Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 258 Second Capture Plan

Chapter 258 Second Arrest Plan
The mothership was destroyed, and Artiz did not lead the fleet to pursue Jin Biao.

For one thing, the Tiger Emperor is too fast, so he may not be able to catch up, and if he is not prepared enough, he may not be able to catch it, and it will also damage his own strength, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Second, he burned his blood and needed to recover.

Thirdly, the mothership was destroyed, and the most important thing now is to count the losses, calculate the repair possibilities and measures, and stabilize the morale of the army.

The mothership is too important to the fleet, and its destruction will have a great impact. If it is not done well, people may be distracted and the team will not be easy to lead.

If the team breaks up, there will be two great enemies, Baihu and Kun...

Soon the intelligent brain counted the losses, and then gave the materials, substitutes, and alternatives needed for repair.

"Four cores... Zhenjin..."

Sure enough, four cores were destroyed...

The energy crystal nucleus is fine. Although the mothership does not have much reserves, as long as there are spirit stones and energy, they can be produced.

The key is the metal pillar, which has a very important material vibrating gold, which is the key to finding the space node for space jump. If there is no space, or there is a deviation, it will be difficult to achieve space jump, or there will be problems during the jump, and the consequences will be very serious. serious.

Other materials can be replaced with those on the earth, even if the performance is poor, it will not affect much, and it can return to the center of the universe.

Another option is to dismantle the mothership and reorganize it into a smaller mothership.

The performance and carrying capacity of the smaller mothership is naturally inferior in all aspects, and its function and value are greatly reduced, but at least it can return to the center of the universe.

Of course, there is no way around this.

Artiz informed all staff of this information, and expressed his considerations and decisions:
It is better to find materials first and repair the mothership.

If you can't find it and the repair is not good, disassemble the mothership and reassemble it.

The people in the fleet naturally have no objections, and their hearts have settled down.

So there are two next tasks, one is to find and collect materials, and the second is to catch the white tiger and Kun!
The mothership was destroyed, so it stands to reason that the task of catching beasts should be postponed until the mothership is repaired.

But the growth rate of the divine beasts Baihu and Kun is too fast. In a few years, they may not be rivals, and they may be retaliated by them and hunted back. This is absolutely impossible, so...

"Looking for and collecting materials and handing them over to intelligent robots, we have to do it ourselves to capture the two great beasts. Do you have any good ideas?"

Captain Artiz stood in front of the conference hall.

"The most difficult thing about the white tiger is speed and teleportation. As long as you limit the two, it will be easy to capture."

An alien said.

This is nonsense, everyone knows it, but there is nothing wrong with saying it, so let's start with it.

"Then how to limit the speed of the white tiger?"

"Gravity, the captain's gravity magic power..."

Someone thought of the first arrest, and the situation with the white tiger in the gravity space of the mothership.


Someone thought of a way to deal with Kun, and also blocked the Quartet with a giant net.

"We need a weapon with a large range. It doesn't need to be very lethal, as long as it can affect the speed and teleportation of the white tiger..."

Some people start with technological weapons.

"You all want to start from the front, why can't we use poison?"

Someone thought of using poison.

There are terrible poisons that even extraordinary creatures can't bear, and there are soul poisons.

"I can curse him with witchcraft and weaken his abilities in all aspects..."

said a wizard.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

This is a good method, why didn't I think of using it before?

With poison, with witchcraft...

Everyone's thoughts diverged, and ideas emerged one by one, the way to deal with the white tiger.

A plan to deal with and capture the white tiger has gradually taken shape.

Then came Kun.

After having a plan to deal with the white tiger, the deal with Kun will be much easier, and it will come out soon.

Kun's super supernatural power is stagnation in space. This is a bug. The best way is to prevent him from having a chance to use it...

The aliens are too proud, the superiority and self-confidence from the advanced civilization at the center of the universe, even in the face of mythical beasts.

Divine beasts are also indigenous divine beasts...

However, after two failures, they knew that the beast was difficult to deal with, and it was difficult to capture it head-on, so they thought of a devious tactic.

After the plan is made, the wizard goes first!

Some witchcraft has immediate results and comes fiercely, and some witchcraft is silent and moistens things silently.

The divine beast has a special physique, and there is also the supernatural power of thunder and lightning that restrains witchcraft, so many witchcraft cannot be used.

There are only two kinds of witchcraft that the wizard is going to use, one is to weaken the blood, and the other is to weaken the soul.

Both of these are a little bit weakened, nothing different at first, just feel lazy and want to sleep, gradually become tired, weak, and then become more and more tired and weaker.

In addition, coupled with chronic toxins...

The wizard's plan is two months, two months to weaken the white tiger's vitality and soul by at least [-]%, and at the same time, he will be poisoned with a certain amount of poison.

Every wizard is a master poisoner.

Two months later, the recovered captain Artiz led the fleet to make the final arrest.

"The Divine Beast White Tiger..."

The wizard drove the spaceship to the northeast, then put away the spaceship, and came to Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the dark wearing a black robe, his eyes flickering.

Divine beasts, especially immature divine beasts are a huge temptation for any practitioner.

The wizard also wanted to take the mythical white tiger as his own and keep it for himself instead of sharing it with other members of the fleet and selling it for a penny!
Think about the mythical white tiger becoming his contract pet, then his strength can be greatly increased.

It is absolutely possible to kill Captain Artiz, take control of the fleet, wait on the earth for a hundred years, wait for the white tiger to grow to the demigod level, use the resources on the earth to grow to the extraordinary ninth level, and then return to the center of the universe...

This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!

"Let's weaken the white tiger first, and leave behind some hidden hands. After the white tiger is caught..."

The wizard thought to himself.

He is a stable and patient wizard, and he will never do anything without more than [-]% certainty.

Facts have proved that only stable people can live longer.

The white tiger appeared in the Northeast for the first time, and then appeared in the Northeast many times. The Tiger King of Changbai Mountain and the Tiger King of Daxinganling are his younger brothers, so it is not difficult to guess that his lair is in Xiaoxinganling.

The wizard is not only a master of assassination, but also a master of tracking, and his cultivation base is far superior to the current earth creatures (except for the two great beasts), so he soon came to the vicinity of the No. [-] aura hole.

The wizard checked the water sources and the ground veins nearby, trying to find some white tiger feces, so that he could perform witchcraft quietly and weaken the white tiger.

——Witchcraft will be more powerful if it is performed through a medium, or it will be hidden.

Finally, three days later, he set his sights on the No. [-] spiritual hole.

Time to get moving!


(End of this chapter)

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