Siberian Tiger King

Chapter 279 Earth Defense War

Chapter 279 Earth Defense War

It is not a difficult choice to solve all the resistance forces at once, or to give them a chance to lurk and keep making trouble for themselves.

The reason why the fleet is slowly approaching the mainland is to give the earth people a chance to prepare.

They have confidence in their own strength.

A group of natives!
In fact, just one mothership can beat them to the ground.

Atize's mothership would not have been destroyed if a human hadn't secretly sent a green bomb into it. If there was a mothership...

But no matter how slow it is, there will be a time, and finally the mainland is in sight.

At this time, the natives of the earth also appeared on the optical brain monitor.

"Well, the natives of this planet are unusual. There have been so many extraordinary mid-level cultivators in only four or fifty years since the spiritual energy recovered."

"But it's useless, all resistance is futile, even the primitive life planet with demigods cannot escape the fate of being suppressed by the fleet!"


"whoosh whoosh"

More than 1000 practitioners stepped on flying swords and rushed towards the mothership together with more than 200 fighter planes.

They want to keep the battlefield above the sea.

The fighter planes hovered and flew around the periphery to cover, and the monks charged...

Twenty years have passed, and the first batch of crystallized monks are now in the late stage of crystallization, that is, the sixth level of extraordinary.

Don't ask why they are so fast, ask:

First, they have high talents and fast cultivation speed;
Second, the country's resources are continuously supplied, all of which are the best, and the spiritual fluid is full.

Third, and most importantly, they have a small capacity, and the crystal nuclei in their bodies are only the size of an egg in the later stage, with a diameter of about four or five centimeters, while Jin Biao's is two meters...

The second-class aptitude, the eighth- and ninth-level fighters at the beginning, although they broke through a few years later, they have a large supply of psychic liquid, and their cultivation bases have also reached the fifth level of extraordinary.

There are also many children who were watered by the spiritual rain back then, and many of them had extraordinary cultivation aptitudes, and the latecomers became the main source of the third batch of crystallization.

At this time, they rushed towards the alien mothership together...

"Alarm alert! High energy accumulation is detected, please open the protective cover immediately, please open the protective cover immediately!"

Suddenly the mothership intelligence brain issued an alarm.

The people in the command center were startled and quickly zoomed in. The mothership's defense system showed a C-class energy cannon with a diameter of 2000mm on a ship hundreds of kilometers away.

The C-class energy cannon can already damage the mothership, if the protective cover is not opened.

"Open the C-level protective cover immediately!"

The commander immediately issued an order.

In fact, if he doesn't give an order, the brain will be activated in response, but...


The super laser cannon over there has just accumulated energy and sprayed it out.

The commander just wanted to order to destroy...


The ultra-large and highly condensed laser with a diameter of two meters slammed into the protective shield of the mothership, causing waves of ripples.

At this moment, dozens of fighter planes suddenly rushed towards the mothership, going straight at full speed!
Something happened so fast that people had no time to react, and then...

"bang bang bang"

More than a dozen huge cyan cottons swelled, and the mothership's C-level shield was instantly blasted, spreading inside.

When the blue clouds dispersed, the heavily plasticized mothership appeared in everyone's sight.

' all right? '

"More than a dozen green bombs detonated at the same time, and they haven't been completely scrapped yet?" '


A deck on the mothership fell, and the entire mothership shook, shook twice, and then returned to normal.

Then the hatch of the mothership opened, and spaceships flew out one after another.

At the same time, another mothership also opened its hatch, and hundreds of spaceships flew out.

The aliens are angry!

At this time, the cultivator who charged was still two or three kilometers away from the mothership. He was hit by a shock wave just now, and he was fine.

But I was terrified enough, now...

It's a pity that this failed to destroy one of the motherships!


"Come on!"

"Fuck the aliens!"

Soon the two sides were fighting together.

The monks yelled to kill and charge, but they would not chase the alien spaceship stupidly.

Their speed is far from keeping up with the speed of the spaceship. They know this very well in their hearts. Their main goal is the mothership. As long as they can board and enter the mothership...

Even if they can't board the mothership, the alien spaceship will take the initiative to intercept them when they rush to the mothership. Don't they have blue bullets?

In this way, they also have the opportunity to cut the spaceship with their swords.

This is all taught by the tactical instructor on the way here. At first they didn't understand it very well, but now they understand it.

Damn, it turned out to be green bombs, a dozen of them exploded together...



Northendia on the mothership punched the super alloy table heavily, leaving a deep fist mark.

"Why didn't they detect the blue bombs they were carrying? Zhinao, please give me a reasonable explanation!"

"They should have used a space device to block my detection. Master, don't blame me for this!"

Northendia caught her breath.

Don't blame you, then blame me?
Northendia suddenly thought of Artiz's fleet, and each of their members had a space storage device on them...


Northendia punched the super alloy table again.

"This waste! Not only sent advanced civilization technology to the natives of the earth, but also sent the space storage device that destroyed my mothership! Waste!"

"These Earthlings are really cunning. The space storage device was useless at the beginning. Let us relax our vigilance. Now it is suddenly exposed, which really surprises me!"

"But it's useless, all resistance is futile!"

Northendia glanced at the battle situation outside, there are people on Earth who are going to fight in front of the mothership.

"How is the mothership damaged?"

"No. 7.8, No. [-], No. [-] were slightly damaged, No. [-] area was moderately damaged, and the overall damage rate was [-]%!"

"Damn it, it actually damaged my mothership by 7.8%! Put another five hundred intelligent robots, leave everyone behind, and destroy that fort!"

"Yes, Master!"

With Northendia's order, another [-] intelligent robots were thrown into the battlefield, making the Z country monks who were already surrounded and at a disadvantage, and only supported by one breath, suddenly fall into a more difficult situation, and people continued to die.

Many people's eyes were red.


"Kill the mothership!"

"Swear to the death to destroy the Mothership!"

They rushed towards the mothership desperately, breaking through one intelligent flying robot after another.

Finally, Qing Yuandao rushed to the mothership and stood on the deck of the mothership.


Daoist Qingyuan flew back at a faster speed, and the person suddenly exploded in the air with a "bang", spilling blood.

A two-meter-tall, silver-white silicon-based man stood at the entrance of the passage, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"How dare a little Transcendent sixth-order rush to the Mothership?"Hmph, overreaching! '




More than 200 fighter planes were quickly wiped out under the siege of more than [-] alien spacecraft.

More than 1000 monks left less than [-], and at this time the coalition forces of various countries arrived...


(End of this chapter)

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