In those years, we were not together

Chapter 6 The Difference Between Men and Women

Chapter 6 The Difference Between Men and Women (2)
In short, after meeting Sun Yifei for the second time, Li Lei felt much better. At the first time, he always felt that his words were not congenial. Every word he said was like squeezing toothpaste, and he couldn't hold it back for a long time.But this time the conversation was really fun, maybe, that's what slow people are like, and it takes time to slowly melt that ice-like feeling. Li Lei has always thought of himself as a slow person.

Time, as poison, is also a solvent.It can make the memory deep, but it can also make the memory blurred. It takes time to smooth it out.

4. Job Done

The next day, Li Lei arrived at the United Group on time.It was Manager Zhang from the Human Resources Department who received him.

"Mr. Li, please sit down." Manager Zhang said while pouring a cup of tea for Li Lei.

"Thank you." Li Lei took the tea politely.

"Mr. Li, when did you return to China?"

"Just came back for a month, hehe."

"Then, has Mr. Li ever worked abroad?"

"When I was studying, I worked as an assistant in an investment company, and I met many leaders of investment companies. I also combined my profession and took on two major restructuring cases. It's not bad!"

"Since you did a good job, why did you return home?"

"Maybe everyone has their own goals! My family is here, and my parents are also here. Studying abroad is just to work better, and it is also a dream of my own. To develop domestically, especially locally , is my long-term goal.”

"It seems that Mr. Li is also a filial son!"

"Hehe, it is necessary to be filial to your parents." Li Lei smiled wryly when he said this. In fact, even he himself didn't know what it means to be filial to his parents. He should listen to them in everything, or do it in his own way. Do you want to show filial piety to them after they die?This kind of priority relationship is still necessary for one's own development. After listening to his parents for so many years, he should make a good choice and work hard in his own way, Li Lei thought.

"Then Mr. Li is really right to choose our United Group. We are not only one of the largest group companies in this city, but also have a lot of room for development. The real estate branch just went public last year. It is estimated that in about three years, we will Realize the merger and acquisition of 5 subsidiaries, set up 10 branch companies, and realize the company's second listing." When he said this, Manager Zhang was full of pride.This may be the one with the stronger employee happiness index in the legend. Li Lei thought so, and began to look forward to the day when he could tell his subordinates the future of the company with such an expression. The soft power that an excellent company should possess.

"Yes." Li Lei listened carefully.

"As for Mr. Li's resume information, I also know about it. See if there is anything else you need to know."

"It's like this. As for yourself, you plan to ask me to work in a real estate company, but I think it is more appropriate to invest in a company based on my professional and practical advantages." Li Lei said.

"Well, our company's real estate branch is relatively short of manpower, and the recruitment is usually sent there." Manager Zhang looked a little embarrassed.

"That's a good thing to say, but Manager Zhang has been doing human resources for so many years. You must also know that it is very important to put an employee in the right position?" Li Lei said with a smile.

"Well, what Mr. Li said is very reasonable, but our company also has the company's considerations. Since we are all in alliance, there will be opportunities for transfer in the future, so why bother to focus so hard on the choice at the beginning?" Manager Zhang tried In this way, Li Lei can change his mind.

"It's true to say that, but for me, I prefer to do it in an investment company. If your company's investment department doesn't need people for the time being, I can wait, instead of just inserting people wherever there is a shortage. For this One point, Manager Zhang, I'm very sorry." Li Lei was telling the truth, he was willing not to accept a position he didn't like, and he couldn't let his dream be wronged because of the other party's needs.This is just like Li Lei's stubborn personality. He will be unparalleled in attachment to people or things he likes very much. Once he loses his feelings, there will be no traces left.

"I will also report Mr. Li's suggestion to the superiors of our company, but I am really sorry today. I originally wanted to ask you to come to work tomorrow after understanding the situation with Mr. Li, but looking at it now, I'm afraid... ..." Manager Zhang was a little regretful when he said this, and there was some helplessness in his words.

"It doesn't matter," Li Lei said naturally, "every company is the same, and it needs to put the right person in the position that suits him, especially as a job seeker itself, so in terms of selection, both of us You need to be careful."

"Well, what Mr. Li said makes sense."

"In this case, let's talk about this first today. If there is a suitable position for me at Manager Zhang's side in the future, let's discuss it in detail, shall we?"

"Okay! I'm very sorry, Mr. Li, to delay your time."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if it's delayed for a while, but it's a lifetime. We're all the same, aren't we? Hehe." Li Lei said half-jokingly.

"Yes yes yes." After finishing speaking, Manager Zhang sent Li Lei to the elevator, and the two said goodbye in a friendly manner.

Walking out of the gate of United Group, Li Lei received a call from Manager Zhang as soon as he got into the car.

"Hello, Manager Zhang, hello!"

"Mr. Li, hello!"

"I have some news for you. You have been officially admitted by our company's investment branch!" Manager Zhang's voice on the other end of the phone was very excited, even more happy than Li Lei's.

"Hehe, thank you very much, Manager Zhang!"

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, you will report to me with your degree certificate."

"Ok, no problem!"

It was another hard-to-get interview. No matter what, I still found a job that could support me and I also liked.Li Lei felt very happy, so he called home and said that he was going to buy vegetables and go home to celebrate in the evening.

5. Hitting right on the wrong side
"Leilei, you're finally back. What's the good news, you bought so many vegetables?" After Li Lei's mother opened the door, she saw her son carrying so many vegetables, so she quickly took some.

"It's nothing, I just have time, I'm hungry, and I want to eat the dishes cooked by my mother." Li Lei said flatteringly.

"Jing will speak nicely, look who is here?"

"Who is it?" Li Lei asked.

"Hehe, it's Yifei." Li Lei's mother laughed from ear to ear.

"Why are you here?" Li Lei asked a little surprised.

"Look at you child, how do you talk?" Li Lei's mother blamed, "Go and chat with him, they have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Li Lei was a little embarrassed, it was the first time a girl came to his house so actively, and he really didn't know what to say.Besides, we just met yesterday, so why come to propose marriage today?


"You want to ask me why I came to your house, don't you?" Sun Yifei said with a smile.

"Uh..." Li Lei hesitated a bit.

"It's okay, I just passed by. It happened that my mother made some snacks and said they were for my aunt, so I brought them over."

Li Lei thought to himself, we only met twice, you are too proactive!

"What channel do you want to watch?" Li Lei turned on the TV.

"Anything." The girl said mischievously.

"Ashamed, it's casual again."

"Hehe, because I seldom watch TV, so I really didn't realize it when you asked me, so I can just do whatever I want!"

"Tonight, let's have dinner at my house!" Li Lei said.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't welcome it very much?"


"I'm joking, see if you're in a hurry."

"Hehe, the two of you are bickering!" Li Lei's mother came out of the kitchen and said, "Yifei, I'm not leaving today. Auntie will cook for you. Hehe, what do you like to eat?"

"Mom, she likes to eat anything." Li Lei joked.

"Hehe, our family, Lei Lei, is good at everything, but likes to joke, Yifei, don't mind!"

"Auntie, I think joking is an advantage!"

"Look at Yifei, how sweet her little mouth is!"

At this time, Li Lei's father came back.

"Father, come to the kitchen and help me prepare dinner."

"Auntie, let me help!" Sun Yifei stood up and said.

"You don't need to sit there and talk to Lei Lei for a while!" Li Lei's mother said quickly.

Li Lei just sat like this, chatting with Sun Yifei casually, and just like that, it was finally time for dinner.

"Leilei, Yifei, let's eat!"

"Okay!" Li Lei and Sun Yifei said in unison, that's all, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Auntie, your craftsmanship is really good, as good as my mother's." Sun Yifei said while eating.

"Hehe, eat more if it tastes good." Li Lei's mother said while adding vegetables to Sun Yifei's bowl.

"Lei Lei, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, report to your Uncle Han's company. They have arranged for you, manager of the real estate business department." Li Lei's father said.

"Dad, I said that you don't need to worry about my affairs. I have found a job, and you promised Uncle Han, what do you want me to do?"

"Anything else is fine, you have to listen to me this time." Li Lei's father said in a very strong tone.

"Then let me tell you the truth. I went to the United Group for an interview today, and the human resources manager Zhang told me to report to the investment branch tomorrow." Li Lei said.

"United Group?" Li Lei's father asked.


"Your Uncle Han's company is United Group!"

"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

"He is the chairman of the company!"

"Huh?" Li Lei was surprised.

"Hehe, it turns out that they are the same company. Seeing that you and your son are still quarreling, Ganqing is the same company. Aren't they all the same?" Li Lei's mother said.

"It's different. My dad arranged for the real estate business department. I don't like it, and it doesn't have much to do with my major. But I applied for the investment branch, which is related to my major and I like it. , This is the difference." Li Lei said solemnly.

"You brat, you only said it now after you found a job, and I asked you Uncle Han to find a relationship." Li Lei's father blamed him, but he couldn't hide his pride in his voice of blame.

"Come on, let's find a good job for Li Lei, cheers!" Sun Yifei said, raising the wine glass in his hand.

"Okay, cheers!" The four of them enjoyed the meal like a family.

6. Meet Han Meimei by chance

The next morning, Li Lei got up early, washed and dressed, and got ready to go to work.

Li Lei's mother had already prepared breakfast and called Li Lei to have breakfast.As a parent, you are doomed to worry about your children for the rest of your life.As long as Li Lei could remember, as long as he was at home, Li Lei's mother never got up a day late, and prepared breakfast properly every time.This is what makes Li Lei most proud and most moved.

When he arrived at the United Group, Li Lei first reported to Manager Zhang of the Human Resources Department. After completing a series of procedures, he was led by Manager Zhang to the Investment Division.

"Good morning, colleagues!" Manager Zhang pushed open the door of the investment business department and said politely and passionately.

"Today, we have a new employee in the investment department, who is also the deputy manager of the investment department unanimously recommended by the company's leaders - Mr. Li Lei. Welcome!"

The whole office burst into warm applause.

"Thank you! I am very happy to be colleagues with you. I hope we can get along happily in the days to come!" Li Lei said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, your office is arranged over there. I'll take you there." Manager Zhang said.


Walking into his office, Li Lei suddenly felt the aura coming.The entire office is by the window, and it is on the 11th floor, so it looks extra bright.It just so happened that the weather was good that day, and a few rays of sunshine shone in, making it very comfortable.

There are also some bonsai in various shapes on the table, and there are lilies dripping with dew on the desk...

"Mr. Li, what other requirements do you have for this office environment?"

"It's nothing, I've prepared very well, thank you very much, Manager Zhang, and send my greetings to the company leaders!" Li Lei said.

"It's nothing, this is what should be done." Manager Zhang said, "If there is nothing else, I will go there. If you have anything to do here, you can contact me at any time."

"Okay!" Li Lei agreed.

After speaking, Manager Zhang walked out of Li Lei's office.

Lunch was eaten at the restaurant on the third floor. Li Lei had just finished his meal and was about to go to the seat by the window.At a glance, he suddenly saw a familiar face with short hair and big eyes. "Han Meimei?" Li Lei called out.

"Li Lei?" Han Meimei raised her head and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I work here!" Li Lei replied.

"So coincidental?"

"Do you work here too?" Li Lei asked.

"Hehe, sort of." Han Meimei looked a little unnatural when she said this, but she still brushed her hair gracefully.

"What does it mean?"

"That's it." Han Meimei said with a smile, still a little sad in her heart.On the surface, he is working here, but in fact, Han Gang is just finding a seat for himself!Because before getting married, I was indeed appreciated by Han Gang because of my strong career ability, but men are predatory animals. Once they take possession of them, they hope that women can put all their energy on themselves. So no matter how shrewd and capable Han Meimei is, Han Gang hopes that she can take care of her husband and teach her children at home.

"Which department are you in?" Han Meimei asked.

"Investment Division, what about you?"

"I'm in the real estate business department." Han Meimei replied.

"Hehe, what a coincidence! I ran into you on the first day I went to work today, and I will definitely be lucky today!" Li Lei said with a smile but embarrassedly.Li Lei thought he could use this method to forget everything before, since the thing has already happened, let it go forever!But only he himself knows that the words on the surface do not represent the true expression of the heart, and pretending to be calm may be his real inner reaction!

"Hehe, you're still so skinny." Han Meimei's face was a little stiff when she said this, but she still suppressed the unnatural expression.

"Haha..." Li Lei smiled heartily.Such a pretended smile made me feel a little sad when I thought about it.

After lunch without embarrassment, Li Lei and Han Meimei sat in the company's rest area for a while. The two tried their best to say something, but they didn't know how to speak.

"Are you okay recently?" Li Lei finally spoke.

"Well, they're all good, how about you?" Han Meimei asked.

"I'm fine, hehe."

"It is said that you just came back from abroad? Are you still married?" Han Meimei asked.

"Hehe, yes, I'm not married yet." Li Lei didn't know what kind of expression he had when he said this, he was a little embarrassed and lonely.

"Hurry up and look for it, it's too late, the good girl will be snatched away!" Han Meimei joked a little sourly.In fact, Meimei was very sad at this time. Why did she break up with Li Lei in a fit of anger?And they broke up presumptuously without even saying hello?Loss, regret mixed with a little guilt, all kinds of complicated feelings filled Han Meimei's heart.

"It was snatched away by others, and it has already been snatched away." Li Lei also said sadly.

"Oh, let's have dinner together when we have time some other day. It's getting late, and I should go back to the office." Han Meimei turned around, trying to hide the sadness in her heart and the loneliness in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll call you another day." That's what Li Lei said, but Li Lei really didn't know when the next day would be, and what reason he should find to give Han Meimei a call so that he wouldn't feel embarrassed.

So the two broke up, and when they got on the elevator, Li Lei still couldn't help but looked at Han Meimei several times, his eyes were full of reluctance, and this kind of reluctance seemed so insignificant at this moment!
And at this time, why is Han Meimei not like this?This is the second time I have met Li Lei after many years. The hasty parting last time has already made Han Meimei miss the little beauty that has been buried deep in her memory, and this short conversation made her most beautiful memory freeze in the memory. more than ten years ago.Why is life so dramatic?Why did the love that I thought was beautiful did not have the perfect result that I expected?The entanglement suddenly captured Han Meimei's heart.

After returning to the office, Li Lei turned on the computer and logged on to QQ, but Han Meimei was not online.This QQ number was the number that Li Lei and Han Meimei applied for when they were in college. The first person he added was Han Meimei. At that time, he was always invisible, and only when he saw Han Meimei was online would he light up his profile picture.After separating from Han Meimei, Li Lei often opened QQ and hung it up, as if he was waiting for some hope, but every time he got despair.Since the day they separated, they haven't said a word on QQ, and their own QQ has also been barren because of this relationship.

Therefore, Li Lei developed a habit of clicking Han Meimei's gray avatar countless times every time he logged on to QQ without saying a word. At this time, he suddenly wanted to write something, so he posted an log -

once Upon a time.

The thing I do most is.

Click on your QQ and let it go.

Hope it stays the same as before.

light up.


But no.

once Upon a time.

The thing I do most is.

Walk the road you and I have walked repeat.

Hope it stays the same as before.



But no.

once Upon a time.

The action I do the most is.

Open your number and take a closer look.

Want to find a little bit.



But no.

Desperately trying to forget.

From words to actions.

But still can't forget.


I really can't forget it.

so I hope.

You always smile.

You will always be happy.

You will always be happy.

All good.

All follow you!
This little poem seems to be reminiscing about something, and it seems to be trying to fight for something. At this time, Li Lei doesn't know what he is doing or what he should do.Perhaps, feelings are really poison, which can paralyze a person's nerves in a solvent like time.

7. Jim's phone

Ever since he met Han Meimei that day, Li Lei has been absent-minded. Why is Han Meimei also in this company?Is it fate?
Li Lei turned to the phone again and again, found Han Meimei's number, and wanted to call it, but was afraid that he would be incoherent and didn't know what to say.

Just at this moment, the phone rang. Li Lei saw that the caller was from an unfamiliar number.

"Hi, hello!" Li Lei said.

"Hello! Is this Mr. Li?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm an old friend of yours!"

"Old friend?" Li Lei heard that the voice sounded familiar, so he shook his head and said, "I can't guess, who are you?"

"Khan, I can't even hear my voice, forget it, I won't let you guess, I'm Jim Green!"

"Jim?" Li Lei asked in surprise.

"It's been a long time since I've contacted you! How did you know my number?" Li Lei asked.

(End of this chapter)

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