

Li Lei lying on the bed couldn't fall asleep for a long time, he didn't understand why so many accidents happened in his life.

Some people's life is a beautiful story, which is pleasant to listen to; some people's life is a tragic accident, gloomy and hopeless - such a sentence suddenly popped up in Li Lei's mind, which fits his current state of mind very well.

It will be dark when you close your eyes, Li Lei persuaded himself to close his eyes and start to sleep.

4. Take Polly to see Meme
The next day, Li Lei called Lily on his way to work.

"Lily, are you up yet?"

"It's already up!" Lily said.

"Why do you get up so early, what are you going to have for breakfast?"

"You brought me here, shouldn't you be in charge?" Lily said with a smile.

"Hehe, okay, I'll turn to your place and bring you breakfast." Li Lei took a detour and went to the breakfast shop to buy soy milk, some deep-fried dough sticks, and some eggs.

Li Lei knew that eating deep-fried dough sticks was not good, but he still remembered Lily's delighted expression when she ate deep-fried dough sticks for the first time.Now he has already started to care about the first feeling, and he has begun to care about the feelings of the people who care about him.

When Li Lei arrived at the hotel, Lily had just finished washing.

"Here, here's your breakfast, did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay, why, aren't you afraid of being late? Why do you still have time to come to me?"

"It's okay, Meimei is sick, I have to go to the hospital to see her later." Li Lei said.

"I'll go with you!" Lily said.

Originally Li Lei wanted to refuse, but seeing Lily's expectant expression, he nodded and agreed.Now, as long as he can do it, he promises Lily as much as possible.Because compared with herself, Lily has paid too much silently. She can't just be a selfish person, she should learn to take care of the feelings of the people around her.

"Then hurry up and eat, we'll go there together when we're done," Li Lei said.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I ate at home."

"Wow, it's my favorite fritters!" Lily looked as happy as a child.

"By the way, I forgot one very important thing. I'll go home first, and I'll call you when I get to the hotel later!" Li Lei suddenly remembered what Jim had told him before, that he wanted to bring Polly to Meimei. Polly knew Meimei, and maybe her condition would get better sooner.

"Okay! I'll wait for you here, call me when you arrive." Lily said while eating.

When Li Lei got home, his father had already gone out, and his mother happened to be feeding Polly on the balcony.

"Leilei, why are you back again? Did you forget to bring something?" Li Lei's mother asked.

"Well, I'm going to take Polly away first." Li Lei said as he took down Polly's cage.

Li Lei's mother was not happy, and said: "Take it away as you say, we just cultivated a relationship, it's not good for you to do this!"

"Mom, listen to me. This parrot was raised by Jim's family when we were in junior high school. At that time, all our classmates liked it very much. Now Meimei has a car accident and her brain has been damaged. She is still awake. I I think Polly should be of some benefit to her..." Li Lei explained.

"What, Meimei is sick? What is it? Is it serious? Why haven't I heard you mention it?" Li Lei's mother was obviously a little excited. After all, Han Meimei and Li Lei have always been childhood sweethearts. Together, the relationship is also good.However, after Han Meimei married Han Gang, the two families had little contact.However, when she heard that Han Meimei had a car accident, Li Lei's mother was still a little excited.

"I was in a car accident the day before yesterday, and I'm still in a coma," Li Lei said.

"Then I have to go see her." Li Lei's mother said as she went to the bedroom, and said, "Wait for me, we will go together."

"Mom, I'll go with you some other day! I'm still in a hurry to go to the company today, and besides, I have a colleague with me."

"Oh, that's fine!" Li Lei's mother said, and ran to the kitchen to pack some things, "You bring these to Meimei, these are very helpful for the body's recovery."

"Okay, Mom." Li Lei originally wanted to say that Meimei was still in a coma and couldn't eat anything, but seeing his mother's anxious and enthusiastic look, he took the food from her hand.

"Alright then, I'll go over to Mom first, and I'll go see her with you some other day."

"Okay, be careful on the road, son!" Li Lei's mother was busy saying goodbye, while she was busy running to the kitchen, opened the window, and waited for Li Lei to appear in her sight.

"Goodbye, Lei Lei!" Li Lei's mother waved to Li Lei from upstairs. The love of parents for their children is always infiltrated.

5. Let me accompany Meimei
When Li Lei and Lily arrived at the hospital, only Han Gang was there.

Lily put the flowers in a vase, and Li Lei put Polly on the table, and said to Han Gang: "This is a parrot we raised when we were in middle school. It's called Polly. It's very smart and knows many people, including Meimei. Now, I put it here, you can show it to Meimei when she wakes up, I believe it will be good for her condition."

"Okay, thank you, Li Lei." Han Gang said with some emotion.

"Han Gang, you didn't sleep yesterday, did you?" Lily asked seeing Han Gang's haggard face.

I saw Han Gang pretending to be relaxed and said: "It doesn't matter to me, as long as Meimei wakes up."

Lily was a little upset, and said worriedly: "How can you do this, your body will collapse before Meimei wakes up!"

"I'm fine, I can hold on." Han Gang said pretending to be strong.

Lily became anxious and said: "This is not good, you go back to sleep, I will take care of Meimei, I happen to be free these days, you go back to sleep!"

Li Lei also advised Han Gang: "You should go back and rest, maybe when you wake up, Meimei will wake up too!"

Seeing that Han Gang hadn't moved, Lily dragged him out of the ward.

"Go back and come back in the afternoon, I will always be here, trust me." Lily said seriously.

Han Gang was moved by Lily's sincerity and said, "Thank you, Lily!"

Lily pretended to be relaxed and said, "Why are you being polite to me! Go back quickly!"

Han Gang finally went back, Li Lei also went to work, and only Meimei, Lily and Polly were left in the ward.

Lily pulled Polly and talked to Han Meimei: "Meimei, who is here? It's Polly. Do you remember your favorite Polly? He came here to see you!"

Meimei was still lying on the hospital bed, her face pale and without a trace of blood.

Lily kept talking to Meimei like this, but Meimei didn't even move at all.

At this time, a middle-aged man and woman walked into the ward.

"Meimei, why are you still sleeping? Have you eaten yet?" The middle-aged woman burst into tears as soon as she entered the ward.

The middle-aged man stood beside the woman, held her hand, and said, "Meimei, wake up, Meimei, Mom and Dad are here to see you!"

Lily understood that the middle-aged couple were Han Meimei's parents.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie! I'm Lily, Meimei's middle school classmate." Lily stood up and introduced herself.

"Oh, Lily is good. You have been taking care of our Meimei? Thank you so much!" Mother Han said excitedly.

"It's nothing, auntie. Meimei and I have been good friends for so many years. It's right to take care of her. However, I only came here in the morning. Yesterday and this morning, Han Gang has been taking care of Meimei. ’ said Lily.

"Anyway, we thank you! Han Gang is also a good boy, and has always been very kind to our Meimei, but why did this happen suddenly?" Mother Han couldn't help crying while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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