Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 248 Assassination

Chapter 248 Assassination
Jin Biao's speed was very fast, but within a few breaths, he rushed to the spaceship's [-]-meter attack range, and immediately five spaceships pointed their muzzles at Jin Biao to attack.


Energy beams followed one after another, continuously.

In an instant, dozens of shots came over.


Jin Biao's body kept flashing to avoid the attack of the energy beam.

Even if he is wearing sword armor and his defense power is greatly increased, he cannot be hit by the energy beam casually, otherwise his body will be stagnant and he will definitely be attacked more violently.

The attack system of the alien spaceship can be accurate to milliseconds!


The aliens knew that Jin Biao had a sword armor, and they thought he would run amok after putting it on, and they would no longer dodge. They wanted to let Jin Biao know how powerful the alien spaceship was attacking, but they didn't expect him to do so!


What a smart and careful white tiger!

Soon Jin Biao approached within 5000 meters of the spaceship fortress, and the attack of the spaceship fortress became more intensive.

Jin Biao opened his mouth, and a thick lightning shot out.


A spaceship was hit and instantly pierced through.

The other spaceships quickly dispersed, and at the same time, the other two battle fortresses and forty spaceships also dispersed, while quickly flying towards Jin Biao to attack, while encircling him.


Jin Biao teleported 2000 meters, turned around, and escaped from the encirclement of the fleet.

Alien spaceship pursuit...

The tactics of the alien fleet are flexible and changeable, eclectic!
With intelligent brain assistance, the transformation is amazingly fast.

However, Jin Biao did not fight head-on with him, he was extremely slippery, and only fought guerrillas on the periphery.

Relying on the advantages of fast speed and combat power much stronger than a single spaceship, adhere to Taizu's eight-character mantra:

When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we fight!

Jin Biao and the shape fleet are constantly at war, both sides come and go, and you defend and attack.

As a result, the entire fleet lost its temper, and it still had the upper hand when it hit fifty or sixty...

"bang bang bang"

The spaceships were hit and fell one by one.

Soon there were only more than 40 ships left. Until then, the remaining aliens finally realized that Jin Biao was invincible, or temporarily invincible, and chose a strategic retreat.

Jin Biao did not choose to pursue, but fell down.

Fighting to collect spoils is the right way!
He's going to collect those downed spaceships.

Through communicating with Yamuluo and others, Jin Biao knew:

Fighting with the shape fleet, hitting the wings and other places can only temporarily make the spaceship out of control and unable to operate. Afterwards, it can be repaired quickly as long as it is sent back to the mothership.

In addition, the spacecraft will not explode or crash if it loses control, and the aliens inside will not be injured and fall.

Because they are all masters above the fifth level of extraordinary, they are very powerful in themselves, even if the spaceship is hit, they can escape from it, flying with power, it is almost impossible to expect accidental damage.

When they fly out of the spaceship, they will immediately put the spaceship into the portable storage space, continue to cooperate in the battle, and go to the mothership for repairs after the battle is over.

Unless the cockpit was hit, even the aliens inside would be killed together.

And that's what Jin Biao did, last time too!

It's just that he escaped last time, so although he hit a few ships, he didn't have a chance to collect...

This time, more than 20 ships were hit by him, and more than a dozen of them were hit by him in the cockpit.

Of course he would not let go of such an opportunity.

——Even if he pursued them, he would only be able to destroy one or two ships at most.

You must know that these spaceships are all made of alien alloys, which are of great attraction and benefits to Jin Biao. He has long been coveted, and now...

Jin Biao immediately went down to look for it.

Two hours later, Jin Biao couldn't help frowning.

He hit the cockpit of more than a dozen ships, but he only found seven...

What about the remaining ships?
Could it be that the aliens inside are fine and came out to take it away?
Or did other aliens in the vicinity take it away?

The latter is probably more likely!

Jin Biao frowned, feeling a little annoyed.

He was fighting with a tiger in the sky, and the alien whose fuselage was hit and fell, after collecting his own spaceship, went to collect other spaceships that were hit by the cockpit...

In this way, he could have more than 20 ships, but now there are only seven ships left.

This is the disadvantage of fighting alone, even the fruits of victory cannot be kept.


Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.

'Let's do it one by one, instead of engaging in large-scale battles! '

Jin Biao thought to himself.

In fact, it wasn't him who did it in the first place, he was besieged twice...

"It seems that there are alien monitors in the sky or in the forest below, be careful..."

After cleaning the battlefield, Jin Biao did not give up his plan and continued on his way.

It's just that he didn't fly anymore, but chose to shrink his body and run in the forest, continuing to head towards Europe.

Next, he will kill the aliens one by one by lurking assassination.

Backed by Tiger Clan information, he should be able to kill dozens of them...


The Artiz Fleet can only be regarded as a very ordinary fleet in the cosmic starry sky, but compared with the Earth, it is much stronger and more advanced.

After entering the earth, it has been going smoothly, except for some obstacles encountered in the mythical beasts Baihu and Kun.

The aliens are very confident, and it will only be a matter of time before they can be solved. They are invincible on Earth.

Floating in the starry sky for decades, it is hard to find and enter such a civilized planet with humans and intelligent robots. They only need to have a little snack, and then they can enjoy it to their heart's content.

In addition to practicing in life, there is more to enjoyment in life!

So they ate, drank, played and acted recklessly in undestroyed human cities.

With their strength, they are not worried about the murder and assassination of the earthlings...

In fact, many aliens have been assassinated by earthlings in various ways these days, but they have undoubtedly failed, and they can't even hurt them.

The difference is too big!
As soon as the assassins showed up, they were exposed before they even acted.

For aliens, those are really too LOW.

The aliens even regard the assassination of the earthlings as a small game and play with them to their heart's content.

While looking for thrills, demonstrate their strength, strike and obliterate the resistance of human beings on the earth...


Crush the head of an assassin.

With a stomp of his foot, the energy of his whole body exploded, turning an entertainment city into ruins in just a few breaths, causing countless casualties.

The Capricorn's body is suspended in the air, and he laughs wantonly and wildly on his face:
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Come on, come on, come as much as you like! Master Ben welcomes you to come to assassinate at any time, and use various methods to perform to your heart's content. Anyone who comes here will not be afraid!"

"If you kill this Marquis, you can get a lot of treasures. Treasures from alien planets can break through the extraordinary and form crystal nuclei with ease!"

"I'll tell you a secret. This Marquis has the most treasures in the fleet except for the captain. There are many, many, and various treasures. Really, I didn't lie to you. Come on!"


(End of this chapter)

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