Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 252 Mothership Core

Chapter 252 Mothership Core
The speed of these miniature fighter jets was even faster than the spaceships. Four or five hundred of them scattered to chase and intercept, which greatly increased Jin Biao's pressure.


With a muffled sound, the entire mothership vibrated violently, a large amount of blue smoke spewed out, and then sank suddenly, and the hull quickly tilted and fell.

It's a green bomb!
Blow up part of the area!


Jin Biao looked at the mothership in shock, a little shocked by her material and internal defense.

A green bomb exploded inside, but it didn't completely destroy it, but only a small part!
This is four-star technology!

Jin Biao immediately turned around and flew towards the destroyed side of the mothership.

At this time in the mothership.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep! Core No. 25 is destroyed! Areas 26, 27, 28, and 6 are completely destroyed, areas 7 and 29 are affected, and some functions are lost. Please repair it in time! Please repair it in time!" "

"Beep, beep, beep, beep! Core number seven..."


Hearing the alarm from the system, the silicon-based man slammed his fist on the operation panel in front of him, and he couldn't help panicking.

What does it mean that the mothership is destroyed?
It means that he will be trapped on this planet from now on, and may not be able to return to the prosperous center of the universe for a lifetime.

It's like a poor mountain village where people from an international metropolis are suddenly trapped...

"Damn stupid giant!"

The silicon-based man cursed.

If it wasn't for the giant Adela's obstruction, the intelligent robot would have thrown the green bomb into the destruction area long ago, and it would have been impossible to explode.

After a while, the silicon-based man regained his composure, and he thought of sending a message to the depths of the universe before the space jump.

If there is no accident, they may not necessarily be trapped here for many years...

Oh, not them, but himself!
In addition, even if it is not received there, it may be possible to repair it with the resources of the earth...


More than one-eighth of the area was destroyed, and the mothership's secondary protective cover flickered wildly, and it became much thinner, and some areas had obvious weak points.

Putting on his sword armor, Jin Biao teleported to this area a few times, opened his huge mouth, and shot out an incomparably condensed electric light, hitting layers of ripples, and then Jin Biao appeared in front of the light mask, popped out ten sharp claws and used his strength catch...


A huge hole was torn out of the energy mask, and Jin Biao shrank in size and slipped in.

Jin Biao did not attack the surface of the ship, but directly appeared in the area damaged by the blue bullet, shrunk his body to a minimum, and entered the mothership.


The silicon-based man was a little confused looking at the monitor screen.

White Tiger What does this mean?
Do you want to destroy the mothership from inside?
Silicon-based people were overjoyed.

Baihu's path is narrow!
At the same time, the bad mood of Captain Artiz, who was returning with all his strength, could not help but ease slightly.

Baihu took the initiative to enter the interior of the mothership and threw himself into the trap!
He thought he could sabotage from inside the mothership?
Do you underestimate the technology of the four-star civilization?

Just use the internal environment of the mothership to trap it!

Jin Biao's body has shrunk to a shoulder height of only two meters, and it is very spacious to walk in the passage of the mothership, especially the passage widened by the blue bomb explosion.

When the green bomb explodes, the hydrogen fusion itself only releases energy without radiation pollution, but the uranium bomb used to detonate still emits radiation.

But these are not problems for Jin Biao.

A huge space appeared in front of it, it should be in the center of the explosion, with a radius of 400 meters, surrounded by melted and re-solidified metal.

Jin Biao entered the central area of ​​the mothership in a flash.

The mothership is too big, if Jin Biao wants to destroy it, he must destroy the core position, otherwise he will not be able to melt the entire mothership by repeatedly emptying the power in his body several times.

He only needs to destroy the most important facility components of the center.


Jin Biao rushed through the area blasted by green bullets and entered the intact passage.

Ahead is a metal door that closes in a blink of an eye.


Jin Biao struck out a bolt of lightning, melting it within a few seconds.

Jin Biao quickly entered it.

"White Tiger Invasion! White Tiger Invasion!"

"Alert! Alert!"

An alarm sounded immediately in the passage, and at the same time the wall changed, and energy muzzles appeared one after another.


In a flash, Jin Biao appeared at the end of the passage, in front of another metal door.



Jin Biao did not have a diagram of the internal structure of the mothership, but with his special sense of metal and the destroyed No. [-] core area, he still roughly analyzed where the other seven cores were.

It is difficult and unrealistic to destroy all eight cores, but at least four must be destroyed, then the mothership can be declared completely scrapped.

Jin Biao soon approached the No. [-] core area.


The silicon-based people were shocked by Jin Biao's breakthrough speed, those metal doors made of super alloys couldn't stop him for three seconds!
Neither he nor Captain Artiz thought of it.

They didn't know that Jin Biao possessed the special thunder-attribute supernatural ability to restrain metal!
All energy guns in the front passage were opened in advance and fired continuously, while the silicon-based people closed all the doors.

But it was useless, unable to stop it, Jin Biao stopped going through the normal passage, and directly melted into the metal wall next to the passage...

This supernatural power of melting metal is too buggy, no matter how hard metal is, it can't stop it.

The Siji people had to mobilize a large number of robots to block the way, and he would send the robots wherever Jin Biao went.

A huge space appeared in front of it, with four huge pillars, and a special "room" in the middle of the pillars...

This is where the core of the mothership lies.


Looking at the four pillars and the small black room, Jin Biao's saliva was about to flow out.

This is the real super alloy, which almost represents the highest level of four-star civilization. Every metal in it is extremely extraordinary, and these are new to Jin Biao, and it will be of great benefit to swallow them.


A thick electric light shot out, and Jin Biao directly melted the small room, including some pillars.

Swallow two mouthfuls of the solution first, then pack the rest into one of the carry-on storage spaces.

At this time, a yellow object was exposed, which was the crystal nucleus, which drove the mothership. It was larger than a house, and its energy was restrained, without any fluctuations overflowing.

But Jin Biao could feel the huge energy contained in it.

For this, Jin Biao also had a strong attraction in his body, which was heavier than the metal pillar.

He can absorb this energy.

Jin Biao immediately disassembled it and put it into a space spar.

Then Jin Biao turned around and went to the next crystal nucleus area...


Silicon people panicked.


Captain Artiz, who was about to arrive, also panicked.

If one kernel is destroyed, they can still find a way to try to repair it, but two are dangerous.

Even if it can be repaired, how much energy, resources and how long will it take?
If three or four...

Oh my god, they are all a little unimaginable!

You have to stop him now!

"whoosh whoosh"

Spaceships arrived one after another, and they were aliens in the Americas Division.

They quickly left the spaceship and got into the mothership...

They want to stop Jin Biao!

(End of this chapter)

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