Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 260 Shoulder Height 2 Meters

Chapter 260 Shoulder Height 20 Meters


In an instant, the eyes of several giant whales all looked over.

Alien spaceship?one?
They all knew that the aliens had captured the blue whale king, and all the whale kings went to help after receiving the news.

They didn't go, but they wanted to do something.

"Where is the spaceship? Hurry up and lead the way!"

The largest giant whale said.

The aura of the five giant whales instantly became different, full of sharpness and fierceness.

"Okay, let's go!"

Jin Biao's eyes lit up, and he flapped his wings and flew into the distance.

Five giant whales followed...

"hurry up!"


"Oh, you guys are too slow, hurry up!"

Jin Biao kept urging.

The giant whale's speed was at most several hundred kilometers per hour, crawling like a snail in front of Jin Biao.

The distance between the five giant whales gradually increased, and the largest one left the group and followed Jin Biao alone.

Jin Biao looked back at the four giant whales that were no longer visible behind him, and suddenly made a 120-degree turn, leading the giant whales to fly in another direction.

"How far is it, where is the spaceship?"

Half an hour later, the giant whale asked.

No abnormalities have been found yet.

"Hurry up, hurry up, right in front."

Jin Biao was not in a hurry, his eyes wandered.

He is observing, picking a place where he can eat in peace.

At this time they have reached the Arctic Ocean, and glaciers can be seen everywhere below.

After flying for another half an hour, just when the giant whale began to doubt...


Jin Biao spoke.

'Arrived?Where is the spaceship? '

The giant whale was taken aback for a moment, and looked around in a daze.

Jin Biao's figure flashed above the giant whale's head, and he slapped...


The giant whale's head exploded in an instant, and then fell straight down.

A whale in the True Yuan Realm is just a slap in the face.

To prevent the meat from being smashed, Jin Biao held it up when he was still close to the ground.

Find the orifice first, and take out the unscattered spiritual liquid inside...

The orifice of the Whale Clan has a large space, similar to Jin Biao's, and half of the psychic liquid is stored in it, which is really a big surprise.

It would take at least a year or two for Jin Biao to absorb the aura in the spirit stone to accumulate so much.

Sure enough, plunder is the fastest way to get rich.

Then Jin Biao disemboweled the whale, took out the digestive tract of the whale and threw it away, and then began to eat, integrating the accumulation of the whale's life into his body.

"Rahm Rahm"

Jin Biao swallowed with a big gulp, his stomach wriggled, digested quickly, and digested quickly as he ate, all kinds of substances continued to accumulate and entered the proper position.

The size of this whale is too big, even if Jin Biao keeps swallowing, it will take four or five days. However, the speed of digestion cannot match the speed of swallowing, and it is impossible for Jin Biao to keep swallowing.

So when Jin Biao swallowed even the bones of this giant whale, it was already a month later. Jin Biao's shoulder height increased by more than one meter, and the conversion rate was less than two thousandths.

Jin Biao nourished and tempered his body with energy while devouring it. At the same time, he also devoured the spaceship alloy, so his body strength did not drop much.

Then Jin Biao changed another place and lured another giant whale, doing the same thing...

The wizard waited for two months near the No. [-] Spiritual Qi Cave, prepared for two months, and carved almost all the places in Jin Biao's cave where the magic circle could be engraved, but the white tiger did not come back, and he did not come back for two months.

A detector photographed the white tiger flying over the sea in Europe, but its whereabouts were uncertain.

Reluctantly, the plan to capture the mythical white tiger had to be postponed.

Two months later, the mythical white tiger still hasn't returned...

Atiz couldn't wait any longer, so he decided to capture Kun first!
So the fleet changed the order of capture and went to capture the Blue Whale King first.

The death game between whales and whalers has been around for a long time. After the aura was revived, the aliens once again made the whale king and the whale family feel the threat of death. spaceship.

However, their knowledge is limited, they know too little about aliens and alien technology, and their whereabouts are almost always under the control of aliens.

On this day, the alien spaceship came again. The Blue Whale King was slightly taken aback, then flicked his tail, and plunged into the bottom of the sea...


The aliens looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately two spaceships dived into the water, changing their forms to chase after the Blue Whale King.

Their main purpose of entering the water is to keep up with and keep track of the Blue Whale King, and find a way to force the Blue Whale King to the surface of the sea. The spaceship above is always ready to attack and arrest, and cooperate with each other.

However, the Blue Whale King has become gentle and smart, and will not come up from the deep seabed.

After the aura is transformed into liquid, he can no longer go to the sea to take a breath, and he doesn't need it if he has already condensed the crystal nucleus.

When the alien spacecraft enters the water, its speed and attack power will drop significantly. Although the speed can still catch up with the Blue Whale King, it is difficult for the two spacecraft to force the Blue Whale King out of the water, and the King Whale even used the advantage of the seabed to fight back.

So the fleet dispatched four, eight, twelve...

However, the Blue Whale King is not a vegetarian, he can also call other whales.

So an underwater battle started...

Two months later, the fleet still hadn't captured the Blue Whale King, and they hadn't even been forced out of the sea.

At this time, Jin Biao, who swallowed seven giant whales, was already over 20 meters tall at the shoulder, nearly fifty in length, with a wingspan of two hundred, and his strength increased greatly.

However, Jin Biao has already felt his limit. If he continues to swallow his skyrocketing body size, his body strength, speed, and even his reaction will drop. He needs to temper, polish and accumulate for a period of time.

No food for at least three years.


With a height of 20 meters at the shoulder and a weight of more than [-] tons, every step is enough to shake the ground.

Jin Biao felt unparalleled strength. It would be no problem to slap a mountain down with a slap, and the giant Atize couldn't stop it from bursting out with all his strength.

And his strength will increase rapidly in the future, the later Attiz finds him, the less chance of winning.

But in order not to be exposed, he still has to shrink his body to about [-] feet tall at the shoulders, so when the time comes, hehe.

'Hope they come later, preferably in three years...'

Jin Biao's eyes flickered as he looked towards the east of the United States.

Three years later, his strength will inevitably skyrocket to a terrifying level, crushing Artiz and crushing the fleet.

After he has dealt with all the aliens at Artiz, he can take the mothership as his own, and then save the gravity space, refining and devouring all the other metals.

Jin Biao felt that after he devoured the mothership and added the metals on the earth, there would be no problem breaking through to the demigod level.

"Demigod, I hope that the earth will be peaceful and stable before I break through the demigod..."



Jin Biao returned to the No. [-] spiritual cave, and suddenly frowned.

He felt a dark atmosphere, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in the cave space.

'what's the situation?Didn't come back for half a year and was taken over by ghosts and monsters? '


A dazzling flash of lightning flashed, and the air in the cave was immediately cleared, full of positive energy...


(End of this chapter)

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