Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 230 You Are a Tiger Clan

Chapter 230 You Are a Tiger Clan
Seeing the Tiger Emperor leave, Zhang Yue should have been happy and thankful, but she wasn't.

It successfully confirmed the guess in her heart, but it also proved that the Tiger Emperor's strength has risen to a higher level!
This is actually worse than being the prince of the tiger clan!
The Tiger Emperor was already invincible, how can humans deal with him now?

The * bomb, if it is not in the center of the explosion, I am afraid it is useless!
Other laser weapons, electromagnetic pulse weapons...

All powerful scientific and technological weapons have one characteristic, they are large in size, difficult to move, and they can deal with the tiger king with wings, unparalleled speed, and incomparable intelligence...

Really desperate to think about it!
This news needs to be reported as soon as possible, but...

Zhang Yue returned to the space where the root monster itself was located, and she still wanted to investigate the situation of the Tiger Emperor coming here.

Soon the space where the root monster was located appeared in front of Zhang Yue, and the heat hit his face.

Another trace of burning!
Why did the Tiger Emperor burn the corpse of the root monster?

This is not reasonable!

Tiger Emperor will not be to prevent corpses from decomposing, polluting the environment, or spreading infection from viruses, right?
It's ridiculous when you think about it.

Everything happens for a reason!

It is impossible for the Tiger Emperor to burn the corpse of the root monster because it looked disgusting and unpleasant. It should be related to it or other things, and it is more likely to destroy the corpse...

Zhang Yue was meditating while walking on the scorched ground.

What's so special about that monster's corpse?

Before, the military also took some root monster roots back to study, and there was nothing special.

Are the body and the roots different?
Zhang Yue thinks the reason should be here.

Just like the tissues and organs in a person, they are also different from each other.

It is very likely that there is a special treasure conceived in the root monster itself, which has a great influence on the tiger clan or human beings...

It is more likely to have an impact on the Tiger Clan or the Tiger Emperor itself.

Maybe Tiger Emperor's strength can still be improved rapidly because of this!

Zhang Yue's mind was racing, and his head was running at high speed.

It's better to report this matter quickly, and then suggest that the higher-ups hunt down a root monster at any cost for research...

After making a decision and collecting some samples, Zhang Yue left quickly.

Jin Biao's speed was very fast, from flying, entering the underground world, finding the root monster, killing and incinerating it, it only took half a day.

There is no need to rest in the middle, and continue to the next one. In just three days, Jin Biao killed and refined six root monsters, devoured the mutated metal, and his supernatural power increased greatly.

Jin Biao solved the six forbidden places that made the country Z government helpless.

At this time, the military of Country Z is still holding a meeting to discuss...


After killing six root monsters and devouring the mutated metal, Jin Biao flew directly over the Simayala Mountains.

First went to the Three Kingdoms to see the situation of the Tiger Clan here, and then went to Africa to see his godson.

It is said that he did not look for a tigress, and he is only a godson like Simba so far, but he has only come to Africa three times in total, and the total time he has stayed in Africa has not exceeded half a year.

Thinking about being a foster father is also very incompetent...

Simba is very attached to him, even after he grows up and becomes the lion king.

Jin Biao really felt like a godson to Simba, and he was no longer just using him.

Africa is a paradise for wild animals. After the great changes, it has gradually become a forbidden place for humans.

Those who live and graze on the grassland are either eaten by mutant beasts or flee, or become slaves to beasts...

When Jin Biao came here, there were not only hundreds of giant lions around, but also thousands of black natives kneeling in front of them.


Simba happily watched Jin Biao fall from the sky.

Here Jin Biao maintains a huge body with a shoulder height of 15 meters and a length of ten feet. Simba's shoulder height is more than nine meters, and both brains are very large.


Jin Biao landed and folded his wings.

"What are you doing?"

With the appearance of Jin Biao, these aborigines trembled even more, panicking.

——They were in the grassland, and they hadn't heard of the power of the Tiger Emperor, but Jin Biao's huge size was enough for them to know how powerful it was.

Simba glanced at the natives:
"These people want to be my slaves, I'm thinking about it."

Said with disgust in his eyes.

He used to eat people like these when he saw them, but now they looked too small to fit between his teeth.

Other lions are also unwilling to eat.


Jin Biao was speechless, and then his eyes flickered.

According to normal thinking, he would definitely not let Simba accept them, so as not to be bewitched by humans and cause variables.

But this is in Africa, the education level and ideological horizon of the aborigines are very low, and now the grassland is isolated from the world...

A good candidate for a slave!
Jin Biao thought of the ancient myth, that incense becomes a god, and the power of faith, and he didn't know if it was feasible.

Jin Biao wanted to experiment with them, or in other words, on the African grasslands.

"Accept them, it may be useful in the future."

Jin Biao said spiritually.


Simba was taken aback, looked at Jin Biao in surprise, and nodded immediately.

"Yes, foster father!"

"Okay, this king will accept you, and you will be blessed by the lions in the future. But from now on, you must respect, worship, and believe in this king as if you were a god. This is a priest. From now on, you must kneel down to the idol every day!"

The native chief raised his head, then lowered it again.

"Yes, Your Highness the Great Lion King! Greet Your Highness, Greetings to the Priest!"

The other natives followed suit and knelt down.

They hadn't lived a civilized life before, and they were delighted to have the blessing of a powerful lion tribe. In the future, their tribe would no longer worry about jackals and hyenas.

Long live the lion, long live the priest!
Next, Jin Biao told Simba about the incense becoming a god.

Of course, I didn't explain so much, I only said how to do it, and doing so may help to improve my strength in the future.

Simba, who had no doubts about Jin Biao, suddenly became more interested.

Watching the natives go back with the two statues made by Jin Biao, Jin Biao talked to Simba about the size of the slaves.

At present, the ability of lions is limited, and too many slaves may cause human anger and counterattack, so...

There are a hundred indigenous tribes like this, and about 10 people are about the same.

The main thing is that I don’t know if it’s useful or not. If I haven’t seen the effect yet, I shouldn’t be greedy for more.

I don't know if Simba can finish it.

In addition, don't believe everything human beings say, you must be on guard.

"Don't worry, adoptive father! Those who are not of my race will have different hearts, I understand!"

Simba nodded affirmatively.


Jin Biao was taken aback.

Although he taught this, it always feels awkward to listen to it at this time.

Non-my family, its heart must be different……

"Well, remember that you belong to the Tiger Clan, and you have a foster father behind you to support you. Listen to your foster father, and you don't have to be afraid of anything!"

"Well, I'm Tiger Clan!"

Simba nodded affirmatively.

"But adoptive father, I have grown up, I am no longer a little tiger, no animals can bully me on this grassland, not even that big stupid elephant..."


 Thank you book friends who want to watch the sky full of stars 100 book coins, don't want 1100 book coins, 200 starting coins for one hour and 6100 starting coins for Su Qiyue, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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