Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 210 Full-scale war

Chapter 210 Full-scale war

There is not only a missile base on the Tatchaga Peninsula, but also an air force base, all of which are to guard against the old United States and dominate East Asia.

The foot basin country dare not resist after being bullied, there are these two bases.

After finishing the missile base, Jin Biao went directly to the air force base.

The basic facilities of the air force base are all on the ground, so it is relatively simpler and easier to deal with.

First of all, a wave of electromagnetic pulses will also come first, burning all the sophisticated electronic equipment on the tower and the aircraft.

With the tower and fighter jets abolished, the air force base is basically abolished.

The next step is to find the ammunition depot and destroy all the ammunition inside...

There are traces to follow in everything, and with Jin Biao's special sensitivity to metals, it is really not difficult to find the ammunition depot.

Soon Jin Biao found the ammunition depot, and he did not sense a nuclear bomb inside.

The siren was loud, and the base was in chaos...

Concocted by law...

"boom boom"

Soon the air force base burst into flames.

The ground shook violently, ravines appeared, the runway was cracked, and the plane was staggered by the impact...

It's not completely destroyed, but it's okay for the time being.

Time is running out, he wants to rush to other places to destroy!

As soon as he took action, Jin Biao had to race against time, trying not to give the high-level officials of country E a chance to receive the news and respond. This was the safest way, and the deterrent effect would be the greatest.

Therefore, Jin Biao quickly left the Tachaga Peninsula and went to the border with Mongolia.

Don't wait for Eagle Five, the speed is too slow.

Jin Biao flew with all his strength and arrived near the Mongolian border base in just one hour.

Here cats, beasts and other birds await...

In the past seven or eight years, the development of the Tiger Clan has already broken through the racial restrictions!

Jin Biao is not the only smart animal. Other tiger clan or cat beasts feel that His Majesty the Tiger King is operating them, so they also learn to subdue and control some other beasts and birds for their own use.

Over the past few years, the effect has been remarkable, and the strength of the Tiger Clan has greatly increased in all aspects...

In addition, Jin Biao can also determine the specific position through the induction with the metal.

There is a high abundance of uranium and plutonium, that is the missile base!

No accidents were encountered, and half an hour later the missile base was destroyed amidst roars.

It's just that Jin Biao's stomach can't hold it anymore, too much uranium gold and plutonium gold have been refined, and they are all put into the space spar.

In addition, Jin Biao also discovered that after swallowing the radioactive uranium gold and plutonium gold, he seemed to have mastered the radioactive ability...

Nuclear radiation is the flow of microscopic particles released during the transition of atomic nuclei from one structure or energy state to another structure or energy state.

There are three main types of rays: Alpha (a), Beta (B), and Gamma (r).

Alpha rays are helium nuclei, and their ability to penetrate external radiation is very weak. You only need to use a piece of paper to block them, but they are harmful if inhaled;

Beta rays are electron streams, and the burns are obvious after irradiating the skin, and the penetrating ability is not strong.

Gamma ray is an electromagnetic wave with a very short wavelength, which has a strong penetrating ability, can penetrate the human body and buildings, and can cause long-distance harm.

Now Jin Biao can release electric current and electromagnetic waves without relying on lightning, that is to say, he no longer depends on the power of thunder, and the combination of the two is more powerful!

A highly condensed gamma ray shot out, and a stone with a thickness of about one meter was directly pierced, and stone powder rustled down.

Gamma rays kill people invisible, and they are also a sharp weapon for attack. If they can emit laser light in the later stage...

Jin Biao was delighted, and then went to San Biao to have a look.

San Biao and the others were running and brought other tigers with them, so their speed was far from that of Jin Biao.

When Jin Biao found San Biao, they had just destroyed an air force base...

Their actions were not as fast and crisp as Jin Biao's.

As soon as they rushed into the air force base, the soldiers in the base reacted and counterattacked.

So the two sides came to a fierce battle.

It's just that Sanbiao and others are tall and strong, wearing armor, and the rush speed is too fast, the pilots have no time to get on the fighter jets, and without fighter jets, these soldiers are not like Sanbiao and other Tiger Clan opponents in armor.

Dozens of supernatural giant tigers, hundreds of cat beasts, and lynx rushed forward.

Kill most of the rebels first, and destroy while fighting...

After 10 minutes, the battle ended.

Amidst the roar, the base was destroyed.

When Jin Biao came, fireworks were being set off...

"Well, it's so beautiful!"

Next, let some lynxes, cats and beasts stay behind, subdue the birds and beasts and spread them around, and intercept the intelligence personnel of country E who may come to verify.

At the same time, Ying San was sent to inform Ying Er that the Whale Clan could act.

Then, San Biao and the others continued to attack the next air base, while Jin Biao went straight to the Eastern European Plain.


There is no city of tears.

President Jingjing is lying on a chair basking in the sun...

After the great changes in the world, all kinds of things happened one after another, especially recently, the whale clan in the sea jumped out to make trouble again, and they had to find ways to prevent the tiger king from retaliation.

Mutant beasts, tiger clan, earth beasts, sea clan...

Every day made him exhausted, and he didn't even have time to practice.

It's hard to have such a little free time to rest...

"bell bell"

Suddenly the phone rang, it was an emergency information line.


Jingjing picked it up immediately.

"I'm Jingjing."

"Report to the President that the Central Silian Air Force Base is under attack by the Tiger Clan!"


Jingjing immediately raised her eyebrows.

"The specific situation! How about the loss?"

"The specific situation is temporarily unknown, only a loud noise was heard, and the situation is being verified!"

Jingjing's complexion changed immediately:
"Turn to Admiral Toravsky, let him be verified immediately! At the same time, let Admiral Toravsky prepare for battle. It should be the Tiger Emperor's action. I must intercept the Tiger Emperor. It is best to take the opportunity to lay down !"

"Yes, Your Excellency the President!"

Jingjing hung up the phone, but her brows still did not relax.

The loud noise indicated that the ammunition depot of the Central Silia Air Force Base exploded, and the base was basically destroyed.

This is really a major event that can shock the world.

He had thought that the Tiger Emperor would take revenge, but he only thought that he would come to the City of No Tears or other big cities to make trouble and destroy everything...

Unexpectedly, he directly destroyed an air force base!
That's an air force base!

The country spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, as well as scientific research capabilities to establish it, but it was destroyed by a tiger emperor.

The loss is too great!
With regard to this matter, if he can be allowed to step down before the big change!

Tiger Emperor is too ruthless!
No, it should be said that he is too smart to know how to start from the air force base!

Wait, no, with Tiger King's brains and insight, is it possible that he thought of attacking the air force base?
It's not that Jingjing looks down on the Tiger Emperor, no matter how smart the Tiger Emperor is, he is still just a tiger, and his thinking and knowledge are limited.

The most common way for beasts to retaliate is to kill and eat people, and the destruction is only when they are attacked, rushing forward to destroy ships and tanks.

A direct attack destroys the air base...

This idea is too high-end, it is impossible for Tiger Emperor to think of it.

That is……

"Could it be another idea from country Z?"



 Thanks to book friend Yue Qingfeng for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and thanks for the reward again for the difference between life and life, thank you!
  Tomorrow, there will be an update for [-] recommended tickets!

  In the future, every [-] recommendation tickets and [-] monthly tickets will be updated...

(End of this chapter)

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