Chapter 268

Everyone on the street looked at the three figures falling from the sky in shock.

Descending from the sky, an extraordinary life!
Then I was a little confused.

What's happening here?
A tiger in clothes?


See you for the first time!

wait, no!
Flying, three tigers, one white, one yellow, one red...

Many people suddenly had a bold guess in their hearts.

'Could these three be...'

Flying with flying power is impossible even at the third level of extraordinary, only at the fourth level of extraordinary, with crystal nuclei condensed in the body!
In other words, these are three extraordinary tigers above the fourth rank!
However, the tigers on the earth that can reach the fourth level of extraordinary...

Tiger King, Changbai Mountain Tiger King, Siberia Tiger King, one white, one red, one yellow, just right!

Oh my god, it's the Tiger King and two Tiger Kings coming, and they are still dressed like relatives...


The breathing of the surroundings suddenly became rapid, many people's faces turned red quickly, and some people backed away quietly.

The three tiger-shaped men stood on the street and immediately became the brightest cubs, attracting countless eyes.

Er Biao and San Biao were not used to being watched by so many people at the same time, San Biao frowned slightly, and Er Biao took a step forward:
"What are you looking at? Get lost!"

Er Biao speaks human language, and speaks with breath.


Everyone was startled, and then quickly backed away with a "wow", running far away.

The tiger king of the extraordinary fourth rank was angry, few of them could escape, and their death would be in vain.

'That one has fiery red hair, it should be the Tiger King of Changbai Mountain, and its temper is really violent. '

'How did they all get so small?Is it some kind of supernatural power? '

'Why is the Tiger Emperor's wings gone? '

'Is this the three members of the Tiger Clan? '


"Let's go, big brother will take you for a stroll."

Jin Biao put his palms in his pockets, greeted Er Biao and San Biao, and walked forward.

Here he is familiar.

Er Biao and San Biao followed quickly, looking around curiously.

Now that you're here, take a look.

Jin Biao also looked around, just like an ordinary human being, but his face was expressionless and his eyes were a little cold.

He wants to keep the tiger emperor tiger design!

The rebuilt ice city is very beautiful. Most of the buildings are five-six-story, seven-eight-story, reinforced concrete, and pure wood. The combination of technology and nature fully exerts the human imagination.

There are shops on both sides of the street, some selling clothes, some selling armor, some selling panacea, and some selling food.

Two Biao and Three Biao are not interested in other things, but the food...


As soon as they stepped into the street, they smelled all kinds of tempting fragrances. They were particularly sensitive to smells, wandering in the ocean of complex smells, and gradually drooled.

They saw people eating and eating happily.

"Brother, can we eat those things?"

Er Biao asked.

When encountering unknown and uncertain things, he is used to asking his elder brother.

"Of course! Let's go, I'll take you to try it."

Jin Biao turned around and led them towards the kebab shop.


The person who was eating happily was taken aback for a moment, and then jumped away with a "shua".

The legs of the kebab shop owner began to tremble.

"Two hundred lamb skewers!"

Jin Biao spoke, speaking Chinese.

'Two or two hundred strings? '

The owner was taken aback for a moment, then...

'Speaking in human language? '

The owner was surprised.

Is this a real tiger, or a cosplay?

"Why are you worried that the emperor won't give you money?"

Seeing that the shopkeeper didn't do anything for a long time, Jin Biao frowned slightly.

Saying "pa", he slapped the table with his palm, and the two spirit stones were thrown out.

"No, no, no, no. Roast it here, bake it here, no no... Lingshi!"

The shopkeeper swallowed his saliva and said hastily, and then quickly operated.

So the store baked while Jin Biao, Er Biao and San Biao ate.

"The meat is too small, big pieces!"

Er Biao frowned after eating two, dissatisfied.

Just a little bit of meat is not enough for him to squeeze between his teeth.

"Yes, too small."

San Biao nodded, agreeing with Er Biao's point of view.

Rarely do they agree.

Tigers don't grind their teeth, they don't chew their food, they swallow dates whole.

To eat skewers is directly stroked into the mouth, and then swallowed into the stomach, in fact, there is no taste.

The store forced a smile, and then followed the instructions, cutting large pieces of meat for roasting.

"too small!"

"Still too small!"

Er Biao and San Biao were dissatisfied and kept talking.

The shopkeepers were about to cry.

It's not easy to get familiar with, and he didn't dare to let the three tiger clan bosses wait too long.

Besides, how big a block should they be satisfied with?

Jin Biao used the power of gold to wrap and transform the sharp teeth into chewable ones, and he chewed slowly by himself.

Uh, almost forget the taste!

Yes, it still smells like that!
"Hey, I said why are you humans so stingy? You have been called big for a long time, why are you still so small? Are you worried that we don't have spirit stones?"

Er Biao expressed his dissatisfaction again.

The shopkeeper was really about to cry, and his whole body began to tremble, for fear that Er Biao would swallow him alive if he got upset.

"Okay, here is to taste the taste, are you really ready to eat? There are still many delicious things in the future."

Jin Biao said at this time.

"Okay, change to another one and try something else."

Jin Biao turned and left the kebab shop.

Er Biao and San Biao turned their heads to follow.

Then Jin Biao took them on a snack tour, taking them to try everything on the street.

Not long after, a small car drove over, and the new mayor of Bingcheng stepped out of it.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, we have prepared a sumptuous meal for you, come and eat with us."

Looking at the three mayors of Jin Biao, he was also a little puzzled, but he had already confirmed that the three tigers had indeed fallen from the sky, and they were by no means ordinary tigers.


Jin Biao glanced at the mayor.

"No rush, let's go shopping later."

Jin Biao continued with his two younger brothers.

There are still many snacks and places on the street that I miss and are worthy of my two brothers' eyes.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when the bustling area was finished, that Jin Biao followed him to the reserved hotel.

In half an hour, the hotel has been well prepared.

As soon as the three tigers sat down, the dishes continued to be served, all of which were meaty.

Er Biao and San Biao sucked in their mouths, and a whole pot of vegetables was gone.

Jin Biao also ate in the same way, but at a much slower speed.

With the food intake of the three tigers, even if the entire back kitchen staff were exhausted, they would not be able to feed them enough.

But no one felt tired, the back kitchen was fully activated, and the entire restaurant was going all out.

Their purpose is only one, to serve the Tiger King and the two Tiger Kings well...


The news that Tiger King and the two Tiger Kings appeared in Ice City quickly spread throughout country Z, and at the same time spread to all parts of the world.

There are pictures and truth, and the Internet is boiling.

"Tiger Emperor appeared in Ice City, is it true or not?"

"This is the Tiger Emperor and his two younger brothers? Can someone identify whether this picture is P's?"

"Are you sure this is the Tiger King and the two Tiger Kings? They are so small and the same?"

"The Tiger King has no wings... This is definitely not the Tiger King and the two Tiger Kings!"


(End of this chapter)

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